
  • 网络Mass Tort
  1. 对大规模侵权,因其自身特征,需要有特别的侵权损害赔偿救济模式。

    For their characteristics , the mass torts should have the special ways of damages relief .

  2. 第二部分,为我国构建大规模侵权多元化救济机制,提出了其存在的理论基础。

    In the second part . I proposed theoretical basis of our country building mass torts diversified relief mechanism .

  3. 从大规模侵权看侵权责任法的体系变迁

    On the System Transformation of the Tort Law Based on Mass Tort

  4. 第二部分回顾了国内外大规模侵权案例及各国的救济情况。

    The second part reviews the domestic and foreign large-scale infringement of typical cases .

  5. 本文分四个部分对大规模侵权的法律救济制度作了介绍。

    The paper is divided into four parts of mass tort law relief system .

  6. 在频发的大规模侵权案件中,集团诉讼越来越多的得到适用。

    In large scale tort cases , class action is applied more and more often .

  7. 该案件是一起典型的大规模侵权案件,三鹿集团也因此破产。

    The incident was a typical mass tort case . Sanlu Group therefore went into bankruptcy .

  8. 大规模侵权就是在风险社会这样一个语境下作为独立的问题凸显出来。

    Large-scale infringement is such a risk society as an independent in the Context of prominent .

  9. 解决这一问题的根本方法在于赋予大规模侵权之债优先权。

    The fundamental way to solve this problem is to give priority to the debt of mass tort .

  10. 第五部分主要介绍了发达国家在应对大规模侵权纠纷时所采用的救济模式。

    The fifth part mainly introduces the success of the mass tort victims relief pattern in developed countries .

  11. 大规模侵权不仅是一个社会现象,更是一个亟待解决的法律问题。

    The mass tort is not only a social phenomenon , but also a legal question which require immediately solution .

  12. 然而我国责任保险在大规模侵权风险管理中的运用程度十分的低。

    But the application of the liability insurance in the risk management of mass torts risk in China is very inadequate .

  13. 随着经济的快速发展利科技的广泛运用,大规模侵权在各个领域频繁发生。

    With the development of economic and the wide use of science and technology , mass torts occurs frequently in various fields .

  14. 从社会和经济发展的角度,大规模侵权案件的出现与社会化大生产密不可分。

    From the point of view of social and economic development , the emergence of mass torts is inseparable from large-scale social production .

  15. 大规模侵权所产生的损害往往具有突发性、严重性和复杂性,进而演化为公共危机。

    The damage caused by mass tort often happen suddenly , seriously and with complicated reasons , and easily to be the public crisis .

  16. 因此,在不排除其它救济制度的前提下应当将责任保险作为应对大规模侵权案件的主要救济制度之一。

    Therefore , without excluding other relief model of liability insurance should be provided as one of the main relief model of mass tort cases .

  17. 在对大规模侵权责任保险准确定性的基础上,从必要性和可行性两方面论证了大规模侵权责任保险制度的正当性。

    On the basis of accurate qualitative of mass torts liability insurance , the legitimacy of mass tort liability insurance system includes necessity and feasibility .

  18. 通过对于社会主导价值观的整合来防止社会主体价值标准的偏离,减少大规模侵权的再发生。

    Through the integration of the dominant values of society to prevent social main values from the deviation , and reduce the recurrence of mass tort .

  19. 这些大规模侵权事件的影响范围也正随着经济全球化和贸易一体化的深入发展而呈现出国际化的趋势。

    The influence of these large-scale infringement events is also along with the further development of economic globalization and trade integration and present the trend of internationalization .

  20. 由此可知,大规模侵权不能被不同类型的单一侵权所涵盖,侵权法应当确立大规模侵权的独立地位。

    Therefore , mass torts can not be covered by the different types of single tort . The tort law should establish the independent state of mass torts .

  21. 近些年来,因产品责任侵害消费者合法权益、环境污染、证券诉讼、大型安全事故等原因引起的大规模侵权纠纷不断。

    In recent years , due to product liability against the legitimate interests of consumers , environmental pollution , securities litigation , major safety accidents caused mass torts disputes .

  22. 通过法律博弈中的政策倾斜来实现对于弱势群体的保护,使得大规模侵权发生几率降低,有效遏制其演变为危及社会稳定性的事件可能性。

    Through the protection of vulnerable groups by the preferential policies to low down the occurrence of mass tort and the chance to be the cases of threatening social stability .

  23. 侵害人类各种利益的不法行为不断涌现,大规模侵权事件呈现多发态势,在侵害我们财产安全的同时,也严重威胁着我们的生命健康安全。

    The illegal behaviors that infringe personal interest emerge frequently , and numerous mass torts show up , infringe not only our property , but also our lives and health .

  24. 我国应借鉴吸收发达国家的先进经验,在特定领域或行业内建立责任保险和赔偿基金制度来应对大规模侵权。

    China should absorb the good experience from developed countries that liability insurance and compensation fund should be established in a particular field or industry to respond to mass torts .

  25. 文章第四章是对于大规模侵权责任承担的构建,通过对于大规模侵权的社会危害性以及损害严重性等角度出发,论证了构建大规模侵权责任承担机制的必要性,为该机制的建立奠定理论基础。

    From the damage to social and the seriousness of injure to demonstrate the need of setting up the mass tort liability system . And establish the theoretical basis of mechanism .

  26. 而这需要在对大规模侵权、优先权制度和大规模侵权之债优先性原理具有充分认识的基础上完成。

    This requires the full understanding of the concepts of the " mass tort ", " priority system " and the reason of the debt of mass tort be given priority .

  27. 这一系列的事件与传统的侵权案件有很大的差异,构成要件更加复杂,对受害人的危害程度更大,受害人获得救济也更加困难,属于大规模侵权行为。

    These series of incidents belong to mass torts which are much different from traditional torts , they are more complex , more harmful , and the victims are harder to get compensation .

  28. 目前,各个领域的大规模侵权问题时有发生而现有的解决机制又过于的单一和应急,只是一味的强调行政的责任和有关的行政处理。

    At present , the existing settlements are too single and jury while mass tort have occurred in various fields . The existing settlements are emphasis on administrative responsibilities and the administrative dispositions only .

  29. 大规模侵权事件的频发使得大规模侵权及其损害赔偿问题受到学界的广泛重视,如何救济广大受害人群成为学界讨论的重点。

    Because of the frequent disputes of mass torts , scholars start to pay extensive attention to mass torts and its damages ; and they focus on such question that how to relieve the victim mass .

  30. 善后机制主要是针对社会转型而产生的社会主导价值的多元、社会伦理道德的缺失,法律中的利益博弈使得弱势群体更边缘化等形成大规模侵权的深层次原因进行的规范。

    Post-delegation mechanisms is emphasized on regulating deep-seated reasons of mass tort caused by social transformation mechanism , the lack of social ethics and the marginality of vulnerable groups which caused by the game in law .