
  1. 听起来很有意思,地坛庙会有什么好玩的?

    Sounds interesting ! What interesting places are there in The Ditan temple fair ?

  2. 地坛庙会怎么样?

    What about DiTan Temple Fair ?

  3. 上香许愿:一名游客在北京春节期间的地坛庙会上烧香祈福。

    NEW YEAR WISHES : A tourist burned incense at the Ditan Temple Fair during Chinese New Year celebrations in Beijing .

  4. 比较有名的有白云观庙会、地坛庙会、龙潭湖庙会、隆福寺庙会等。

    Relatively famous temple fairs are those of the White Cloud Temple , the Altar of Earth , Dragon Pool and the Temple of Intense Happiness .

  5. 你可以期待一些特色活动像是武术或者舞狮舞龙表演、大甩卖以及地坛庙会、龙潭庙会和东岳庙会上的美食。

    You can expect special entertainment such as martial arts displays or lion and dragon dances , special sales , and festival foods at the festival fairs at Ditan Temple , Longtan Temple and Dongyue Temple .