
dì bǎn
  • floor;floor board;farmland;cropland
地板 [dì bǎn]
  • (1) [floor board]∶建筑物地面的表层,由木板或其它地面材料做成

  • (2) [farmland;croplan] 〈方〉∶田地

地板[dì bǎn]
  1. 设计使用分户地板供热中的费用及舒适性问题。

    This paper states the cost and comfort of gas boiler and floor board heating system .

  2. 我国南方将细辛全草铺于地板下以防白蚁侵蛀。

    In Chinese southward , people have spreaded Asarum grass below the floor board to drive termites .

  3. 孩子们把厨房的地板弄得污渍斑斑。

    The children left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor .

  4. 她正趴在地板上到处寻找耳环。

    She was on hands and knees looking for an earring .

  5. 孩子们把厨房的地板弄得污迹斑斑。

    The kids left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor .

  6. 他大叫了一声倒在地板上。

    He gave a loud cry and fell to the floor .

  7. 罗莎咬着嘴唇,眼睛盯着地板。

    Rosa chewed on her lip and stared at the floor .

  8. 我见他在厨房擦地板呢。

    I found him in the kitchen , scrubbing the floor .

  9. 不要把衣服往地板上一扔就不管了。

    Don 't just sling your clothes on the floor .

  10. 她的脚在湿地板上一滑,重重地摔了一跤。

    Her foot skidded on the wet floor and she fell heavily .

  11. 他们开始前在地板上铺了报纸。

    Before they started they laid newspaper on the floor .

  12. 他的大衣太长,差不多拖到地板了。

    His coat was so long it was almost touching the floor .

  13. 地板上东西挪空,涂上了清漆。

    The floors had been stripped and sealed with varnish .

  14. 地板上到处散落着文件。

    Papers were scattered here and there on the floor .

  15. 地板上有成堆的书和鞋。

    There was a collection of books and shoes on the floor .

  16. 她把所有的陈设都擦干净,还拖了地板。

    She wiped all the surfaces and mopped the floor .

  17. 他的衣服堆在地板上。

    His clothes lay in a heap on the floor .

  18. 你可能得用玻璃砂纸打磨一下地板。

    You may need to give the floor a rub-down with glasspaper .

  19. 地板上四处散乱着文件。

    There were papers lying around all over the floor .

  20. 地板上的鞋子都整齐成双地摆着。

    All the shoes on the floor were neatly paired .

  21. 地板用一张搭着一张的报纸保护着。

    The floor was protected with overlapping sheets of newspaper .

  22. 她痛得在地板上直打滚。

    She was writhing around on the floor in agony .

  23. 他的头砰的一声撞在了地板上。

    His head hit the floor with a dull thud .

  24. 书、鞋子和衣服胡乱堆放在地板上。

    Books , shoes and clothes were jumbled together on the floor .

  25. 他哼了一声倒在地板上。

    He fell to the floor with a groan .

  26. 地板上布满了计算机的连线。

    Computer wires were trailing all over the floor .

  27. 我在地板上盖着毯子缩成一团。

    I huddled under a blanket on the floor .

  28. 她的书在地板上东一本西一本地放着。

    Her books were lying about on the floor .

  29. 瓷砖地板容易打扫干净。

    A tiled floor is easy to brush clean .

  30. 迈克尔说他来擦洗厨房地板。

    Michael said he would do the kitchen floor .