
  • 网络Maps Tool;cartographic tool
  1. 农业专利地图工具设计及框架实现的研究

    The Research on the Design of Agricultural Patent Mapping Software and the Implementation of Its Framework

  2. 充分有效地在课堂上使用地图工具,是学生形成一定的地理技能,进而形成一定能力的有效方法。

    Using map in classroom fully and effectively is an effective way for students to obtain some geography skill and geography ability in a certain degree .

  3. 本文以LL公司为例,采用理论分析和实际操作相结合的方法运用平衡计分卡战略地图工具来设计LL公司绩效管理体系。

    This paper takes LL Corporation as an example , adopting both theoretical analysis and real operation and balanced scorecard to design LL Corporation 's performance management system .

  4. 第三部分利用最新的专利申请数据和专利地图工具对我国银行业专利申请进行现状分析,得出我国内资银行在专利申请质量、专利分布和专利申请理性上存在缺陷的结论。

    The third part uses the newest patented claim data and the patent map tool to analyze present situation and gets results that there are some problems in patent quality , the patent distribution and rationality of patent claiming .

  5. 之后对该案例进行了分析,表明相对于已有的学科信息资源建设方法,知识地图工具可以更好地体现学科信息资源之间整体的、联系的和用户参与的观念。

    The paper analyzes the case , indicating that relative to existing methods of the construction of information resources of subjects , knowledge map tool is better at reflecting the integrity and connection of information resources of subjects , and reflecting the concept of users ' interaction .

  6. 内置的GPS传感器可以识别你的起始地点,随后谷歌地图导航工具会帮你选择最佳路线。

    A built-in GPS will determine the wearer 's starting location while the Google Maps navigation tool will help chart the best route .

  7. 尽管在早些年,配电网GIS已经在供电企业得到了应用,但大多数基于GIS的配电网系统仅仅把GIS作为一种地图背景工具。

    Although the distribution GIS was applied to power supply business in the early years , GIS is only used as a kind of map background tool in most of the distribution system based on GIS .

  8. 然而,提供地图表达工具与符号化机制的GIS软件侧重于地理数据的建立与维护,不支持地图的自由编辑,难以满足地图生产的需要。

    However , the cartographic presentation tools and symbolization mechanisms available in the existed GIS software that is used to build and maintain the geographic database , have not provided the cartographic quality or the human freedom to produce directly the desired cartographic outputs ( Paul , 2004 ) .

  9. 现在有几个站点地图生成工具可用

    Several sitemap generation tools are now available

  10. 地理定位领域中的巨头都拥有各自的地图绘制工具,这些工具几乎将全球范围内的大型建筑物都收录其中。

    The big names in geolocation have tools for mapping large-scale structures with near global coverage .

  11. 以知识地图为工具塑造学习型图书馆员

    Moulding Learning-oriented Librarian Through Knowledge Map

  12. 甚至有最好的地图和工具,我们永不能完全地绘出我们的旅程。

    Even with the best of maps and instruments , we can never fully chart our journeys .

  13. 这件事后,谷歌推迟了它的公共地图制作工具,并开始手动重新审查每一个提交上来的地图。

    Google suspended its public Map Maker tool and started to review every submission manually after the incident .

  14. 地图的工具性属性决定了地图学的发展极大地受到技术的影响和制约。

    Due to the tool property of map , the development of the map is mostly affected and limited by the technology .

  15. 最后,作者认为开发新一代电子地图著作工具将成为目前这一领域的紧迫课题。

    Lastly , that developing a new editing tool for the new generation of electronic maps is an urgent issue in this field is concluded .

  16. 地图导航工具可实现放大和缩小,平移地图,选择和显示与每个图形象相关联的字母数字值。

    Map navigation tools allow you to zoom in and out , pan , and select and display the alphanumeric values associated with each graphic object .

  17. 在零售版中包含了地图编辑工具,我真的期待我们也能看到一些北美的玩家自己做的非常酷的地图。

    With the world editor tool included with the retail version , I expect we will see some really cool maps from the North American fans too .

  18. 未来版本会有新的安全措施以及地图开发工具,会给玩家新的体验以及更好的新地图制作环境。

    There will always be new security features as well as map development functionality in future patches to provide a better experience for everyone and the game needs to be able to utilize them .

  19. 基于OOP技术的地图符号制作工具的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of a Tool for Map Symbols Based on OOP Technology

  20. 矢量地图快速浏览工具的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of the Quick Browser for Digital Vector Map

  21. 基于知识地图的质量工具学习系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Knowledge Map-based Quality Tools Learning System

  22. 第三部分描述了网站地图及其辅助工具的设计与开发;

    In the part of third , we present the design and development of sitemap and CASE tool .

  23. 介绍了数字矢量地图快速浏览工具研制的意义、设计思想、主要功能和关键技术,并对最终的结果进行了评价。

    This paper gives the value , the idea of design , the main functions and the key technologies of the quick browser for digital vector map .

  24. 第五章:参照软件工程的思想,对基于知识地图的质量工具学习系统的系统结构、功能组成、系统开发环境、开发工具与方法和系统数据库进行设计与开发;

    Chapter five refers to the philosophy of software engineering , and designs and develops system structure , function composition , development environment , tools , methods and database of this system .

  25. 对概念地图作为知识评价工具的研究框架进行了实证分析;提出了18个概念地图结构分析的测量指标,并验证了这些指标的信度和效度。

    The authors make an empirical study of concept map as a research framework of knowledge evaluation , propose 18 measurement indicators for the analysis of concept maps , and prove the credibility and effectiveness of these indicators .

  26. 本文在Atlas2000软件平台下,设计和制作了北极地区多媒体电子地图,对于多媒体电子地图集成工具的开发和电子地图的设计开发具有一定的参考价值。

    This article discusses the design and implementation characteristic of ordinary multimedia electro-map , and Arctic region multimedia electro-map was designed and implemented based on the software Atlas 2000 . This article has an important reference value for the developing of multimedia electro-map integrated software and the design of electro-map .

  27. 通过辽宁省地质构造解译图和辽宁省地质灾害遥感解译图这两个电子地图的制作,说明了电子地图制作的工具选择、制作方法、关键技术以及地图应用等。

    Through the making of the geology-structure-explain map and the geology-calamity-explain map , this paper explained the tools to make electron map , making methods , key technique and map application and so on .

  28. 该模式充分强调了地图的作用,要求地理课堂真正把地图作为教学工具而使用它引导地理教学。

    This model fully emphasizes the function of the map , and requires that teachers should use maps as a teaching tool to introduce and guide the teaching of geography in geography classes .