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  1. 张角自称“天公将军”,其弟张宝称“地公将军”,张梁称“人公将军”。

    Zhang Jiao called himself " Heavenly General " , his younger broth-ers Zhang Bao , " General of the Earth " and Zhang Liang , " General of AAen " , who assisted him in the rebellion .

  2. 名副其实地抓住公牛角[72]。

    In every sense of the word take the bull by the horns .

  3. 我们希望能够更公平地平均公配工作量。

    We would like to be able to even out the workload more fairly .

  4. 试析鄂豫皖革命根据地红军公田制度

    A Tentative Study of Red Army 's Public Field System in Huben , Henan and Hunan Revolutionary Bases

  5. 求神让他们能很快的被释放,并且那些负责监禁他们的人将很快地面对公义的判决。

    Pray for their quick release , and that those responsible for imprisoning them will swiftly be brought to justice .

  6. 科学地界定公序良俗的概念,可以有效地防止其不确定性所带来的严重的负面效果。

    Defining the concept of Public order and Good custom scientifically can effectively prevent serious negative results that its uncertainty brings .

  7. 完全摒弃公定力理论并非明智之举,应有限度地保留公定力理论,即坚持有限公定力,这也是目前学界的主流观点。

    Is not wise to completely abandon the theory of the Public Force , should retain the theory of the Public Force , which upholds the limited Public Force , which is currently the academic mainstream view .

  8. 这一转变导致企业设立登记作为市场准入门槛的作用正在弱化,更多地在提供公信的层面上发挥作用。

    This transform leads to weaken the effects of market access by the enterprise incorporation registration ; nevertheless it more plays a role in providing credibility .

  9. 阅读材料中的对话比纯叙述或描写更能直接、生动、形象地再现主人公的性格特征、观点、立场或生活态度。

    Compared with pure narrations or descriptions , dialogues in reading materials are more direct and vivid in reproducing the characters , viewpoints and attitudes of heroes and heroines .

  10. 相应地,对公民权无论是潜在的还是现实的侵害,都越来越严重,电信侦控的法治化已迫在眉睫。

    Correspondingly , the violation of civil rights , regardless of being latent or being realistic , is getting more and more serious . So the ruling by law in detecting by telecommunications is urgent .

  11. 非法证据排除规则的设立意义在于用消极地手段防止公权力的滥用,而排除证据的理想状态是该证据信息对案件事实的认定不产生任何影响。

    It is to establish rules for excluding illegally obtained evidence that prevents in passive means abuse of public powers on the one hand , and on the other hand it is ideal that no influences shall be imposed on recognizing case facts .

  12. 如何适应时代发展,在协调夫妻间关系时,有效地引入国家公权力,以道德调整和法律规范的有机结合妥善化解夫妻纠纷,均衡双方利益,正是本文探究的出发点。

    In order to meet the development of times , the starting point of the thesis is how to add the power to the adjustment of the conjugal relationship , thus combining the measures of moral and law to resolve disputes between couples and to balance the interests .

  13. 这个主题公园将开放特别设计的过山车,让游客能够身临其境地体验女主人公凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩(KatnissEverdeen)的故事。

    It will feature specially designed roller coasters to give visitors an immersive experience of the story about heroine Katniss Everdeen .

  14. 在我国尚未完整地建立物权公示公信制度的背景下,有必要进行重新审视。

    China has not yet fully in the establishment of public property credibility of the system context , it is necessary to re-examine .

  15. 异化:人类历史转型期的永久困惑&《变形记》与《一地鸡毛》主人公异化比较及其思考

    Everlasting confusion in the changing Periods of the Civilization History & the Comparing and Pondering on the heroes in Metamorphoses and Scattered Chicken Feather over the Ground

  16. 一位失踪很久的兄弟,人们以为他死了,其实一直活着,而且在居心叵测地密谋搞垮主人公。

    A long lost brother , who was presumed dead , was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero 's downfall .

  17. 我心是战鼓,日夜兼程地高举人间的公义,在宁静的泰然中,坚贞地扬励不朽的诗魂。

    My heart is a battle drum , resolutely encourage the immortal soul of poetry in quiet calmness , holding high the human justice ceaselessly day and night .

  18. 既呈现了人物的真实心理,生动地刻画了主人公内心的成长经历,让读者在阅读时感受人物,同人物一起正视和感受世界。

    Not only presents the true character psychology , and vividly depicts the growth of inner experience of the hero , so that readers feel when reading characters , and feelings with people face the world together .

  19. 结论,要本着发展与全局的观点来看一个法律应不应该遵守,而不是简单地通过划定其公不公正。

    All in all , we have to consider whether a law is fair and worth of obeying in a developmental and comprehensive point of view , rather than simply place them into just or unjust , obey or resist .

  20. 使你可以用这些银子审慎地购买公牛、公绵羊、绵羊羔,以及与祭牲同献的素祭和奠祭,献在耶路撒冷你们神的殿的祭坛上。

    That thou mayest buy speedily with this money bullocks , rams , lambs , with their meat offerings and their drink offerings , and offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem .

  21. 该小说塑造了一位陷入身份危机困扰的青少年霍尔顿,生动地描述了主人公探寻自我身份的过程,揭示了二战后美国青少年普遍的精神危机。

    The novel portrays an adolescent Holden Caulfield who is trapped in identity crisis , and describes vividly the process of his self-searching journey . In so doing , Salinger reveals the universal spiritual crisis among the adolescents in postwar America .

  22. 立法的缺失以及司法解释的模糊,导致实践中存在诸多困惑,造成司法审判工作尺度不统一,极大地损害了司法公信和权威,理论界也存在较大争议。

    The lack of legislation and judicial interpretation of vague , resulting in practice , there are many confused , resulting in the administration of justice scales are not uniform , greatly damaged the the judicial public trust and authority , theoretical circles there is considerable controversy .

  23. 最后,所有iswhatever参数使图像可以完全地、真正地、绝对地公开化。

    Finally , all the is_whatever parameters make the image really , truly , absolutely public .

  24. 系统地分析、比较、总结,公宴诗各阶段不同的风貌和变异,清晰地把握中古公宴诗具体的发展历程。

    The chapter systematically analyses and compares the different style , features and changes in every period .

  25. 在这四部小说中,犹太宗教、犹太文化意识及历史感单独地或共同地决定了主人公的犹太身份。

    In these four novels Judaism , Jewish cultural awareness and historical consciousness individually or jointly determine those protagonists ' Jewish identity .