
  • 网络International Financial Law;International Finance;International Finance Law
  1. 拓宽了国际金融法的范围;

    Allows more room for the development of international financial law ;

  2. 国际金融法晚近发展的若干特点

    Features of the Latest Development in International Financial Law

  3. 新世纪中国国际金融法学术研究成果评析

    Comment on the Academic Research publications of Chinese International Financial Law Since New Century

  4. 开拓了国际金融法研究的新视野。

    And finally opens up new horizons for the study of international financial law .

  5. 国际金融法植根于国际经济生活并对其进行灵敏的回应。

    International financial law is rooted in international economic life and always responds it quickly .

  6. 研究其有关的法律问题,已进入国际金融法学科的前沿领域。

    Study on the related legal issues about international syndicated loan has entered the front fields of the international financial law .

  7. 金融全球化对国际金融法的发展具有重大影响,主要表现为:金融全球化凸显了国际金融法的地位;

    Financial globalization has been exerting important influences on international financial law primarily in the following ways : It highlights the position of international financial law ;

  8. 本文以期权合同为研究对象,而期权合同的相关法律问题是国际金融法中的一个全新的研究领域。

    Option contract is the researching object of this dissertation , and the legal problems relating to the option contract is a fully new researching field in international financial law .

  9. 论国际货币金融法的性质名称和体系

    The Nature , Course Name and System of International Financial and Monetary Law

  10. 国际货币和金融法是调整金融关系的各种法律规范的总合。

    The international monetary and financial law is the sum of legal norms that adjust to international monetary and financial relationships .

  11. 第四章介绍了国际金融监管的国际法规范。也是本文的核心内容。

    Chapter four introduced the international law norms for international financial regulation , which is also the core of this paper .

  12. 对赌协议的内容除了涉及民法、公司法等国内部门法领域,也还涉及国际投资法、国际金融法、国际证券法等国际法领域。

    The content of the VAM not only includes the law area of the domestic sectors such as the Civil Law and the Company Law , but also includes international law area such as International Investment Law , International Financial Law and International Securities Law and so on .

  13. 最后回归本文正题,重点论述了国际金融运行机制对国际金融法发展的影响。在本文写作过程中,运用了宏观与微观分析、历史分析、综合与比较、跨学科、叙述等方法。

    In the process of writing , this article utilizes the analysis of macroscopic - microscopic , historical , synthesis and comparison , crossing-discipline , narration and other methods .

  14. 主要从事国际经济法、内与国际金融法的教学、究及法律实务。

    Dr Li mainly centers on the research & teaching of international economic law , domestic and international financial law , and law practice .

  15. 国际金融衍生产品及其法律监管制度是国际金融法上的一个新的研究领域。

    Financial innovation in the last century lead to a lot of new financial derivative products and restructure the old international capital market and its underlying legal system .

  16. 研究国际银团贷款协议中的违约救济条款,不仅有利于进一步发展和深化国际金融法理论研究,而且有益于现代国际金融活动的实践,尤其是为我国的对外融资实践活动提供理论支持。

    Study on the remedies clause in the international syndicated loan is not only conducive to deepen and develop the theory of international finance law , but also can benefit the future international financial practice and provide intellectual support to the international financial activity .

  17. 信用证是银行界与商业界为解决国际商事交易各方当事人的利益冲突而发展起来的国际结算工具,是国际金融法发展史上的一个伟大创造。

    The letter of credit , which is a great creation in the development of the International Financial Law , is a kind of international settled tool developed by banking and trading to solve the beneficial clash among all parties in the international business transaction .

  18. 主要目的是建立以国际金融运行机制为平台的一种国际金融研究新视角,并探讨国际金融运行机制与国际金融法的关系。

    The main purpose is to develop a new angle of study of international finance , which takes the IFOM as platform , and probe into the relations between IFOM and international finance law .

  19. 本文详细论述了国际金融运行机制概念提出的背景,探讨了国际金融运行机制的概念、研究可行性、自身特征、主要表现,然后分析了国际金融运行机制对国际金融法的影响。

    This article elaborates the background in which the concept of international finance operation mechanism ( IFOM ) is proposed , discusses the concept , research-feasibility , characteristic and main performance of IFOM , and analyzes the influence of IFOM on international finance law .