
ɡuó jì jīn rónɡ zhì dù
  • international financial system
  1. 中国经济安全与国际金融制度改革之实证研究

    Empirical Study on China Economic Security and Reform of International Financial System

  2. 论国际金融制度变革中的体制僵持&非均衡国际金融体制长期存在的制度分析

    System Deadlock in the Transformation of International Financial System : An Analysis of the Long Standing of Unbalanced International Financial System

  3. 另一方面,亚洲金融危机还显示出以IMF为支柱的当前国际金融制度安排对于防范和处理地区性金融危机存在的局限性,因此东亚地区人民应致力于推进地区性的金融合作。

    On the other hand , Asian financial crisis also demonstrated that the current international monetary system had its limitation for preventing and dealing with regional financial crisis . So East Asia should be devoted to advancing regional financial cooperation .

  4. 区域货币一体化作为国际金融制度创新的一个重要内容,最为重要的价值之一是从货币层面上重新揭示市场与制度的一般规律,以一种市场一种货币代替了一个国家一种货币。

    As an important component of the international financial system regional monetary integration , One of its most important values , is restating the general rules of market and system from the monetary , a market with a single currency instead of a national currency .

  5. 论国际金融监管制度的缺陷及其完善

    On Flaws Perfection of International Finance Supervision System

  6. 全球化与国际金融货币制度:从亚洲危机中吸取教训

    Globalization and the international financial and monetary system : lessons learned from the Asian crisis

  7. 巴塞尔新资本协议是对以往风险管理制度的补充和完善,对国际金融监管制度产生了深远的影响。

    Basel New Capital Agreement is the supplement and perfection of the risk management system and has profound effect on the international financial supervisory system .

  8. 回顾历次大规模金融危机,其爆发的主要原因在于国际金融监管制度的缺陷。因此,从金融危机角度探讨金融监管制度的变迁与适宜性选择具有重要的现实意义。

    Recalling all the major financial crisis , the major causes of the crisis lies in the defective international financial system . Therefore , detecting the evolution and suitability of financial supervision system-from the perspective of the financial crisis-is of great significance in reality .

  9. 金融创新与国际金融监管法律制度新发展

    Financial Innovation and the Development of International Financial Supervision and Control Legal System

  10. 国际货币和金融制度

    International monetary and financial system

  11. 中国国际贸易模式:金融制度效应的分析视角

    International Trade of China : From the View of Financial Development Effect

  12. 国际金融衍生产品法律制度研究

    A Study on Legal Issues of International Financial Derivatives

  13. 中国金融监管应当如何转变监管理念,建立与国际接轨的金融监管制度,成为理论界和实务界关注的焦点。

    How should the Chinese financial supervisor alter their ideas and principles on constructing perfect and advanced supervisal system ?

  14. 在金融业务日益自由化、综合化、全球化的今天,对金融企业集团的监管无疑便成为一国或区域性国际经济组织金融监管制度构建中的核心所在。

    With the intensification of financial liberalization , financial globalization and financial activities , supervision of financial conglomerates has become a core issue for countries .

  15. 因此,必须改革国际金融体系,建立和完善国际金融监管制度,以适应国际金融全球化带来的新挑战。

    Therefore , the reform of international finance system can only be achieved through the establishment and perfection of the international finance supervision system to adapt to the new challenge of the international finance globalization .