
ɡuó jì shōu zhī wēi jī
  • Balance of payments crisis;international payments crisis
  1. 欧洲各国政府必须听取IMF有关可能发生传染性国际收支危机的警告。

    The region 's governments must heed the IMF 's warning of possible contagious balance-of-payments crises .

  2. IMF有一个重要的操作职能&向由于无法获得某种可兑换货币的外部融资而发生国际收支危机的赤字国提供融资。

    The IMF has an important operational function – to provide financing to deficit countries that experience a crisis in their balance of payments because of unavailability of external finance in a convertible currency .

  3. 克鲁格曼(Krugman)的国际收支危机模型认为由于政府持续地通过货币创造融资造成货币供给的增加,必然造成国内物价水平的上涨,随之又将带来货币贬值的压力。

    Model of Payment of Balance Crisis ( Krugman ) reckons that the consistent creation of money by government will definitely cause the rising of domestic price level . This will then bring the stress of devaluation to domestic currency .

  4. 有些人担心埃及将陷入国际收支危机。

    Some fear that Egypt is heading for a balance-of-payments crisis .

  5. 一些国家将会出现出现国际收支危机。

    Some countries will slip toward balance of payments crises .

  6. 自1997-1998年以来,从未出现过多个国家陷入国际收支危机的情形。

    The world has not witnessed a multiple-country balance of payments ' crisis since 1997-1998 .

  7. 亿人口返贫。我们正面临第二轮通胀、国际收支危机以及预算紧缩等风险。

    We risk a second round of inflation , balance of payments crises , and tight budgets .

  8. 欧元区的设计者们认为,货币联盟内部不可能发生国际收支危机。

    The architects of the eurozone thought that balance of payments crises were impossible in a currency union .

  9. 智利国内经济容易受到周期性国际收支危机的影响。

    The domestic economy of Chile was liable to be affected by the periodic crises of balance of payments .

  10. 第一个意味着央行没有面临通常会结束经济繁荣期的国际收支危机。

    The first means central banks are not faced with the balance of payments crisis that usually ends an economic boom .

  11. 周三,阿根廷政府出台新措施限制网购,试图抑制资本外逃、防止可能发生的国际收支危机。

    On Wednesday , it imposed new restrictions on online shopping in its latest attempt to curb capital flight and prevent a possible balance-of-payments crisis .

  12. 这种资金流入会给汇率带来上升压力,从而降低出口的竞争力;在资金流动突然转向时,还可能引发国际收支危机。

    Such inflows put upward pressure on exchange rates , making exports less competitive , and threaten the possibility of a balance-of-payments crisis if flows suddenly reverse .

  13. 此外,无论赤字有多高,也不会出现国际收支危机,因为只要增发一大堆货币来填补赤字就可以了。

    It is impossible to have a balance of payments crisis no matter how vast the deficit , because you can just issue a lot more currency to pay for it .

  14. 在巴基斯坦邻国阿富汗驻有军队的德国,和许多西方国家有着同样的担忧,即不断加剧的国际收支危机将危害巴基斯坦的安全,目前巴基斯坦人对日益上升的食品和能源价格感到愤怒。

    Germany , which has troops on the ground in neighbouring Afghanistan , shares the concerns of many Western governments that a growing balance of payments crisis will destabilise security in Pakistan whose people are angry about the rising cost of food and energy .

  15. 不过迫近的国际收支平衡危机也许是对总统的报应。

    Yet the imminent crisis in its balance of payments may be the President 's nemesis .

  16. 好消息是,人们正在就国际收支失衡在危机中扮演的角色达成一致。

    The good news is that agreement is emerging on the role in the crisis of the payments imbalances .

  17. 但是,其他的国家预算缺口很大,存在经常帐户赤字风险,面临国际收支问题和金融危机。

    But others have yawning budget gaps , risky current account deficits , balance of payments problems , financial danger , or all four .

  18. 鉴于美国的国际收支余额在金融危机那几年并无太大的变动,日益膨胀的公共部门赤字所对应的是私人部门报表的改善:特别是企业利润。

    Given that the US foreign balance did not change much in the crisis years , the ballooning public deficit is mirrored in improved private sector balances : in particular , corporate profits .

  19. 这将使得国际货币基金组织(imf)能够更有效的应对当前及未来的国际收支危机狂潮。

    It will allow the International Monetary Fund to deal with the current and future torrent of balance of payment crises more effectively .

  20. 应鼓励财政收支和国际收支状况良好的国家通过消费和投资刺激国内需求。但是,其他的国家预算缺口很大,存在经常帐户赤字风险,面临国际收支问题和金融危机。

    Countries with sound fiscal and balance of payments positions should be encouraged to spur domestic demand through consumption and investment .