
ɡuó jiā duì
  • national team
  1. 他一生热爱体育事业,是一位颇有成就的运动员。他是比利时橄榄球冠军,曾代表国家队参赛。

    A life-long sports fan and an accomplished athlete , Rogge was a Belgian rugby champion and represented his country on the national team .

  2. 西班牙国家队主教练洛佩特吉将在未来的三个赛季担任皇家马德里队主教练。

    Spanish national team coach , Julen Lopetegui , will be Real Madrid 's coach for the three following seasons , Real Madrid announced on Tuesday on its official website .

  3. 运动员们很乐意加入英国国家队。

    The athletes are just happy to make the British team

  4. 唯一初次入选国家队的选手是来自拉内利的20岁左边锋韦恩·普罗克特。

    The only new cap is Llanelli 's 20-year-old left-wing Wayne Proctor .

  5. 该国的国家队队长无缘英格兰之行。

    The country 's captain was dropped from the tour party to England .

  6. 她在国家队打曲棍球。

    She played hockey for the national side .

  7. 星期天对阵澳大利亚的国际锦标赛,马克·戴维斯将首次代表威尔士国家队出战。

    Mark Davis will win his first cap for Wales in Sunday 's Test match against Australia .

  8. 从国家队回来之后一直在调整,不过现在还是感觉有些疲惫

    Comes back after the national sports team has been adjusting , but the present feels somewhat exhaustedly .

  9. 世界各地的数百个足球俱乐部也能从欧足联发放的2亿欧元中分成,作为他们允许自己的球员为欧洲国家队效力的回报。

    Hundreds of clubs worldwide also get shares from at least 200 million euros allocated by UEFA from Euro 2020 revenue as a reward for releasing their players to European national teams .

  10. 测定了国家队部分运动员的血浆硒、MDA的含量和GSH-PX活性以及红细胞硒和MDA的含量。

    We measured Se , MDA and GSH-PX in plasma and Se and MDA in red blood cell of national elite athletes .

  11. 说的更明白一点,鲁汶大学的这三位教授认为,发展中国家的人均GDP每提高7272美元,其国家队的国际足联积分也可以增加21.6分。

    Driving this home , the Leuven professors note that developing countries could also get a 21.6 jump in FIFA points by increasing per capita GDP by $ 7,272 .

  12. 在美国职业联赛无赛期间,他还被租借到AC米兰,以此来保持他的体形,为他能继续为英格兰国家队效力养精蓄锐。

    He has been loaned to AC Milan during the American closed season to keep up his fitness and form so that he can continue to play for his country : England .

  13. 前锋HongYongJo战技高超,当不在国家队比赛时,完全可以在俄罗斯参赛,被大家认为是需要关注的球员。

    Forward Hong Yong Jo , good enough to play in Russia when not playing for his home team , is considered the man to watch .

  14. 自从XiaoSha离开家人参加国家队以后已经9年了,但是一直没有跟家里见面。

    Since Xiao Sha left to join the national squad , there have been nine years of newspaper cuttings but barely any personal contact .

  15. 在上个赛季进行到一半的时候,为了给国家队亚运会集训让路,CBA休赛50天。

    In the middle of the past season , the CBA took a50-day break so the National Team could practice for the Asian Games .

  16. 但国家队和AC不一样,当我们加入意大利联赛的时候我们很好的融合了进攻和防守。

    There was not really a similarity in style between that side and Milan , but when we joined the Italian league was defensive while we were more attacking so we made a good mix of defence and attack .

  17. 西班牙国家队主帅博斯克(VicentedelBosque)说,西班牙足球这次夺冠是有历史意义的,我们谈论的是一代伟大的球员。

    This success of Spanish football is something historical , Spain coach Vicente Del Bosque said . We are talking about a great generation of players .

  18. 这位19岁小将要从U20层次晋升到国家队阵营中,在现在这套阵容里,他可是主帅OscarTabarez不可或缺的一员。

    The19-year-old is yet to make the step up from Under-20 level to the full national team but it will be hard for coach Oscar Tabarez to overlook him on current form .

  19. 今年27岁的英国终极飞盘国家队队员西昂斯昆(sionscone)表示,拥有4万个座位的高雄体育馆,“无疑”是有史以来最宏伟的飞盘比赛场地。

    Sion scone , 27 , a member of the British National Ultimate Frisbee team , says the 40000-seat Kaohsiung stadium is " without a doubt " the grandest venue ever to host a Frisbee tournament .

  20. 利用过去一周多国际比赛间歇的机会,丹尼·帕切科接受了我们的采访,分享了今年夏天他在西班牙U19国家队的经历。

    With many of our players away on international duty over the last week or two , we took the opportunity to chat to Dani Pacheco about his summer with Spain U19s .

  21. 他们都是很强的国家队和危险的对手。

    They 're all very strong national teams and dangerous opponents .

  22. 姚明是中国国家队明星。

    Yao Ming was the star of the Chinese national team .

  23. 冬季奥运会冠军王蒙被国家队开除。

    Winter Olympic champion Wang Meng expelled from Chinese national team .

  24. 目前为止他在国家队出场15次,进1球。

    Since then he has won15 caps , scoring one goal .

  25. 算起来,德国国家队的行动已经算晚的了。

    As counted , the German national team is already late .

  26. 国家队激流回旋运动员腰背肌筋膜炎患病的相关因素

    Related factors of back myofascitis in the national athletes of canoe slalom

  27. 他两次代表英国国家队参加足球比赛。

    He has two caps for playing soccer for England .

  28. 国家队激流回旋运动员肩关节脱位的分析研究

    Analysis on Shoulder Joint Dislocation of National Team Athletes in Canoe Slalom

  29. 国家队教练尤阿希姆?勒夫则喜欢在比赛前内省一番。

    National coach Joachim Loew prefers to take a more introspective approach .

  30. 因此他结束了全英格兰最有名球员的国家队生涯。

    Consequently he ended the career of England 's most famous footballer .