
  • 网络The National Party;Parti Negara
  1. 国家党正在提升自己作为持社会保守立场的传统价值观捍卫者的形象。

    The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values .

  2. 他和他的保守的大国家党维持着不稳定的联系。

    He maintains uneasy relations with his conservative Grand National party .

  3. 从竞选活动的第一天起,国家党和自由党的领导人就难分高下。

    On day one of the election campaign the National and Liberal Party leaders were neck and neck .

  4. 非国大逐渐成为了抵制种族隔离的核心力量。南非的种族隔离制度是在1948年南非国家党(NationalParty)执政后推出的。

    The ANC became the center of resistance to apartheid , the South African system of racial segregation , introduced after the National Party came to power in 1948 .

  5. 但自由/国家党发言人乔霍奇(JoeHockey)也发出了不安的信号:我们在本地区的主要竞争对手,正在购买我们主要的股票交易所。

    But Joe Hockey , its spokesman , has also signalled unease that our major regional competitor is buying out our main stock exchange .

  6. 由于缺乏好的政策选择,李明博和他的大国家党(GrandNationalParty)的声望受到削弱,但对朝鲜持更加同情态度的左翼反对党的支持率下降幅度更大。

    Although the lack of good policy options has dented the standing of Mr Lee and his Grand National party , support for the leftwing opposition , which is more sympathetic to the North , has fallen even more sharply .

  7. 本国物价继国家党上调GST后持续上涨以及政府的各种征费使勤奋工作的新西兰人感受到日常生活的捉襟见肘。

    Hardworking kiwi families are feeling the financial squeeze as prices continue to rise on the back of National 's GST hike and Government imposed charges , says Labour Leader Phil Goff .

  8. 国家党的作法如上调GST、对最重要的基本食物(如奶制品等)的价格上涨视而不见,表现出他们和大多数新西兰人的生活是多么脱节。

    National 's increase in GST and the blind eye it is turning to increases in key foods like dairy show how increasingly out of touch it is with real life for most Kiwis .

  9. 但此后,苏格兰国家党(snp)的实力不断增长,目前英国政府已指派财政大臣、头号战略家乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)领导一个委员会,研究苏格兰独立问题。

    Yet since then the Scottish National Party has grown in strength and the government in London has now appointed George Osborne , Chancellor and a leading strategist , to head up a committee to look at the issue .

  10. 在此之前,执政的自由党-国家党联盟(Liberal-NationalCoalition)曾表示澳大利亚对外商投资持开放态度。去年,澳大利亚曾与中国、日本和韩国签署贸易协议。

    The ruling Liberal-National coalition has previously said that Australia was open to foreign investment , and last year signed trade deals with China , Japan and South Korea .

  11. 然而,对于国家党(National)的农村票仓来说,农业部门却是个十分敏感的问题。2013年,澳大利亚政府曾阻止美国ADM公司(ArcherDanielsMidland)以34亿澳元收购GrainCorp的交易,农业问题的敏感性由此可见一斑。

    However , the agricultural sector is a sensitive issue among the National party 's rural base - a fact underlined when the government in 2013 blocked a A $ 3.4bn takeover of GrainCorp by US company Archer Daniels Midland .

  12. FPTP在全国范围都伤害了自民党和其他小党派(如绿党和极右的英国国家党)的利益。

    FPTP hurts the Lib Dems and smaller parties such as the Greens or the extreme-right British National Party all over the country .

  13. 韩国执政的大国家党成员尹尚铉(YoonSang-hyun)称,朝鲜囤积有100万吨大米,夸大短缺是为了廉价获取援助。

    A member of South Korea 's ruling Grand National Party , Yoon Sang-hyun , says that the North is hoarding 1m tonnes of rice , playing up a shortfall in order to get aid on the cheap .

  14. 陆克文的这个声明,也有意在工党与自由党-国家党联盟(Liberal-National)之间形成鲜明对比。后者只是最近在澳大利亚民意转变之后,才开始认真对待气候变化问题。

    The announcement is also intended to draw a sharp contrast between Labor and the Liberal / National party coalition , which had only recently begun to address climate change issues seriously in the wake of a shift of opinion in Australia .

  15. 然而,国家党议员们以往可是对由交通摄像头派出的罚单怨声载道。

    Yet in the past , National MPs have complained bitterly about speed camera ticketing .

  16. 在同一时间或其他,都被国家党成员。

    At one time or another , all have been members of the National Party .

  17. 无疑,国家党不会阻挠股份被抛售给外国的跨国公司。

    It 's no wonder National won 't prevent the on-sale of shares to foreign multinationals .

  18. 为了节省开支而调高家庭医生看诊费,是国家党的又一个短视行为。

    Raising GP fees as a way of saving money is yet another short-sighted move from the National Government .

  19. 如果在野党联盟“自由/国家党”支持交易,那么小政党的抱怨就无所谓。

    Complaints from small parties would not matter much if the liberal / national party opposition coalition backed the deal .

  20. 总统李明博领导的大国家党正在迫切地推行批准与美国一同加入跨太平洋战略经济伙伴组织。

    There , President Lee Myung-bak 's Grand National Party is desperately attempting to force ratification of the FTA with America through the National Assembly .

  21. 眼下正该是国家党政府挺身而出、对隐忧重重的经济担起责任之时,而不是把什么都怪到地震、海外市场和前政府头上。

    Rather than blaming earthquakes , foreign markets and previous governments , it 's time National fronted and took responsibility for the malaise in the economy .

  22. 令人不满的是,国家党议员们以前一力指责别人只关心靠开罚单挣税收,现在自己的政府却比谁都做得过火、大肆敛财。

    But it 's not good enough for this Government to accuse others in the past of being focused on revenue alone when it 's collecting more than ever .

  23. 只有少数人买得起股份-他们很可能就是从国家党为富人减税中得到大甜头的同一群人。

    Only a few will be able to afford to buy shares – probably the same ones who benefited so handsomely from National 's tax cuts for the rich .

  24. 2月25日李明博佩戴褐色边框的眼镜出席了青瓦台邀请大国家党党员举办的午宴,结果引起热议。

    Lee aroused heated discussion after he wore a pair of brown-frame glasses to attend a midday banquet Thursday at Blue House , hosted by the Grand National Party .

  25. 韩国大国家党最高委员许泰烈表示:“许多人说(戴眼镜)很好。”

    The highest-ranking committee member in the Grand National Party , Huh Tae-youl , said ," Many people said that it is good ( for Lee ) to wear glasses . "

  26. 前任市长、大国家党党员吴世勋于今年八月辞职,以此为免费学校午餐这个项目的公民投票失败承担责任。

    The previous mayor , Oh Se-hoon of the GNP , resigned in August , to take responsibility for a bungled referendum over free school lunches , a program he opposed .

  27. 在过去的六年中,澳大利亚在工党的管理下有着相对平静的经济时代、但难以对待的暗斗,现在保守党自由党-国家党联盟重回统治地位。

    After six years of Labor leadership marked by relatively calm economic times , but fractious political infighting , the conservative Liberal-National party coalition is taking back the reigns of power .

  28. 工党有过这样的经历――之前国家党政府把新西兰铁路公司和新西兰航空都卖给私人,工党政府把私有化后运营不济的两个公司再买归国有。

    Labour had to do that in the past with Kiwirail and Air New Zealand after they were run into the ground by private interests after National had sold them off .

  29. 将问题外派给一个储蓄工作小组等于是承认税制改革的任何效果都极为有限,而国家党已经束手无策了。

    Outsourcing the problem to a savings working group is tantamount to an admission that any effects from tax changes have been minimal , and National has nowhere else to go .

  30. 1984年的今天,新西兰选举出第四届工党政府,大卫·兰奇任新西兰总理,从而打破了在罗伯特·麦尔顿领导下的国家党长达九年的政府任期。

    1984-New Zealand elects the Fourth Labour Government bringing in David Lange as Prime Minister of New Zealand , and thus breaking nine years of National party governance under Robert Muldoon .