
  • 网络National consciousness;national ideology
  1. 试论新加坡国民意识的形成

    On the Formation of the National Ideology in Singapore

  2. 新加坡国民意识的形成对新加坡各种族的和谐以及在短期内迅速实现经济现代化都起重要的作用。

    The formation of the national ideology has played an important role in the development of modern economy .

  3. 国民意识强,国家认同程度高的民族自然忠诚于自己的国家,与国内其他民族的关系往往也是良性的。

    The ethnic with high citizen consciousness is loyal to the country .

  4. 它们应该深深根植在我们的国民意识中。

    They should be deeply rooted in our national consciousness .

  5. 政府试图重新建立利益与共和目标一致的国民意识

    The government tried to reestablish the national sense of common Interest and purpose

  6. 清末国民意识与文化启蒙

    National Consciousness and Cultural Enlightenment at the End-of-Qing

  7. 只要留意,你便会轻易地发现人们的国民意识特强。

    If you notice , you will easily find the people exceptionally strong national consciousness .

  8. 本文论述了中国朝鲜族民族与国民意识形成的历史过程及其特点。

    This article discusses the historical process and characteristics of Chinese Korean ethnic and national consciousness .

  9. 在多民族的中国,各民族应该首先树立牢固的国家、国民意识。

    In multi-ethnic China , the various ethnic groups should primarily foster a solid State-nation consciousness .

  10. 激进派主张建立一个联邦大学,激进地培养国民意识。

    The radicals wanted to set up a federal university , which would nurture national awareness along radical lines .

  11. 在国际权力东移的形势下,在中国和平崛起的历史时刻,在中国人国民意识不断增强的进程中,高校教师起着重要的作用,负有重要的社会职责。

    With the opportunity of the international power moves to the East and the progress of Chinese great national consciousness being strengthened gradually .

  12. 同国籍民族意识与国家意识、国民意识的关系是一种不同层次的意识类型的关系。

    The relation between the ethnic consciousness with the same nationality and the State-nation consciousness is one between different ideological types at different levels .

  13. 时至清末,中国思想文化界开始高扬中国传统社会所未见的国民意识。

    At the end of Qing people in the fields of thought and culture launched an unprecedented campaign to elevate the national consciousness of the people .

  14. 环境教育对提高日本国民意识、构筑日本循环型社会发挥着重要的作用。

    Environmental education plays an important role in the enhancement of Japanese people 's environment awareness as well as in the construction of a recycling-oriented society .

  15. 而国民意识作为一种文化身份与权利身份的双重认同,在保证国家凝聚力和文化吸引力上起着决定性作用,也是一国软权力的重要源泉。

    The national consciousness which includes cultural identity and right identity plays a decisive role in ensuring national cohesion and cultural attraction , and also is the important source of soft power .

  16. 历史上,澳大利亚的民族认同经历种族认同和文化认同的发展,20世纪70年代以后随多元文化政策的推行,在共同国民意识、公民意识的基础上形成的国民认同才趋于独立和成熟。

    Experiencing the racial identification and the cultural identification , the identification of Australian Nation based on a common national sense and citizen sense has become obvious and mature since the policy of multi-culture promoted in the 1970s .

  17. 1959年新加坡获得内部自治后,人民行动党面对不同文化、种族和宗教的矛盾与冲突,采取谨慎的态度,通过形成共同价值观的方法,促进新加坡国民意识的产生。

    In the year of 1959 , Singapore achieved self-government . In the face of different trends of culture and the conflict between the race and religion , the party in power took a prudent attitude and made the national ideology come into being .

  18. 二是大多数人在探讨近代国民意识时,或是有意无意地忽视性别这个问题,或是贬低甚至否定女性的国民资格及其相应的参政等方面的权利。

    The other was that , while discussing the national consciousness in modern times , most people either neglected , consciously or unconsciously , the gender issue , or played down , even negated , women 's capacity as nationals and corresponding rights such as participation in politics .

  19. 辛亥革命开启了国民政治意识现代化的闸门;

    It had cleared the path for the later historic change and opened the gate of that the national political consciousness began to modernize .

  20. 但是由于两国既定的主要目标与国民环境意识的不同,在实际体制运营和管理形态上存在着差异。

    Because of the different national environmental awareness and objective , the two countries , however , have different actual operation and management system .

  21. 研究结果表明目前我国社区体育发展还不够完善,存在社区基层组织功能不健全、国民体育意识淡薄以及体育消费偏低等问题;

    The result shows that the community sport is imperfect and still has many problems such as lower athletic consumption and unreasonable local structure of community and so on .

  22. 中日两国近代国别文学史的建构是在世界文化场域中东西文化碰撞、交融的产物,是国民国家意识的产物。

    The construction of those national accomplishments were the results of the cultural collision and blending between East and West and the outcome of their " Nation States " awareness .

  23. 随着近年来国民投资意识的大幅提升以及投资市场的逐步发展,理财产品逐渐为大家所熟知。

    With the sharp increasing in recent years of awareness of national investment , and the gradual development of the investment market , financial products gradually turn to be familiar .

  24. 敌机的轰炸使得国民政府意识到防空建设的重要性和必要性,要求各地开展防空建设工作。

    The enemy planes bombed air defense made aware of the Nationalist Government of the importance and necessity of the construction , and urged all localities to carry out air defense building .

  25. 关于中国国民群体意识是“内聚”还是“内耗”,中华民族凝聚力强还是弱,这是一个学界长期争论的问题。

    Whether the group awareness in Chinese is internal cohesion or internal strife in the historical development of Chinese nation has been a controversial issue of Chinese academics for a long time .

  26. 本章首先分析了我国房地产业的现状,主要从商品房供需矛盾激化、房地产企业融资难、国民投资意识觉醒三个方面来阐述这一问题。

    This chapter first analysis of the present situation of real estate industry in our country , mainly from commodity house intensified the contradiction between supply and demand , real estate enterprise financing and national investment awareness of three aspects elaborated the problem .

  27. 由于国民健身意识的增强与体育休闲娱乐的需要,使我国体育用品企业日趋活跃,为了在现今残酷的商场上取得胜利、占有一席之地,越来越多的商家都开始重视市场营销。

    Due to the enhanced awareness of national fitness and sports recreational needs , China ' ssporting goods companies are becoming increasingly active . In order to win in today ' scompetitive market , more and more businesses are starting to focus on marketing .

  28. 近些年随着法国际化进程的不断加快、国民法律意识以及法律工作者执法水平的不断提高,法学界的学者对于一事不再理这一制度逐步认可并加以研究。

    With the recent law and the international rule of law in our country continue to accelerate , the awareness of national legal and the lever of legal workers are improve , in addition , the scholars of jurisprudence can recognize and research non bis in idem .

  29. 环境因素的显化一方面有利于促进国民环境意识的提高,改善中国的贸易条件、开辟贸易新领域,带动国内外贸出口型企业的发展和促进贸易的可持续发展;

    The environmental factor helps to promote the improvement of national awareness of environment on one hand , improve the environment of trade of China , open up the new field of trade , drive the development of the domestic export-oriented enterprise and promote the sustainable development of trade .

  30. 我国加入WTO后的环境保护和自由贸易法律制度应适应WTO的环境规则,提高国民的环保意识;

    The legal system of free trade and the environmental protection after our country joins WTO , should meet the environmental rule of WTO , raise the national consciousness of environmental protection ;