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  1. 年油画《少女》被联和国大使夫人收藏并参加慈善活动。

    Painting " Maiden " was collected by an ambassadress of UN and participated in a charity activity .

  2. 喀麦隆第一夫人尚塔尔•比亚、海地第一夫人伊丽莎白•普雷瓦尔、以及蒙古、斯威士兰和拉脱维亚等国的第一夫人们受到了款待。

    The spouses included Chantal Biya , First Lady of Cameroon , Haiti 's First Lady Elisabeth Preval and their counterparts from countries around the world , such as Mongolia , Swaziland and Latvia .

  3. 总统出访他国时,第一夫人总是陪伴同行。

    The first lady accompany the president during all his visit to other countries .

  4. 美国是巴黎会议上的头号捐助国。美国第一夫人劳拉.布什宣布,华盛顿将拨款100多亿美元帮助阿富汗在多年战乱后的重建工作。

    The United States led donations at the Paris conference , as First Lady Laura Bush announced Washington would earmark more than $ 10 billion to help Afghanistan get back on its feet after years of warfare .