
  1. 查尔斯王储的妻子康沃尔郡公爵夫人卡米拉以前经常抽烟,不过据说近几年她已经把烟给戒了。

    Prince Charles'wife , Camilla , the Duchess of Cornwall , was herself a heavy smoker , but is believed to have given it up in recent years .

  2. 梅根和哈里结婚后,可能成为王室公主,或被授予苏塞克斯郡公爵夫人的头衔。

    Meghan could become a princess or alternatively be given the title Duchess of Sussex when she marries the fifth in line to the throne and joins the royal family .

  3. 大多数美国人可能会为这样的段落感到困惑不已:“贵族夫人(即公爵夫人、侯爵夫人、伯爵夫人、子爵夫人或男爵夫人)离婚后,一般规则是她把自己的名字放在头衔前面,例如,玛丽,汉普郡公爵夫人。”

    Most will be simply bewildered by passages like this one : " When a peeress ( i.e. a duchess , marchioness , countess , viscountess or baroness ) obtains a divorce , the general rule is that she places her forename before her title , for example , Mary , Duchess of Hampshire . "

  4. 德文郡的公爵夫人就总是习惯在酒馆的一间密室里偷听音乐社的活动,她不喜欢那些低级下流的歌曲和情歌。

    The Duchess of Devonshire made a habit of eavesdropping on the proceedings from a secret room in the tavern , and she was no lover of bawdy songs and ballads .