
  1. 第二章介绍了because-因果复句的相关概念和研究现状。

    Chapter Two reviews the relevant concepts and previous researches on because-CCS .

  2. 英语因果复句的认知语法研究

    A study of English cause-effect complex sentences from the perspective of cognitive grammar

  3. 儿童对因果复句的理解

    Children 's understanding of the compound sentence of causality

  4. 因果复句中表原因分句通过转化与省略形成因果句,如果表原因与结果分句都发生转化与省略,则会形成含因果关系的词的形式。

    So , it can form the cause effect word , if the transformation and ellipsis occur in the effect clause .

  5. 作者尝试提出因果复句语义关系建构的认知原则&时序原则和接近原则,认为一个因果复句所表达的意义就是这些认知原则的概念化。

    Two cognitive principles , i.e. , the principle of temporal sequence and the principle of contingency , are tentatively formulated to conceptualize the semantic relations residing in the cause-effect complex sentence .

  6. 第一章为绪论,主要回顾总结了有关研究成果,说明现代汉语语序研究和复句句序研究的成绩和不足,阐述深入探讨现代汉语因果复句句序的意义,以及交待涉及本文研究的方方面面。

    The first chapter for the introduction , reviewing and summarizing the previous research achievements of Modern Chinese word order and complex sentence clause order . The research significance for clause order of ' cause & effect ' complex in Modern Chinese is expounded .

  7. 外国留学生汉语因果类复句习得研究

    A Study of Acquisition for Foreign Student of Chinese Cause-effect Compound Sentence

  8. 因果类复句这一概念是由邢福义先生提出来的。

    The concept of " casual complex sentences " is toted by Mr.

  9. 因果类复句在思维表述上具有一致性,在主观信赖程度上具有顺向制约性;

    The causal type demonstrates consistency in thought - expression and positive conditionality on the degree of trust ;

  10. 《孟子》因果类复句研究本文概述和比较汉语复句研究与西方修辞结构理论的异同。

    This paper compares Chinese traditional ' fuju ' studies with Rhetorical Structure Theory , finding there are many similarities and also some differences .

  11. 现代汉语中,对于因果连词、因果复句的单项研究很多,但是还没有学者将因果范畴进行归纳、分析。

    Though there are a large number of studies about the causal conjunction and casual compound sentences in modern Chinese , it still does not analyze the causal category .

  12. 英语中表达因果关系的手段很多,其中because-因果复句是表达因果关系的最基本、最重要的形式之一。

    There are many ways to express cause-effect relationship , among which because-causal complex sentence ( hereafter called because-CCS ) is one of the most basic and important forms .