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  1. 雨嘀嘀嗒嗒地敲打着车顶。

    Rain drummed on the roof of the car .

  2. 他向上指着屋顶,透过这里可以听见雨点嘀嘀嗒嗒落个不停。

    He pointed up to the roof , through which the steady drumming of rain could be heard

  3. 居住在上海的纪源资本(GGVCapital)合伙人符绩勋表示,快的和嘀嘀加起来,已经垄断了中国的交通类应用程序的大众市场。

    Jixun Foo , a partner with GGV Capital , who lives in Shanghai , says Kuaidi and Didi combined have cornered the mass market for transportation in China .

  4. 我希望听到那个嘀嘀吧吧的节目。

    I hope to listen to his program * That honk-honk guy .

  5. 微波炉在饭烧好时会发出三声嘀嘀声。

    The microwave will give three beeps when the food is cooked .

  6. 我不喜欢那些整点会发出嘀嘀声的手表。

    I don 't like those watches that keep beeping every hour .

  7. 那就是它能做的事?嘀嘀嘀?

    That 's all it does : beep beep beep ?

  8. 腾讯公司投资的嘀嘀打车也通过提供补贴,培养起了一个规模差不多的网络。

    Didi has also grown its network to similar size by subsidizing rides .

  9. 在一个这样的雨天,伯莎懒洋洋地躺在一张沙发上,爱德华则站在窗旁,望着嘀嘀嗒嗒的雨点。

    One such day Bertha was lounging on a sofa while Edward stood at the window , looking at the patterning rain .

  10. 随着嘀嘀嗒嗒秒针走动的声音,周围的一切都安静了下来,可以很清楚地听到心跳声随着秒针有节奏地跳动。

    With the second move that ticked away voice , everything around quiet down , can clearly hear throbbing with the second rhythmic beat .

  11. 雨点沉重地、嘀嘀嗒嗒地打在外面房间的窗玻璃上,当保罗还是个婴孩的时候,他曾经常在这个房间里注视着他。

    The rain dripped heavily upon the glass panes in the outer room , where he had so often watched poor Paul , a baby ;

  12. 在现场,除了入球时电玩不断发出的“嘀嘀”声,就是现场观众的啧啧赞叹。

    In the field , in addition to the score when the game was issued with " Didi " sound , that the audience tongue praise .

  13. 快的和嘀嘀的互相较劲的补贴竞争已经升级成了价格大战,最终出钱的还是双方背后的大佬——阿里巴巴和腾讯。

    The competing subsidies have led to a ruthless price war that is essentially financed by Kuaidi 's and Didi 's biggest backers , Alibaba and Tencent .

  14. 雨点沉重地、嘀嘀嗒嗒地打在外面房间的窗玻璃上,当保罗还是个婴孩的时候,他曾经常在这个房间里注视着他。房屋外面,可以听到风的低沉的哀号声。

    The rain dripped heavily upon the glass panes in the outer room , where he had so often watched poor Paul , a baby ; and the low complainings of the wind were heard without .

  15. 我沉醉于电影胶片带动转轴时那斯斯的声音和影片角落里的黑色斑点,喜欢那种上了发条的手表在安静中发出的嘀嘀嗒嗒声,还钟情于用手写的方式来表达自我。

    I love the hiss and pop of vinyl and the black splotch in the corner when a movie changes reels . I enjoyed the hushed , uneven ticking of a windup watch . I love handwriting .

  16. 我知道你希望在生活上出人头地,由于弄另一件事上了,后来你又不理会了,你能全部听到嘀嘀的声音?

    I know you want to get on with life , and you 're onto the next thing , and you are tuning out , but you hear all the click , click , click , click , click ?

  17. 因此从某种角度上来看,中国的电商巨头阿里巴巴投资的“快的打车”和腾讯公司投资的“嘀嘀打车”(嘀嘀的规模和业务量据说和快的差不多)才是打车应用程序界真正的王者。

    That makes Kuaidi , which is backed by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba , or perhaps rival Didi Taxi ( which is backed by Tencent Holdings and boasts of a similar scale and footprint ) , the world 's king of the ride-hailing apps at least by some measures .

  18. “咚、咚、咚”,“嘀、嘀、嘀”。

    Chop , chop , chop . Drip , drip , drip .

  19. 而是那斩鸡头的男人所发出的“咚、咚、咚”,“嘀、嘀、嘀”的声音。那些鸡头坠落在肮脏的街道上,一颗,接着一颗。

    but the chop , chop , chop , drip , drip , drip of the man severing the heads of chickens , and them dropping into the dirty street , one by one .