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  1. 这些女裁缝围着模特儿衣架叽叽嘎嘎地讨论衣服这里或那里要做的小改动。

    The seamstresses cluck around a dummy , discussing a tuck here and there .

  2. 他们俩叽叽咕咕地说些什么?

    What are those two whispering to each other about ?

  3. 她在叽叽咕咕地埋怨着水手,海岸上的城市,大风大雨的天气。

    She moaned and croaked over sailors , and sea-port towns , and stormy weather .

  4. 小鸟叽叽叫。

    Little birds were chirping .

  5. 这门老叽叽嘎嘎响。

    This door always creaks .

  6. 走到哪里都有人在背后叽叽咕咕。

    Everywhere we go , people are whispering behind our backs .

  7. 他们被吱吱作响的门警醒了;叽叽嘎嘎响的楼梯。

    They were alerted by the creaking gate ; creaky stairs .

  8. 屋内充满了叽叽咕咕的谈话声。

    The room was full of the bubble and the squeak conversation .

  9. 我真不明白是什么鬼把你迷了心窍他叽叽咕咕地说。

    I don 't know what gets into you , he mutters .

  10. 他转身上楼,一边还叽叽咕咕的。

    He turned and went upstairs , muttering to himself .

  11. 这只橡胶小鸡不是叽叽叫也不是大声叫,而是“尖叫”。

    This rubber chicken doesn 't squeak or squawk . It screams .

  12. 别叽叽咕咕的!我听不见。

    Don 't mutter ! I can 't hear you .

  13. 他叽叽咕咕地说了些我认为像是道歉的话。

    He jabbered out what I assumed was an apology .

  14. 我们听到小鸡发出叽叽的叫声。

    We heard the chicks making tiny peeps .

  15. 叽叽,叽叽!小鸡叫个不停。

    Tweet , tweet went the little chicks .

  16. 两只海豚忽然开始互相发出叽叽咻咻的声音&非常特别的海豚语。

    The two dolphins began squawking and chirping to each other & distinctive dolphin chatter .

  17. 无限通话时间,而且还会叽叽叫

    Unlimited minutes . And it squeaks .

  18. 它边向那孩子叽叽咕咕,还扔下一颖坚果在她的头上。

    So he chATtered AT the child , and flung down a nut upon her head .

  19. 令他惊讶的是,戴安娜把他的求婚当成了一个玩笑,她在那里叽叽咯咯的笑。

    To his surprise , Diana treated his proposal as a joke , She actually giggled .

  20. 小蜜蜂的翅膀可以发出叽叽嘎嘎的声音,它可以从花上拆下来。

    The bee has creaky wings and thanks to the Velcro it can be detached and re-attached to the flower .

  21. 其他同学叽叽嘎嘎地聊着天走进教室,罗恩和赫敏在哈利两边坐下。

    The rest of the class came clattering in , and Ron and Hermione sat down on either side of Harry .

  22. 我上面就是阁楼,里面住着那个食尸鬼,他老是敲管子,哼哼叽叽……”

    And I 'm right underneath the ghoul in the attic ; he 's always banging on the pipes and groaning .... "

  23. 但是今天却有两个老麻雀和一个小麻雀回答一声:“叽叽!”同时用左脚扒了三下土。

    But to-day two old sparrows and a young one answered with a " peep " and the thrice-repeated scrape with the left foot .

  24. 在她房里叽叽咕咕了一会儿,孙小姐出来请辛楣等进去。

    After they had chattered in her room for a while , miss sun came out and asked Hsin-mei and the others to come in .

  25. 松鼠叽叽私语,鸟儿啾啾呢喃,来自南方的野鸟排成精巧的人字,从头顶上呱呱飞过,划破长空。

    Squirrels were chattering , birds singing , and over the head honked the wild-fowl driving up from the south in cunning wedges that split the air .

  26. 当蝙蝠在山洞中飞行的时候,它发出叽叽的叫声,这些声音会通过附近的墙面反射回来,借此蝙蝠能够判断飞行的方向。

    As a bat travels through a cave , it emits squeaking sounds that bounce around the nearby walls . The animal uses this information to know where not to fly .

  27. 这一碗稀粥他实在吃得没有甚么味道,所以他的一双脚就在袋子上踩,踩得那张马皮发出叽叽嘎嘎的声音来。

    Now Little Claus did not relish the porridge at all , so he trod with his foot on the sack under the table , and the dry skin squeaked quite loud .

  28. 他断定那家伙阴险;要是在船上他肯定是个告黑状、翻是非、哼哼叽叽的主儿,而他,马丁伊登准比他强。

    That fellow was vicious , he decided . On shipboard he would be a sneak , a whiner , a tattler . He , Martin Eden , was a better man than that fellow .

  29. 我能一整天叽叽呱呱地跟神谈论我的感觉和问题,可是一旦静下来“聆听”……那可就不同了。

    I can prattle away to God about all my feelings and my problems all the livelong day , but when it comes time to descend into silence and listen ... well , that 's a different story .