
xǐ shàng jiā xǐ
  • Two happy events come one after the other
喜上加喜[xǐ shàng jiā xǐ]
  1. 这消息对于卷福来说可谓喜上加喜,他不久前刚刚被列入女王寿辰授勋名单中,将获得大英帝国司令勋章(CBE)。

    The news means it is a double celebration for the British actor , who has been named a CBE in the Queen 's Birthday Honors List .

  2. 要想喜上加喜,就应该向他们三鞠躬。

    To think pleased add up pleased , should to they three bow .

  3. 你们为周年纪念喜上加喜。

    You put the happy in happy anniversary .

  4. 所有的礼物都是双数,意指“喜上加喜”…

    All gifts should come in even numbers , meaning " good things double ... "

  5. 此外,这个系统将运行于从个人电脑到智能手机的所有平台,这对用户和开发都来说可谓是喜上加喜。

    Better still for both users and developers , the system will run on everything from PCs to smartphones .

  6. 欣逢喜事,与朋友分享其乐,喜上加喜。

    When something sensational happens to us , sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy .

  7. 喜上加喜:一旦房产转让给继承人,将来所有增值部分都会排除在应税价值之外。

    Even better , once the home is transferred to an heir , all future price appreciation gets excluded from the taxable value .

  8. 就在几个月后,这个家庭迎来喜上加喜:因为雷德福夫人发现自己怀上了第17个孩子!所以现在,妈妈和女儿可以共享怀孕的喜悦了!

    Just a month later , the excitement was doubled when Mrs Radford discovered she was expecting her 17th baby so now mother and daughter are sharing the pregnancy process .