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zé zé
  • click of the tongue;talking;chirp;tsk tsk;tut
啧啧 [zé zé]
  • (1) [click of the tongue]∶舌声

  • 啧啧称羡

  • (2) [talking]∶形容咂嘴或说话声

  • 人言啧啧

  • (3) [chirp]∶形容虫、鸟叫声

啧啧[zé zé]
  1. 对那小孩讲述的遭遇,老师啧啧地表示同情。

    The teacher clucked sympathetically at the child 's story .

  2. 啧啧,这个头发剪得很漂亮!

    Say , that 's a nice haircut !

  3. 啧啧,我没想到你会这样。

    Tut-tut , I expected better of you .

  4. 这么说你昨晚又出去喝酒了,对吗?啧啧!

    So you were out drinking again last night were you ? Tsk tsk !

  5. 她端着杯子,啧啧作响地喝着。

    She slurped noisily from her cup .

  6. 他吹了吹勺子里的汤,然后啧啧地喝了下去。

    He blew on his soup before slurping it off the spoon

  7. 医生啧啧不满,把我的话当作借口不予理睬。

    The doctor tut-tutted , dismissing my words as excuses .

  8. 我们都没少对安吉和她的生活方式啧啧非议。

    We all spent a lot of time tut-tutting about Angie and her lifestyle

  9. 你总是这样啧啧喝牛奶吗?

    Do you always slurp when a milkshake ?

  10. WhyCanWeHeartheSoundoftheOceaninaShell?贝壳传来海洋之音?大多数的孩子对从握在耳畔的贝壳里能听到神奇的海浪澎湃声啧啧称奇。

    Most children have probably wondered at the noise of roaring ocean waves magically captured inside seashells held up to their ears .

  11. 此外,林林总总哥特式和殖民复兴风格(ColonialRevival)的建筑都带有一种颇为讨喜的怪诞感,令人啧啧称奇。

    Many other Gothic and Colonial Revival structures have delightful quirks and surprises .

  12. 正当柳井正以日本人的吃法啧啧享用起海胆(据说这种吃法能增味不少)时——我赶忙说且慢,然后掏出iPhone抓拍他的吃相。

    As Yanai sets about slurping in the Japanese fashion - the action is said to introduce flavour-enhancing air - I apologise before pulling out my iPhone to snap a photo .

  13. Verner认为这些社区的转变与觉醒不能不令人啧啧称奇。

    Verner described the turnaround and awakening of the communities as nothing short of amazing .

  14. 啧啧,人家好想在那个国家生活啊。

    Gee , I really want to live in that country .

  15. 很难再让人啧啧称奇。

    It 's hard to say " gee whiz " anymore .

  16. 钢铁侠,雷神托尔,绿巨人,美国船长和蜘蛛侠等等都让人啧啧称奇。

    Iron-man , Thor , Hulk , Captain America and Spiderman .

  17. 你对自然的这个令人敬畏的展示奇迹啧啧称奇。

    You wonder at the miracle of this awesome display of Nature .

  18. 啧啧不是那种会说话的闹钟吧

    Ay . It 's not one of those talking alarm clocks ?

  19. 我一向对那些从事过多重职业的人啧啧称叹。

    I have always been transfixed by those who lead multiple careers .

  20. 啧啧!杰克,你让我很失望,真的。

    Tut-tut , jack , you disappoint me , you really do .

  21. 他的功夫很了得,外国人都对他啧啧赞叹!

    His kungfu is very terrible , foreigners will always praise for his tut !

  22. 你这个恶心的,啧啧吃饭的,喂食的动物。

    You disgusting , slurping , feeding animal .

  23. 你心里知道,凭自己取得的成绩可以让坐在面视桌子对面的考官啧啧赞叹;

    You know you can wow the person across the desk with your accomplishments .

  24. 我谈到他们从未耳闻的《奥赛罗》,他们啧啧称奇。

    I mentioned Othello ; they 'd not heard of it but were fascinated .

  25. 他把面纱拿掉。屋里的人立刻啧啧地赞叹起来。

    He removes her veil . A thrill of applause bursts through the house .

  26. 隐隐透露出一种动物让人啧啧称奇的生存策略

    hint at one animal 's remarkable strategy .

  27. 京晶:谢谢,啧啧,味道太奇怪了。

    Thanks . Uh , this tastes weird .

  28. 注射五毫升……啧啧!”


  29. 一个肥胖的老头嘴里发出“啧啧”声在喂松鼠吃花生。

    A plump old man saying " Chick , chick " and feeding peanuts to squirrels .

  30. 十月的阿帕拉契山树林是北美令人啧啧称奇的自然景观之一。

    The leaves of Appalachian October are one of the stunning natural assets of North America .
