
  • 网络Coffee Space
  1. 北京友谊宾馆米兰咖啡厅室内空间构成

    Milan Cafe In-room Constitution of Beijing Friendship Hotel

  2. 莱恩。塔尼克利夫打进禁区,为咖啡创造了空间。虽然这位射手的射门被封堵,但基恩抢到前场篮板暴扣入网。

    Ryan Tunnicliffe 's burst into the area created an opening for Cofie and , although the striker 's shot was blocked , Keane was on hand to roll home the finish and haul the Reds level .

  3. 在地下的咖啡厅流动的空间和步行街计划作为城市公共空间。

    The ground floor , the flowing space of the cafe and the pedestrian street are planned as a public urban space .