
  1. 神荼和郁垒只要发现哪个妖怪干坏事,便用草绳把它捆起来送去喂老虎。

    Whenever Tu and Yu Lei discovered a monster doing mischief , they tied it up with straw ropes and fed it to the tigers .

  2. 头痛型癫痫和躁郁症有5-HIAA减少,(P<0.001)。

    The 5-HIAA concentrations of headache type epilepsy , manic depressive psychosis were reduced significantly ( P < 0.001 ) .

  3. 碳酸锂还是治疗抑郁症和躁郁症的重要药物。

    Lithium carbonate is an important drug for treating depression and bipolar disorder .

  4. 这对于服药用以治疗抑郁症和躁郁症是同样的道理。

    It is much the same with taking medication for depressive and bipolar disorders .

  5. 于是,苏小小给他讲述了自己和阮郁的故事。

    Thus , Su Xiaoxiao told him about the story of herself and Ruanyu .

  6. 她笑着,对他那困惑的脸庞和隐郁的眼神笑着。

    She says with a smile on his face confusion and hidden Yu eyes with a smile .

  7. 也证明了一些临床医生运用养肝、柔肝、敛肝和疏肝解郁等从肝论治消渴病的合理性和科学性。

    It also proves that application of nourishing , softening , converging , and soothing the liver are reasonable and scientific methods for diabetes treatment .

  8. 南梧二级公路和黔、郁、浔三江形成水陆交通枢纽,交通十分方便。

    The fact that the highway from Nanning to Wuzhou runs through Guiping , and the three rivers meet together at Guiping , makes Guiping a convenient hub for land and water transportation .

  9. 因此他不明白学生如何可以整日整夜地独坐在家里,而不感到倦怠和“优郁”;

    remunerate himself for his day 's solitude ; and hence he wonders how the student can sit alone in the house all night and most of the daywithout ennui and " the blues " ;

  10. 无论外邪郁火或内邪郁火,皆可以分为脏腑郁火和五体郁火,并论述其临床表现。

    No matter stagnated fire due to exogenous evil and stagnated fire due to endogenous pathogenic factors , both of them can be divideded into stagnated fire of the viscera and stagnated fire of five body , and their clinical situation expounded .

  11. 真可惜,玛丽和约翰会很郁……愉悦,不用见到碍眼的我。

    What a shame . Mary and John will be extremely d. .. Delighted not to have me hanging around .

  12. 痛风患者湿热痹阻和瘀热内郁型与血液流变学及血小板活化功能的相关性研究

    Research on Relationship of Syndrome Type and Parameters of Hemorheology and Platelet Activation in Patients with Acute Gout Arthritis of Dampness-heat Blockage Type and Stasis-heat Accumulate Type

  13. 通过正确地辨证论治,以疏肝扶脾、疏肝和胃、疏肝利胆和疏肝解郁法治疗慢性结肠炎、慢性胃炎、慢性胆囊炎及抑郁证,疗效显著,值得临床借鉴学习。

    By correct differentiation of symptoms and signs , it has marked effect and is worth learning to treat chronic colitis , chronic gastritis , chronic cholecystitis and depression by dispelling liver to support spleen , regulate stomach , promote gallbladder and relieve depression .