
hé pínɡ zhǔ yì zhě
  • pacifist
  1. 后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者。

    Later he was to become famous as a pacifist .

  2. 富兰克林·D·罗斯福(FranklinD.Roosevelt)麾下的农业部长和副总统亨利·A·华莱士(HenryA.Wallace)一度食素,也是一名和平主义者。来自艾奥瓦州的华莱士认为,对于陷入贫困的美国农村,鸡是一个救星。

    Henry A. Wallace , a sometime vegetarian pacifist from Iowa who also served as Franklin D. Roosevelt 's agriculture secretary and vice president , argued that the chicken was the savior of poverty-stricken rural Americans .

  3. 范德科尔克的父亲是荷兰皇家壳牌集团(RoyalDutchShell)的高管。尽管他是一名虔诚的新教徒,也是忠实的和平主义者,但盛怒之下他也会在孩子们身上泄愤。

    His father was an executive at Royal Dutch Shell , and despite being a devout Protestant and dedicated pacifist , he suffered violent rages and inflicted them on his children .

  4. 他成为一名和平主义者,他变成了一位阻挠战争之人。

    He becomes a pacifist ; he becomes a war resistor .

  5. 计算机科学先驱者阿兰。图灵不是一名严格意义上的和平主义者;

    The computer science pioneer Alan Turing was not a strict pacifist ;

  6. 他不是和平主义者,而是武装中立的鼓吹者。

    He was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality .

  7. 我卖给左翼,也卖给右翼。甚至和平主义者。

    I sell to leftists and rightists . I sell to pacifists ,

  8. 他们是和平主义者,并不会参加军事。

    They are pacifists and will not join the military .

  9. 成群的和平主义者抗议这场战争。

    Crowds of pacifists protested against the war .

  10. 但巨人们通常都是和平主义者。

    But the giants have always been peaceful .

  11. 一名叫戈弗雷巴伯的人道主义者和和平主义者。

    A humanitarian and pacifist called Godfrey barber .

  12. 他们是和平主义者,他们知道战争不可能解决任何问题

    Well , they 're pacifists . They understand war doesn 't solve problems .

  13. 年纪较轻,属于战后的一代,并不一定就是自由派的和平主义者。

    Being young and of the postwar generation does not necessarily mean being a liberal peacenik .

  14. 在法西斯主义猖獗的时代背景下,和平主义者的理念及其实践显得与现实严重脱节,最后只能以失败而告终。

    In the time of fascism the idea and practice of pacifism was doomed to failure .

  15. 在防卫问题上,他不是和平主义者,而是武装中立的倡导者。

    In matters of defence he was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality .

  16. 作为一个和平主义者,有时候你不敢表达你内心的真实想法。

    As a pacifist , Sometimes you don 't dare revel your true identities and real thoughts .

  17. 逗号:和平主义者。

    Comma (,): The peacemaker .

  18. 我卖给左翼,也卖给右翼,甚至和平主义者,不过他们不是常客啦。

    I have sold to left and right * even to pacifisten but that is no fixed customers .

  19. 我们已经见过了墨菲斯和夜行团,他们在我们看来并不像和平主义者。

    We 've seen Morpheus and the Nightkin and they don 't look like peace makers to us .

  20. 他的朋友詹姆斯·阿特金斯是一个和平主义者,但艾伦并不是。

    Alan 's friend James Atkins had decided that he was a pacifist , and Alan himself that he was not .

  21. 维克托的性格大部分像他母亲,他母亲在1926年出版过一本关于和平主义者和唯心主义者的书。

    In his character Victor took more after his mother , who in 1926 had published a curious pacifist , spiritualist book .

  22. 我们究竟应当奉行孤立主义还是与那些和平主义者和军国主义者纠缠不清,这种考虑实在不必使我们受到过多的困扰。

    It will be well not to be too much disturbed by the thought of either isolation or entanglement of pacifists and militarists .

  23. 爱因斯坦是一个和平主义者,为了和平他甚至以身犯险。

    Einstein was willing to put his pacifism and commitment to peace into action , even at the risk of his own hide .

  24. 没有什么可以像试飞这样的事,能够让支持中国的和平主义者,同时也爱上能造成巨大伤亡的中国军事武器。

    Nothing like a test flight to bring out the pro-china peace lovers that also love chinese military and weapons of death and destruction .

  25. 剑桥也有相似的意见,他们并不是那种极端的和平主义者,但他们拒绝为口号而战斗。

    There were parallel sentiments atCambridge , not necessarily of complete pacifism , but of a kind which rejectedany war fought for that slogan .

  26. 我把它铭记心间最后成为了一个和平主义者伯克利当然是我生命中最好的时光

    And I took that into my heart and became a pacifist as a result Berkeley of course was the best time of my life

  27. 乔安娜经常会用妈妈的手机去拍摄记录当地居民以及国际和平主义者所发起的示威抗议,还有以色列军队对此所作出的回应。

    She would use her mother 's iPhone to record protests staged by locals and international peace activists and the reaction of Israeli army .

  28. 在不久的一段时间里,反战委员会在英国蓬勃发展,并联合了和平主义者、共产主义者和国际主义者,共同反对全国性的大规模战争。

    For a short time , Anti-War Councils sprung up across Britain and united pacifists , communists and internationalists against a ' national ' war .

  29. 日本拥有世界上训练最有素的军队之一,并不是、也从来不是真正的和平主义者。

    Not that Japan is truly pacifist , or ever has been -- not with one of the best-trained forces in the word says Michishita .

  30. 我卖武器给左翼,也卖给右翼,我甚至卖给和平主义者,但他们不是我的老主顾。

    I sell to leftists , and I sell to rightists . I even sell to pacifists , but they 're not the most regular customers .