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  • Peace Corps
  1. 如果把与中国的交往集中在需要扶持的二级地区,例如四川省(美国在那里有一个迅速发展的和平队(PeaceCorps)项目),那么此类机会也许是可以把握的。

    Such opportunities might be manageable if engagement focused on a needy sub-region such as Sichuan Province , where the US has a flourishing Peace Corps programme .

  2. 恩格与和平队行政主任斯泰西·罗兹(StacyRhodes)最近在首都华盛顿和平队总部的一次仪式上签署了协议。

    Engh and Peace Corps Chief of Staff Stacy Rhodes signed the agreement in a ceremony at Peace Corps headquarters in Washington .

  3. 本周是和平队(PeaceCorps)成立50周年纪念日。

    This week s the fiftieth anniversary of the Peace Corps .

  4. 和平队前志愿者JeffRose是温饱项目的负责人。

    Former Peace Corps volunteer Jeff Rose s the Full Belly Project .

  5. 获得学位之后,她决定在和平队(PeaceCorps)从事两年的志愿者工作。

    She decided to serve for two years in the Peace Corps after she finished her degree .

  6. 和平队(PeaceCorps)向发展中国家派遣志愿者,为他们在教育和其他领域提供技术指导。

    The Peace Corps sends American volunteers to provide in education and other areas in developing countries .

  7. 约书亚·伯曼(JoshuaBerman)是旅游作家,曾做过和平队志愿者。

    Joshua Berman is a travel writer and returned Peace Corps volunteer .

  8. 与此同时,应聘美国和平队(PeaceCorps)、美国国民服务队(AmeriCorps)或“为美国教书”组织(TeachforAmerica)的大学毕业生人数也创下了纪录。

    At the same time , record numbers of new college graduates are applying for jobs in the Peace Corps , AmeriCorps or Teach for America .

  9. 美国政府运作的和平队(PeaceCorps)项目表示,正在从受病毒感染最严重的三个国家撤出全部340名志愿者。

    The Peace Corps , a program run by the United States government , said it was withdrawing its 340 volunteers from the three countries most affected by the virus .

  10. 我们需要的是一种新型的和平队(peacecorps)来自中美两国的大学教员、学生和商业领袖组成的“企业家队”(entrepreneurialcorps),与非洲创业者结成合作伙伴关系。

    What we need is a new type of Peace Corps , an " entrepreneurial corps " of faculty , students and business leaders from both China and the US in partnership with African entrepreneurs .

  11. 和平队教育志愿人员与地方学校一道努力,制定英语外语教学(TEFL)、数理化和其他科目的创新教材和课程大纲。

    Peace Corps education volunteers work with local schools to develop innovative materials and curriculums to teach English as a foreign language ( TEFL ), math , science and other subjects .

  12. 和平队是美国总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划(PEPFAR)的重要合作方与实施者,该计划正在全球范围内开展努力以拯救生命,使世界变得更加安全。

    The Peace Corps is a key partner and implementer of the U.S.President 's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ( PEPFAR ), which is working around the globe to save lives and promote a more secure world .

  13. 今天,和平队志愿者熟练运用各类高科技通讯手段。

    Today , Peace Corps volunteers have technology at their fingertips .

  14. 第四章,论述了美国和平队的影响。

    The last part sets forth the effects of Peace Corps .

  15. 她的朋友麦特·弗兰克利诺也是一名和平队新成员。

    Supriyah 's friend Matt Francolino is also a new volunteer .

  16. 用一年,去参加和平队?

    Take a year off , try the peace corps ?

  17. 亚历克斯·戈登1990年早期参加过和平队。

    Alex Gordon volunteered in the Peace Corps in the early 1990s .

  18. 来自在国外传播希望的外交人员及和平队志愿者;

    from the diplomats and Peace Corps volunteers who spread hope abroad ;

  19. 约翰·肯尼迪总统1961年创建了和平队。

    President John F.Kennedy created the Peace Corps in1961 .

  20. 今天,和平队有5%的志愿者从事青年发展工作。

    Today , 5 percent of Peace Corps volunteers work in youth development .

  21. 我也不是什么美国和平队

    I 'm not exactly in the Peace Corps .

  22. 今天在这里有多少和平队志愿者?

    How many Peace Corps volunteers are here today ?

  23. 和平队的历史文化渊源

    The historical and cultural origins of the Peace Corps

  24. 阿伦·威廉斯是和平队队长。

    Aaron S.Williams is director of the Peace Corps .

  25. 和平队与20世纪60年代美国黑人民权运动

    The Peace Corps and the Africa-Americans ' Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s

  26. 许多和平队志愿者都在服务期间参加预防艾滋病教育宣传行动计划。

    Many Peace Corps volunteers work on HIV education initiatives during their service .

  27. 肯尼迪组织拉丁美洲争取进步同盟与和平队。

    Kennedy Organization alliance for progress in Latin America and the Peace Corps .

  28. 20世纪六七十年代和平队被逐原因探析

    A Probe on the Reason Why the Peace Crops were Driven Out in 1960s-1970s

  29. 甚至还有人提出了创建中国和平队这一宏伟计划。

    A grandiose proposal to establish a Chinese Peace Corps was floated , too .

  30. 目前有8千多名和平队志愿者在世界各地服务。

    More than eight thousand Peace Corps volunteers are currently serving around the world .