
mìnɡ lìnɡ quán
  • right to command
  1. 国会通过授与总统紧急命令权。

    Congress voted the president emergency powers .

  2. 因英勇而被授予荣誉的骑士;被授权可以显示一块方旗并且掌握更高的命令权。

    A knight honored for valor ; entitled to display a square banner and to hold higher command .

  3. 执行警务局主要行使执行立案权、执行命令权、执行措施施行权、异议复议裁决权、处罚决定权、司法警务权、事务管理权等七项权力。

    Executive Police Bureau carries the power of executive case filing , executive order , executive measure enforcement , objection reconsideration adjudication , punishment decision , judicial police matter and affair management .

  4. 整个系统的命令行控制权:硬件、软件、操作系统、驱动程序、固件和其他组件。

    Command-line control over the entire system : hardware , software , operating system , driver , firmware , and other components .

  5. 强制投票是一项旨在命令有选举权的公民参加投票的法律或者规范制度。

    Compulsory voting ( CV ) is a system of laws and / or norms mandating that enfranchised citizens turn out to vote .

  6. 卡梅隆所属的数十名保守党议员威胁要忽视这一反对公投的命令,他的领导权将面临最大挑战。

    Dozens of MPs from Mr Cameron 's Conservative Party have threatened to ignore an order to vote against a referendum , and he faces the prospect of the biggest rebellion of his leadership .