
  • 网络constantinople;Fall of Constantinople;Constantinopolis
  1. 多数教堂因为无法承受压力而分裂开来:正当罗马天主教组织OpusDei怒视自由派神学家的时候,同样信奉东正教的莫斯科与君士坦丁堡之间却还在疯狂的争吵。

    Most churches are riven by tensions : it is not so long ago that the Roman Catholic Opus Dei glared at liberation theologists , and Moscow 's Orthodox still squabble like mad with Constantinople 's.

  2. 最后,君士坦丁堡被土耳其攻占最终沦陷了。

    Well , eventually the ottoman Turks attacked Constantinople , it eventually fell .

  3. 他答应说服阿列克接受君士坦丁堡的计划,但他心中没底。

    Aleks'consent to the Constantinople plan , but he was not sure now .

  4. 不久之后,抵抗就消失了;最后,奥斯曼帝国占领君士坦丁堡。

    Resistance faded shortly afterward and ended with the Ottomans finally taking Constantinople .

  5. 他的军队一路破坏、抢劫,直抵君士坦丁堡的城墙下。

    His armies devastated and looted right down to the walls of Constantinople .

  6. 1923年的今天,安卡拉取代君士坦丁堡成为土耳其的首都。

    Ankara replaces Constantinople as the capital of Turkey .

  7. 君士坦丁堡在1453年被土耳其人劫掠一空。

    Constantinople was sacked by the Turks in1453 .

  8. 在罗马和君士坦丁堡,宫殿作为权力的象征达到了顶峰。

    In Rome and Constantinople , palaces reached their peak as centres of power .

  9. 君士坦丁堡沦陷的部分原因就归结于此。

    And the very fact that Constantinople had fallen was partly due to this discovery .

  10. 圣索菲娅成为了几个君士坦丁堡的土耳其伟大清真寺的典型。

    Hagia Sophia served as model for several of the great Turkish mosques of constantinople .

  11. 哈罗德于1月24日赴君士坦丁堡。

    On24 January Harold left for constantinople .

  12. 君士坦丁堡的艺术和文化教育在当时的学校和教堂相当兴盛。

    Art and learning flourished in its universities and cathedrals , including the spectacular Hagia Sophia .

  13. 世纪时土耳其人侵占君士坦丁堡,把这座圣索菲亚教堂改成清真寺。

    Turks occupy Constantinople in the15th century , make this holy Sophia Church into the mosque .

  14. 1453年,君士坦丁堡被奥托曼人攻陷后,它便成了一座带有宣礼塔的清真寺。

    In1453 , when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans , it became a mosque with minarets .

  15. 1453年,君士坦丁堡的陷落在西方国家引起了连锁反应。

    The Fall of Constantinople in 1453 had a huge rippling effect on the Western world .

  16. 很明显,这份文本在1229年前都在君士坦丁堡的图书馆里好好放着。

    You see , the text apparently sat around in a library in Constantinople until 1229 A.D.

  17. 20岁那年,他离家前往君士坦丁堡谋生。

    At 20 years old he set off on a journey to Constantinople to seek his fortune .

  18. 在第四次十字军东征时,威尼斯人占领了君士坦丁堡,并拥立另一支的拉丁皇帝。

    In the Fourth Crusade the Venetians took over Constantinople and established a line of Latin emperors .

  19. 敞开的大门注定了君士坦丁堡的陷落

    An Unlocked Door Doomed Constantinople

  20. 每日纪闻的出版在古罗马帝国首都移至君士坦丁堡后终止。

    Publication of the Acta Diurna stopped when the seat of the emperor was moved to Constantinople .

  21. 20岁出头时他策划逃跑,后来前往君士坦丁堡赚钱。

    He managed to escape in his early 20s and headed to Constantinople to make his fortune .

  22. 随着410年罗马帝国的垮台,君士坦丁堡成了当时帝国惟一的首都。

    With the fall of Rome in 410 , Constantinople was then the only capital of the empire .

  23. 直到公元552年,两个和尚偷偷把蚕卵携带到了君士坦丁堡,丝绸生产被传播到了全球。

    Then in 552 AD , two monks smuggledsilkworm eggs to Constantinople , and silk production spread worldwide .

  24. 原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的马车竞技场中偷出来的。

    The originals were stolen from Constantinople 's hippodrome , or chariot racing arena , during the Fourth Crusade .

  25. 我们可以知道如果拜占庭人成功保卫了君士坦丁堡,这世界现在会是多么的不同。

    We can wonder just how different the world would be right now if the Byzantines successfully defended Constantinople .

  26. 到了公元1475年,君士坦丁堡人就在全世界第一家咖啡馆里享用起了一杯咖啡。

    By1475 , people in Constantinople were enjoying a cup of coffee in the world 's first coffee shop .

  27. 与此同时,人们的君士坦丁堡已变得兴奋,并在一晚几千哥特人被杀害。

    Meanwhile the people of Constantinople had become excited , and in one night several thousand Goths were slain .

  28. 行动目的是获得达达尼尔海峡的控制权,继而督促获取君士坦丁堡。

    The objective was to gain control of the Dardanelles Strait , and then to press on and take Constantinople .

  29. 罗曼努斯是出身一个重要的土地贵族家庭,曾经担任过君士坦丁堡城的市长一职。

    Romanos was a member of an important family of the landed aristocracy and had been prefect of the city .

  30. 1202年到1204年转向为君士坦丁堡而战的东侵,结果没有夺回耶路撒冷。

    A Crusade from 1202 to 1204 that was diverted into a battle for Constantinople and failed to recapture Jerusalem .