
  • 网络Solon;Solone
  1. 过分聪明反而愚蠢。古雅典政治家梭伦

    Too much cleverness is folly . & Solon , ancient Athenian statesman

  2. 梭伦软弱和轻信的特点使雅典人沦为奴隶。

    The weak and trusting character of Solon plunged Athens into slavery .

  3. 试论管仲与梭伦法治观的差异

    On the Difference between the Rules of Law of Guan zhong and Solon

  4. 梭伦回答说:「人不到盖棺那天,都不可以说幸福。

    " Call no man happy till he is dead ," Solon replied .

  5. 在打下物质繁荣的基础后,梭伦便着手制定宪法。

    Having laid the foundations of material prosperity , Solon turned to the constitution .

  6. 以后的雅典政治史,直到梭伦时代,知道得很不完全。

    The further political history of Athens up to the time of Solon is only imperfectly known .

  7. 例如,梭伦为雅典人所立的法律,可说是从他自己的头脑里产生出来的。

    Solon , for instance , produced out of his head the laws he gave to the Athenians .

  8. 梭伦承认男子同性恋,但又规定奴隶不得与自由少年有性关系。

    Solon admitted male homosexuality , but also stipulated that slaves should not have sexual relations with the liberal young .

  9. 亚里斯多德和普鲁塔克最早明确记载了梭伦的币制改革及有关的货币单位及其换算关系。

    Aristoteles and Plutarcus first explicitly recorded Soloon 's currency system reform , regarding currency units and conversion relations between them .

  10. 人不进棺材,谁也称不上幸福,而至多不过是幸运。古雅典政治家梭伦

    Call no man happy till he dies , he is at best but fortunate . & Solon , ancient Athenian statesman

  11. 从这个意义上来讲,作为僭主的庇西特拉图可以视为“带卫队的梭伦”。

    In this sense , Pisistratus , the tyrant , can be justified to be termed " Solon followed by bodyguards " .

  12. 依照这个人物,这个故事最初是在他的祖先梭伦访问埃及期间,一位祭司告诉了梭伦。

    According the character the story was originally told to his ancestor Solon , by a priest during Solon 's visit to Egypt .

  13. 陪审制度最早源于古西腊时代的梭伦立法,英国被誉为现代陪审制之母国。

    The jury system originated first in Solon legislation in ancient Greece , and Britain is regarded as the cradle of modern jury system .

  14. 并且综合各版本栏目设计的优点,以《梭伦改革》为例提出具体设计方案。

    And synthesizes various editions column design the merit , proposes the concrete design proposal take " a Shuttle RoentgenReform " as the example .

  15. 这种同古代氏族制度直接冲突的制度,在雅典直到梭伦时代之前还没有过;

    This institution , which is a direct affront to the old gentile constitution , was unknown in Athens until the time of Solon ;

  16. 最后,文章以梭伦的立法和改革为例,说明了自然正义在政治生活中实现的途径和表现。

    Finally , the channel and expression of the realization of justice ideology in political life is illustrated by the example of Solon 's lawmaking and revolution .

  17. 而国家也确实以梭伦制度的形式给予了这种帮助,同时它又靠牺牲旧制度来增强自己。

    And the state brought them its help in the form of the constitution of Solon , thereby strengthening itself again at the expense of the old constitution .

  18. 里底亚最后一任国王克里萨斯豪富泼天,曾问雅典大贤梭伦:「还有人比我幸福吗?

    Croesus , the last king of Lydia , was fabulously rich . " Is there anyone happier that I am ?" he asked Solon , the Athenian sage .

  19. 在梭伦以前的时代盛行的农村高利贷,以及地产的无限制的集中,都受到了节制。

    Usury on the security of mortgaged land , which had been rampant in the period before Solon , had been curbed , as had also the inordinate concentration of property in land .

  20. 管仲与梭伦分别是先秦齐国和古希腊城邦影响最大的政治家,也是中西政治思想史、文化史上的重要人物。

    Guan Zhong and Solon , as the most influential statesmen respectively in the Qi state of China 's pre-Qin period and the Greek City-State period , were important figures in China 's and western histories of political thought and civilization .

  21. 纵观整个雅典城邦的发展进程,梭伦改革在整个雅典城邦的发展过程中占有极其重要的地位,影响至深。

    The Athenian polis is one of the outstanding representatives * Throughout the development process of the Athens , Solon reform occupies an extremely important status in the whole process of the development of Athens , and has a deep influence .

  22. 有一天夜里,他已经上了床,但是窗帘没有完全拉严,有光线射进照着他,他带着书躺在床上,他得把梭伦4的故事读完。

    One evening he was lying in bed , but the curtains were not yet drawn close , and the light streamed in upon him ; he had taken his book into bed with him , for he wanted to finish reading the story of Solon .