
  • 网络Ye Li;Yerry
  1. NBA明星姚明和爱情长跑女友叶莉周一在家乡上海举行婚礼。

    NBA star center Yao Ming has got married to his long-term girlfriend Ye Li in their hometown Shanghai on Monday .

  2. 2007年8月6日,姚明和身高6尺3的前女篮运动员叶莉喜结连理,他们的女儿姚沁蕾2010年在休斯顿出生,英文名叫Amy。

    Yao married Ye Li , a 6-foot-3 former basketball player , on Aug. 6 , 2007 , in Shanghai . The couple has a daughter , Yao Qinlei , who was born in Houston in 2010 and goes by her American name , Amy .

  3. 休斯顿火箭队篮球明星姚明第一个孩子的小名可能叫YY。本周一,在中国的一档电视节目上,姚明妻子叶莉的好友苗立杰透露了这个小家伙即将降临的消息。

    " YY " looks certain to be the nickname of Houston Rockets star Yao Ming ` s first child , whose imminent arrival was broken on Chinese television on Monday by Miao Lijie , a friend of Yao ` s wife , Ye Li .

  4. 照片上姚明穿着礼服,叶莉穿着露肩婚纱。

    Photographs showed them in a tuxedo and an off-the-shoulder gown .

  5. 姚明身高2.26米,叶莉身高1.9米。

    Yao is 2.26 meters tall and Ye 1.9 meters .

  6. 叶莉是2004年奥运会中国女篮队员。

    Ye played for the Chinese women 's team at the 2004 Olympics .

  7. 叶莉做了一个红色的腕带,姚明一直带着它打球。

    Ye made the red wristbands Yao has worn during games throughout his career .

  8. 叶莉最近体重开始增加引起了媒体的猜测和期待。

    Ye gained weight recently causing speculation in the media that she was expecting .

  9. 祝贺你们,姚明和叶莉!

    Congratulations to Yao and Ye Li !

  10. 星期五,姚明和叶莉带着两推车礼物离开了饭店。

    Yao and Ye left the hotel Friday with two luggage carts full of presents .

  11. 姚明现年29岁,叶莉28岁;双方都是独生子女,于2007年结婚。

    Yao , 29 , and Ye , 28 , both single children , were married in 2007 .

  12. 本周,从中国传来的重要新闻是,姚明和他的多年女友叶莉喜结良缘。

    The big news out of China this week involved Yao Ming 's marriage to longtime girlfriend Ye Li .

  13. 应该有人发起一个投票来猜猜叶莉多久会怀孕,第一个孩子是男还是女?

    Someone should start a poll on how soon will ye Li be pregnant ! First born boy or girl ?

  14. 这两个字母是姚明和叶莉二人名字的开头字母,苗立杰在上海的一档直播电视节目中解释到。

    The letters are the twinned initials of Yao and Ye , explained Miao on a live TV show in Shanghai .

  15. 姚明和叶莉都是国家篮球队的中锋。

    Yao Ming and Ye Li both played center in China ` s national men ` s and women ` s basketball teams .

  16. 姚明和叶莉在国内办了两场婚宴,其中一场在姚明的家乡上海,另一场在中国国家篮球队的大本营北京。

    The couple held two ceremonies , one in Yao 's hometown of Shanghai and another in Beijing where China 's national team is based .

  17. 休斯顿火箭队中锋姚明的妻子叶莉怀孕的消息已经在国内外都引起了极大关注。

    News that Ye Li , wife of Houston Rockets center Yao Ming , is pregnant obviously has attracted great attention at home and abroad .

  18. 首先感谢是我的家人,父母,是我人生的启蒙者,叶莉是我最好的倾听者,可爱的姚沁蕾是我的新希望。

    Firstly I want to thank my family member , parents , who are the enlightenment to me , Ye Li is also the best listener .

  19. 姚明和叶莉的婚礼引起中国媒体的高度关注。曾为国家女篮队员的叶莉现在休斯敦大学读书。

    The wedding of Yao and Ye , a former Chinese National Team player and current University of Houston student , attracted huge media attention in China .

  20. 请给姚明和叶莉更多的私人空间,使他们轻松面对这一人生中的重大转折。张弛向媒体及公众呼吁。

    " Please give Yao and Ye more room for privacy to face this significant transition in their lives ," Zhang requested of the media and the public .

  21. 星期四晚上,姚明和叶莉在北京东方君悦大酒店宴了请他们的队员,姚明的发言人艾里克-张说。

    Yao and ye held a dinner Thursday night at beijing 's Grand Hyatt Hotel to fete the nuptials with their teammates , Yao spokesman Erik Zhang said .

  22. 作为同在中国女篮的队友,苗立杰表示叶莉正在家里静静等待第一个宝宝的到来。

    Miao , who plays alongside Ye on the Chinese women ` s basketball team , said Ye was quietly expecting the couple ` s first baby at home .

  23. 《体坛周报》称,姚明和叶莉马上将到北京参加2008奥运会倒计时一周年庆祝会。

    The Titan Sports Newspaper reported Yao and his bride would be in Beijing to take part in festivities celebrating the one-year countdown to the opening of the2008 Beijing olympics .

  24. 中国篮球明星姚明的经纪人公司称,姚明的妻子叶莉于周五下午在美国休斯敦的一家医院诞下一名千金。

    BEIJING-The wife of Chinese basketball star Yao Ming gave birth to a daughter Friday afternoon at a hospital in Houston , the United States , Yao 's agency said .

  25. 随着姚明携妻子叶莉返美待产,一个话题也在不知不觉间引起热议:姚明的女儿究竟该入美国籍还是中国籍?

    When Yao Ming decided to go back to the US with his pregnant wife Ye Li , the nationality of his child caused a huge dispute among the public .

  26. 据《体坛周报》网站消息,姚明在网上看到这则消息时,女友叶莉也在他身边。

    Yao told Titan sports newspaper 's Web site that he had read the story on another Web site with his basketball star girlfriend , Ye Li , by his side .

  27. 虽然我现在正在小岛上度假,但仍旧要为姚明和他的妻子叶莉送上祝福,他们的小女儿出生啦!

    Although I am currently in the islands for vacation right now , I want to offer my congratulations to Yao Ming and his wife Ye Li on the birth of their daughter !

  28. 该“绯闻”称,姚明在上世纪90年代的电视剧透露,叶莉现在和姚明住在一起。有点常识的人都不会相信这是真的。

    The report said Yao had first seen Long in the1990s television series " The Fresh Prince of Bel Air ", in which she played the love interest of Will Smith 's lead character .

  29. 星期一,休斯敦火箭超级明星姚明正式迎娶他的8年女友叶莉,仪式在上海比较平静地进行。当地媒体称,姚的婚礼是中西合璧的典范。

    Yao Ming , the supersize Houston Rocket , on Monday married his girlfriend of eight years in a private Shanghai ceremony that local media described as a melding of Chinese and Western traditions .