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  • 网络Ye Shiwen;Yeah she win
  1. 周一,美国队总教练JohnLeonard质疑中国女子游泳运动员叶诗文,认为她400米的破纪录之举乃是令人不安且难以置信的。

    On Monday , top US coach John Leonard questioned Chinese teen swimmer Ye Shiwen 's record-breaking 400m swim as ' unbelievable ' and ' disturbing ' .

  2. 叶诗文说她的成功来自艰苦训练

    Ye Shiwen said her success was a result of hard work and training

  3. 伦敦奥运首日中国16岁小将叶诗文在女子400米个人混合泳决赛中获得金牌,并破世界纪录。

    Chinese star , 16 , breaks 400m IM world recordYe , 16 , set a new world best of four minutes 28.43 seconds ,

  4. 叶诗文,上海世锦赛世界冠军,凭借最后一个50米自由泳的全力冲刺,最终以2分07秒57的成绩夺冠。

    Ye , world champion of the event at Shanghai World Champion , launched another devastating final length of freestyle to sprint home first in 2: 07.57 .

  5. 叶诗文在决赛中的速度打破了她自己创造的2分08秒39的奥运纪录。

    Ye breezed into the final as the fastest qualifer with an Olympic record of 2: 08.39 , only to be shattered by herself in the final .

  6. 叶诗文此前已通过药检,而愤怒的中国支持者抨击之前部分西方媒体的狂妄自负,其中就包括叶诗文的父亲。

    Ye passed a drugs test , while angry Chinese supporters , including Shiwen 's father , have hit back at ' the arrogance of the west ' .

  7. 中国对围绕16岁游泳选手叶诗文的争议作出愤怒回应。在上周六的奥运会游泳项目比赛中,叶诗文打破世界纪录的超常表现令世人惊讶。

    China has responded angrily to the controversy surrounding the 16-year-old Chinese swimmer , Ye Shiwen , whose world-record performance in the Olympic pool on Saturday raised eyebrows .

  8. 叶诗文在此次游泳比赛中比她之前最好的成绩要快很多,而且最后50米的速度甚至超过了该项目的男子选手。

    Ms Ye swam the 400m individual medley seconds faster than she ever had before and - on the last 50m - faster than the winner of the men 's event .

  9. 伦敦消息,中国游泳奇才叶诗文在周二的比赛中又一次震惊了全世界。此次叶诗文不仅赢得了女子混合泳200米的比赛,还打破了之前由她在半决赛创造的世界纪录。

    LONDON - China 's swimming breakout swimmer Ye Shiwen stunned the world again as she captured her second Olympic gold in women 's 200m individual medley at London Olympics on Tuesday , beating the Olympic record she set eaerlier in the semifinal .