
  • The Smiths;Mr. and Mrs. Smith;Mr. & Mrs. Smith
  1. 我昨天下午回访了史密斯夫妇。

    I paid Mr. and Mrs. Smith a return visit yesterday afternoon .

  2. 法官判准史密斯夫妇离婚。

    The judge divorced Mr. and Mrs. Smith .

  3. 39岁的朱莉和50岁的皮特在2005年共演电影《史密斯夫妇》时开始约会。7年后,这对昵称为Brangelina(Brad+Angelina)的情侣于2012年4月订婚。

    Jolie , 39 , and Pitt , 50 , started dating while working together on the 2005 film " Mr. And Mrs. Smith . " The couple , dubbed Brangelina , got engaged in April 2012 after seven years of dating .

  4. 史密斯夫妇从结婚以来。

    The Smiths have led an active life since their marriage .

  5. 上星期史密斯夫妇对中国进行了友好访问。

    The Smiths paid a friendly visit to China last week .

  6. 午夜时分,我听到史密斯夫妇在吵架。

    I heard the Smiths bandying words with each other at midnight .

  7. 我们须把同史密斯夫妇之约会延到下星期。

    We shall have to put the Smiths off till next week .

  8. 史密斯夫妇希望有一天能到北京游览一下。

    The Smiths hope that they can come to Beijing some day .

  9. 老史密斯夫妇有一个女儿和三个外孙女。

    Old Mr. and Mrs. Smith have a daughter and three granddaughters .

  10. 史密斯夫妇尽力让我感到和在家一样。

    The Smiths did their best to mark me feel at home .

  11. 史密斯夫妇邀请我参加他们的宴会。

    I was invited to dinner party by the Smiths .

  12. 你知道吗?听说史密斯夫妇离婚了。

    Have you heard the rumor ? Someone said the Smiths got divorced .

  13. 史密斯夫妇住在我们楼上的公寓里。

    The Smiths lived in the apartment above ours .

  14. 史密斯夫妇都以他们的小儿子为自豪。

    The Smiths are proud of his last son .

  15. 史密斯夫妇要见你,他们正在楼下。

    The Smiths , who are now downstairs , are asking to see you .

  16. 报纸所批露的史密斯夫妇私生活情况令人震惊。

    Shocking revelations appeared in the papers about the private life of the Smiths .

  17. 史密斯夫妇俩都是英语老师。

    The Smiths are both English teachers .

  18. 听说史密斯夫妇离婚了。

    Someone said the Smiths got divorced .

  19. 史密斯夫妇正在闹离婚。

    The Smiths are divorcing . The newly married couple moved into their new home .

  20. 史密斯夫妇(或一家)搬到了加利福尼亚洲。

    The Smiths moved to California .

  21. 两人因拍摄《史密斯夫妇》结缘,2005年初开始约会。

    The pair began dating in early 2005 after they met on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith .

  22. 39岁的朱莉和50岁的皮特在2005年共演电影《史密斯夫妇》时开始约会。

    Jolie , 39 , and Pitt , 50 , started dating while working together on the 2005 film Mr. And Mrs. Smith .

  23. 史密斯夫妇下个星期将去巴西。随后这个月里他们将在墨西哥旅游。

    MR and Mrs Smith are going to Brazil next week , and they will be traveling in Mexico later in the month .

  24. 影星安吉丽娜·茱丽因饰演《史密斯夫妇》中的简·史密斯一角被评为最性感的电影杀手。

    Actress Angelina Jolie has been named the sexiest movie assassin for her role as Jane Smith in the film Mr & Mrs Smith .

  25. 史密斯夫妇过去经常到火奴鲁鲁度假并住在山脚下的一个小旅馆里。

    Mr. and Mrs. Smith had always spent their summer holidays in Honolulu in the past , staying in a small hotel at the foot of a mountain .

  26. 布拉德和珍妮弗似乎是好莱坞的完美夫妻档,直到2004年,布拉德在拍摄《史密斯夫妇》时与安吉丽娜•朱莉擦出火花,当时颇为人所不齿。

    Brad and Jen seemed to be the perfect Hollywood power couple , until Brad infamously fell for Angelina Jolie on the set of Mr & Mrs Smith in 2004 .

  27. “史密斯夫妇刚来这儿时没买房子是犯了个大错。”“难道他们不知道嘛,现在买房要比当时多花两倍的钱!”

    " The Smiths made a big mistake in not buying that house when they first came here . "" don 't they know it ! It 'll cost them three times as much now . "

  28. 他告诉英国《泰晤士报》:当我在拍摄《史密斯夫妇》的某场戏,并且对这场戏的拍摄方法有自己的想法而安吉丽娜朱莉有不同的想法。

    He tells Britains The Times newspaper , When I was shooting a scene on Mr. & Mrs. Smith and I had one idea of how the scene should play out Angelina Jolie had a different idea .

  29. 安吉丽娜·朱莉执导的这部电影标志着二人继《史密斯夫妇》后再度在银幕合作,2005年的《史密斯夫妇》是两人的定情之作。

    Angelina Jolie directed the film , and the project marks the first time the couple has acted on screen together since 2005 , when they fell in love on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith .