
  • 网络Taipei Zoo
  1. 台北动物园称,圆圆已有怀孕的征兆&睡得更多了,吃得更少了而且乱发飚。

    Taipei Zoo says Yuan Yuan is showing signs of pregnancy-sleeping more , eating less and is unusually cranky .

  2. 上周,团团的固定伴侣,圆圆,正处在一年一度的发情期,发情期持续时间仅为三天,弥足珍贵。而台北动物园竭尽全力去引导它们自然交配。

    When Tuantuan 's long-term mating partner , Yuanyuan , was in heat last week - a precious window lasting about 72 hours every year - and Taipei Zoo went to great lengths to entice them to mate naturally .

  3. 台北动物园每天接待19200游客游览熊猫园,游客们被要求以抽号的方式进园参观。

    The zoo allows up to 19,200 visitors to the pandas section every day and all visitors are asked to enter a lottery in order to get in .

  4. 台北动物园的大熊猫为在炎炎夏日获取更好的生活条件,假装怀孕迹象被专家识破后,台湾即将出生另一只熊猫幼崽的希望也随之破灭。

    Hopes that another panda cub would soon be born in Taiwan were dashed when experts determined that signs of pregnancy displayed by a giant panda at Taipei Zoo appear to have been faked by the animal in order to secure better conditions during the summer .

  5. 在台北市立动物园,你可以看到棕熊。

    You can see brown bears in the Taipei City zoo .

  6. 台北市立动物园想要2只公企鹅和2只母企鹅。

    The Taipei City Zoo wanted two male and two female penguins .

  7. 上个月,大熊猫圆圆在台北市动物园产下了小圆仔。

    Little Yuan Zai was born to giant panda Yuan Yuan at Taipei City Zoo , Taiwan last month .

  8. 到台北市动物园非常方便。搭乘捷运木栅线到终站就到了。

    The Taipei Zoo is very convenient . Just ride the MRT to the end of the Muzha line .

  9. “农业委员会”下属的“林业局”所组织的一个审查委员会最终确定,台北木栅动物园击败了新竹县北部的六福村野生动物园,获得了安置这一对大熊猫的资格。

    A screening committee organized by the Forestry Bureau under the Council of Agriculture ( COA ) chose the Muzha zoo in Taipei to eventually house the pandas , over the private Leofoo Safari Park in northern Hsinchu county .

  10. 从虎尾搬到台北市木栅动物园展示的溪洲牌932及混合列车。

    DL932 and freight cars have been displayed at Taipei Zoo .