
kǒu tóu yǔ
  • pet phrase;habitual turn of phrase
口头语 [kǒu tóu yǔ]
  • [cant;cliche;pet phrase] 说话时经常不自觉地说出来的词句

  • 瞧着办三个字几乎成了他的口头语

  1. 小议X个X贼&粤东兴宁客家话中一个有趣的口头语

    Discuss " X Ge X Zei " randomly & An interesting pet phrase in Xingning Hakka of east Guangdong

  2. Primark发行了一系列T-恤,上面印着乔伊“你好么”的经典口头语,以及印着“中央公园”主题的睡衣。

    Primark has launched a range of t-shirts including one with Joey 's famed ' How you doin ' phrase as well as Central Perk pyjamas .

  3. 把书面语和口头语结合起来的阅读教学。

    Teaching reading by training beginners to associate printed words with spoken words .

  4. 就像口头语一样,体态语也因文化的不同而有所差异。

    Just like spoken language , body language varies from culture to culture .

  5. 习语和谚语是一个民族文化与智慧的结晶,同时也是人民大众口头语典范的实录。

    Idioms and proverbs are crystalization of culture and wisdom of a people .

  6. 菲利浦笑了笑,因为这话是他伯父的口头语。

    Philip smiled , for this was one of his uncle 's stock phrases .

  7. 他有个讨厌的口头语,每句话后面都要来个'你知道吗?'

    He has an annoying trick of saying ` You know ? ' after every sentence .

  8. 对!这是一封书面语写成的信,不是口头语的交流,但基本原则是不变的。

    It 's a written letter not a conversation , but the principle is the same .

  9. 然而,重复作为一种自然语言现象,不仅存在于书面语中,也存在于口头语中。

    However , as a natural language phenomenon , repetition exists both in written language and spoken language .

  10. 有影响力的演说者调整他的声调去面对大量的观众,力求避免分散人注意力的身体习惯动作,力求避免习惯性口头语。

    Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerism and verbal habits .

  11. 汉语口头语的另一支客家语,是居住于龙岩附近客家族的语言。

    Hakka , another subdivision of spoken Chinese , is spoken around Longyan by the Hakka people who live there .

  12. 常用的口头语,表示仅仅、单是。

    " Guang " is often used in everyday conversation , meaning " alone "," solely " or " merely " .

  13. 希望本文的研究发现能为口头语篇分析提供一个新的研究学习角度。

    Based on the study and findings of this thesis , a new perspective of oral discourse analysis may be given .

  14. 英语口头语和书面语的语体特征&兼论培养学生学会使用英语两种语体的教学原则

    Stylistic Features of Spoken and Written English & Teaching Principles for Training Students ' Ability in Using the Two Styles of English

  15. 词是一个表达单位,无论其是以口头语或书面语的形式出现,都能获得本族语言者的普遍直觉识别。

    WORD is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native-speaker , whether it is expressed in spoken or written form .

  16. 双子:“我要变化”是双子座挂在嘴边的口头语,因此,一有时间就去染发几乎成了你生活中必不可少的事情。

    " Change it up " is the perennial motto of Gemini , so dyeing the'do as much as possible is almost a necessity .

  17. 在现代白话新诗特定发展阶段,口语是带有方言成分的口头语。

    Being a term of modern poems , the spoken language has a title relationship with the concepts such as dialects and vernacular tongue , etc.

  18. 楔形文字是已知的最早的书面语言。而一般认为,口头语的产生要比书面语早至少几万年。

    Cuneiform was the first known form of written language , but spoken language is believed to predate writing by tens of thousands of years at least .

  19. 他们是一群血缘相近的民族,口头语,继而是书面语,把他们联系在一起,他们追求共同的理想勇敢精神和优雅风度。

    They were a group of kindred peoples linked by the spoken and afterwards by the written word , and sharing common ideals of courage and behaviour .

  20. 本文从语篇分析的新视角探讨了英语语调在口头语篇中的功能,对英语语调的用法做了更全面的诠释。

    This paper probes into the functions of intonation in the spoken discourse from a new perspective of discourse analysis , which is a full explanation to intonation .

  21. 首先,它着重作为口头语的华语,那么作为书面语的华文又扮演什么角色?

    First , since the campaign focused on Mandarin as a spoken language , what was supposed to be the role of written Chinese as a literary language ?

  22. 作为功能语法的创始人,他明确指出建构功能语法的目的是为语篇分析提供一个理论框架,这个框架可以用来分析英语中的任何口头语篇和书面语篇。

    As the initiator of functional grammar , Halliday clearly points out that the purpose of setting up functional grammar is to provide an analyzing structure for discourse analysis and the analyzing structure is useful to any text , spoken or written in English .

  23. 广告标语是一种口头标识语。

    An advertisement slogan is a form of verbal logo .

  24. 学生口头学术报告语篇的语类分析

    A Genre-Based Analysis of Students ' Academic Presentations

  25. 汉语惯用语来源于日常生活,以口头与书面语的方式流传到现在。

    Chinese idiomatic phrase comes from daily communication , the way of oral and written language spread to nowadays .

  26. 基于语言最本质的功能,外语教学的目的应当是培养学生实际运用语言进行交际的能力,即,能以口头及书面语表情达意。

    The basic function of a language is to communicate in real-life situation . Therefore the purpose of foreign language teaching should lie in cultivating the learners ' ability to use the language practically in its oral or written form .

  27. Tannen探讨的是口头会话中转述语的功能。

    Tannen explores the conversational functions of reported speech in oral communication .

  28. 对此,本文试图运用功能语言学的语类理论,探讨学生口头学术报告的语篇模式与语言特点。

    Application of semantic category theory to college english vocabulary teaching is to apply semantic category theory to english vocabulary teaching .

  29. 吕叔湘语文思想主要包括:1、语文性质论:语文指语言与文字,即口头语言与书面语;

    Lu Shu - xiang 's Chinese thinking mainly includes : 1 . Chinese qualitative comment : " Chinese " refers to " language and words ", it means spoken and written language ;