
fā jī
  • get on;(of a poor man)gain fame and fortune;gain fame and fortune;make good;rise to power and position;make a career;make one's way
发迹 [fā jì]
  • [(of a poor man)gain fame and fortune;rise to power and position] 指人脱离困顿状况而得志、兴起

  • 他的发迹史不值一提

发迹[fā jī]
  1. 清代官僚资本是盐商发迹的主要资本来源之一。

    The bureaucratic capital is one of the main capital sources to help salt merchants gain fame and fortune in Qing Dynasty .

  2. 他发迹还乡,荣归故里。

    He came home a rich man , covered in glory .

  3. 他是靠贩卖军火发迹的。

    He rose [ made a career for himself ] by dealing in munitions .

  4. 其他黄金法则建议我们掌控自己,避免毫无节制,不要做一个发迹的傻瓜。

    Other golden rules counsel us to master ourselves , to avoid excess and not to be a prosperous fool .

  5. 结论:对原发于颞下窝的肿瘤应注意其早期症状,CT检查是诊断颞下窝肿瘤的有效手段,隐蔽于发迹内的侧切口是比较好的手术进路。

    Conclusion : For tumor originating from fossae infratemporalis , early symptoms and CT examination are helpful in diagnosing , and side incision within the hair is a good surgery access .

  6. 对于一个1960年才取得菲律宾国籍、1965年才创办了后来成为其旗舰企业的福川烟草公司(fortunetobaccocorporation)的人来说,他的发迹堪称不同寻常。

    It is a remarkable rise for somebody who became a Philippine citizen only in 1960 and formed what was to be his flagship company , fortune Tobacco Corporation , only in 1965 .

  7. 威尔金森上学时还开了一间薯条店,显示了他的企业家天赋。后来,他进入了电脑业,发迹之后,于1983年创立了他自己的数据存储公司Storm。

    Mr Wilkinson , who also showed entrepreneurial instincts at school by running a chip shop , drifted into the computer business but got on well enough to start his own data storage company , Storm , in 1983 .

  8. 巴克莱财富(BarclaysWealth)发布的这份报告发现,在中国等蓬勃发展的经济体发迹的企业家,仍希望移居到北美和欧洲,以觅得稳定和更好的商业前景。

    The report , by Barclays Wealth , found that those who made their money in booming economies such as China still hoped to move to North America and Europe in search of stability and better business prospects .

  9. 我真希望有机会能好好介绍一下酒店所有者威尔逊家族(Wilson)的历史:这个五代建筑设计师的家族在美国旧金山发迹后,返回凯库拉打造了这片人间仙境。

    I wish I had the space to tell the story of the Wilson family , five generations of architects who made their way in San Francisco and came back to create this delightful place .

  10. 两个多世纪前,第一个罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)在欧洲银行业发迹。两百多年后的今天,罗斯柴尔德王朝的两个分支准备在法国的法庭上争夺家族姓氏。

    More than two centuries after the first Rothschild made his fortune in European banking , two branches of the dynasty are set to do battle in the French courts & over the family name .

  11. SongPop是最近风行一时的在线游戏,其发迹史进一步证明有两个因素使得社交游戏具有独特优势,即脱胎于经典,容易上手。

    The rise of songpop , the latest online game to make it into the " craze " category , is further evidence that two factors give special advantages to social-media Games : a basis in the classics , and simplicity .

  12. 他到了加拿大,在那里他很快便发迹了。

    He went to canada , where he soon made good .

  13. 或者他是借此机会发迹。

    Or maybe he 's just taking advantage of an opportunity .

  14. 我希望你的发迹不会让你过于自信。

    I hope your success will not make you overconfident .

  15. 一个百万富翁白手起家迅速发迹的真实故事。

    The true story of a millionaire 's meteoric rise from poverty .

  16. 他已决定离开村子去寻找发迹的机会。

    He had decided to leave his village to seek his fortune .

  17. 他神奇的发迹是不是搅乱了他的神经?可他看上去十分理智啊!

    Had his mysterious prosperity unhinged him ? He looked quite sane .

  18. 他离开农场去城里寻找发迹的机会。

    He left the farm to seek his fortune in the city .

  19. 许多年轻人去城里寻求发迹的机会。

    Many young people go to the city to seek their fortune .

  20. 一个有你这样的阅历的人是应当发迹的。

    A man of your experience ought to do well .

  21. 回家告诉邻里,我就要发迹?

    Will you tell the folks back home I nearly made it ?

  22. 这里是斯德哥尔摩市当初在公元13世纪发迹的地方。

    This is where the city was founded back then inthe 1200s .

  23. 辛德雷没出息,不管他荡到哪儿也永远不会发迹的。

    Hindley was nought , and would never thrive as where he wandered .

  24. 现在我知道该上哪儿去弄钱来发迹起家了。

    I know now where to get the money to start my fortune .

  25. 他几乎都是在工作多年后才发迹。

    Almost invariably he had risen from the ranks after years of service .

  26. 大家都觉得在卞福汝主教跟前没有发迹的可能。

    The impossibility of growing great under Monseigneur Bienvenu was so well understood .

  27. 约翰逊先生现在很穷,但他会有发迹的一天。

    Mr Johnson is poor now , but he will see better days .

  28. 他得了一个发迹的机会。

    He has got a chance in life .

  29. 突然发迹的官僚、金融家、官员等。

    Upstart bureaucrats , financiers , officials , etc.

  30. 麦尔家族在英国的发迹则是一个历史的巧合。

    The Britishness is an accident of history .