
  • 网络foaming process
  1. 研究了发泡工艺参数对泡沫Al孔隙率的影响。

    The effect of foaming process parameters on the porosity of Al foams was investigated .

  2. 采用物理共混及化学交联模压发泡工艺生产乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物(EVA)/三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)/聚氯乙烯(PVC)三元塑料合金软质泡沫体。

    Ethylene - vinyl acetate ( EVA ) / ethylene propylene diene monomer ( EPDM ) / poly-vinyl chloride ( PVC ) ternary plastic alloy non-rigid foam was produced by physical blending and chemical crosslinking moulding foaming process .

  3. PE泡沫绝缘料模压发泡工艺的考察

    Study of Mould Pressure Foaming Technology for PE Insulating Foam

  4. PVC卷材地板低温发泡工艺

    Cryogenic Foaming Technology of PVC Floor Roller Sheets

  5. 动态发泡工艺参数对PS微孔塑料泡孔结构的影响

    Effects of dynamic process parameters on cell structure of PS microcellular plastics

  6. 采用Ti(SO4)2和尿素为原料,利用均相沉淀-发泡工艺制备出了纳米氧化钛粉体材料,并用DTA-TG、XRD、IR和FS等方法对样品进行了表征。

    Nano-sized titanium oxide powders were prepared from Ti ( SO_4 ) _2 and urea by homogeneous precipitation-frothing method DTA-TG , XRD , IR and FS were used in characterizing the products .

  7. 采用自由发泡工艺研究聚乙烯低发泡成型的配方及工艺条件,讨论AC用量、EVA用量、DCP用量、螺杆转数对制品性能的影响。

    Studies the formulation and process parameters of the low foam formation of PE by free foaming technique , discusses the influences of the specific contents of AC , EVA and DCP , and the screw speed on product performance .

  8. 探讨了采用微交联、微发泡工艺生产新型SBS鞋用材料(S-TPE)的配方,研究了各添加剂的协同关系及作用,研制了SBS混合改性剂P83/EVA/M-80。

    The formulation of the novel SBS produced by technique of micro - crosslinking and micro - foam for shoes , the influence of various additive on formulation were studied . P83 / EVA / M - 80 used as SBS composite modifier was developed .

  9. 据此发泡工艺和引述的三项防水防潮措施生产的同轴电缆,经288h的湿热试验,其信号衰减增量都小于1%。

    The coaxial cables produced by this process with a moisture preventive measure applied have an additional signal attenuation of less than 1 % after a damp heat test for 288 h.

  10. 毛皮发泡工艺研究

    Study on the Technology of Acid Bating in Fur Making

  11. 发泡工艺与模样密度又制约了其成型发泡工艺;

    Foaming and mould sample density constrain the foaming process in shaping .

  12. 轧制复合-粉末冶金发泡工艺制备泡沫铝夹心板

    Preparing Aluminum Foam Sandwich by the Roll-bonding-powder Metallurgy Foaming Technique

  13. 泡沫铝夹心板轧制预制坯的粉末冶金发泡工艺

    Powder Metallurgy-Foaming Process of Rolled Precursor for Aluminum Foam Sandwich

  14. 变压发泡工艺对聚氨酯泡沫泡孔结构控制的研究

    Study of Controlling Cell Structure of Polyurethane Foam by Varying Pressure in Foaming

  15. 发泡工艺对某一新型药柱微观结构影响的分析

    Analysis on Effect of the Foaming Technology on the Microstructure of A New Ammunition

  16. 发泡工艺温度测控系统

    Temperature Test and Control System of Foaming Technology

  17. 环戊烷发泡工艺中的安全技术

    Safety Technique in Cyclopentane Blowing Process

  18. 硅灰石晶须增强高温硫化硅橡胶发泡工艺

    Foaming of Wollastonite Whisker-reinforced Silicone Rubber

  19. 为低熔体强度聚合物的连续挤出发泡工艺过程的实现提供了一条简单有效的途径。

    This is a simple but effective method to extrusion foaming of low melt strength polymer .

  20. 淀粉糖甙聚醚聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料发泡工艺的研究

    Study on the Foaming Processing of Rigid Polyurethane From Polyether Polyol Derived From Starch Ethylene Glycol Glycoside

  21. 实验确定了适宜的合成工艺及发泡工艺条件、产品性能。

    Suitable technical conditions of synthesis and foaming , and properties of the product were determined experimentally .

  22. 然后研究了发泡工艺以及中间相沥青原料对石墨泡沫结构及性能的影响,为制备复合材料做准备。

    Then the effect of foaming process and mesophase pitch on the structure and properties of graphite foam were studied .

  23. 采用全水发泡工艺,通过对配方的调节,研制了一种具有一定耐压强度和较好吸油性能的聚氨酯软质泡沫塑料。

    The flexible polyurethane foam that had certain compressive resistance and high oil absorption was prepared by water-blown formulation adjustment .

  24. 通过对泡沫芯材的模压发泡工艺的控制、监测,分析了夹层结构成型时内部产生压力的大小。

    The pressure generated inside the mold is analyzed and measured when the manufacture of the foam core is controlled .

  25. 针对夹层结构的特点,通过对聚氨酯泡沫的各主要组分及发泡工艺的研究,研制出了一种适用于夹层结构的硬质聚氨酯泡沫。

    The production process and performance of an aromatic polyester polyol and application on the hard polyurethanes foam structure adhesive was introduced .

  26. 对铝合金熔融发泡工艺进行了研究,用火山灰作发泡剂、用钙为增粘剂。通过试验,认为用此法制造泡沫金属是可行的。

    This paper researches on the foaming procedure of aluminum alloy in molten state and believes that the procedure is feasible for making foam metals .

  27. 采用二次发泡工艺制备出一种声学性能优良的聚氨酯多层复合泡沫吸声材料,并对其吸声性能进行了研究分析。

    This research provided a new technique that two procedure foaming technique to produce composite Polyurethane foam , and made a research on its sound absorption property .

  28. 介绍了减少75%CFC-11的聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料的发泡工艺,对影响工艺参数和泡沫性能的一些因素进行了讨论。

    The manufacture of Polyurethane rigid foam blown with 75 % reduced CFC & 11 is described . The influences on process and properties of foams are discussed .

  29. 通过对硬泡聚氨酯泡沫塑料的制备原理及方法的研究,对其发泡工艺进行优化,得出了最佳配方。

    Through to the rigid polyurethane foam plastics preparation principle and method of the research , the foam process is optimized , the conclusion of the best formula .

  30. 此外,还对大门空气幕的设立、发泡工艺的改进、下送上回送风方式的采用、新型制冷机组的选择、空气-空气换热器在通风中的应用等节能技术问题进行了初步探讨。

    Furthermore , the application of energy conservation technology such as air curtain , foaming technology , air supply pattern , new refrigeration , air-air exchanger , etc were discussed .