
fā lěng
  • feel chilly;feel cold;rigor;feel a bit chilly
发冷 [fā lěng]
  • [rigor;feel a bit chilly] 身上感觉冷(如发烧时感觉寒冷)

发冷[fā lěng]
  1. 你是否总觉得身上发冷?

    Do you feel cold all the time ?

  2. 血液循环不良会使你发冷。

    Bad circulation makes you feel cold .

  3. 一听见他的说话声,她就背上一阵阵发冷。

    The sound of his voice sent shivers down her spine .

  4. 她突然感到浑身发冷。

    A chill stole over her body .

  5. 大理石地面开始让我觉得发冷。

    The marble floor was beginning to chill me

  6. 我感到周身发冷。

    I felt a chill creep over me .

  7. 光秃秃的水泥地板使我两脚发冷。

    The bare concrete floor was cold on my feet .

  8. 量表统计中,虚寒证患者四肢发冷项与对照组存在极显著差异(P<0.01);

    In the deficiency patients scale , the patients of cold-limbs has obvious difference from control group ( P < 0 . 01 ) ;

  9. 杰克-尼科尔森在电影TheShining中歇斯底里的表现让我浑身发冷得只想盖上毯子。

    Jack Nicholson , playing the crazed caretaker in The Shining , makes me reach for a blanket .

  10. 易引起HEV-71感染者发生CNS疾病的危险因素包括年龄小、发热、呕吐、口腔溃疡、呼吸困难、四肢发冷和少尿。

    Risk factors for CNS disease in HEV-71 included young age , fever , vomiting , mouth ulcers , breathlessness , cold limbs , and poor urine output .

  11. 例如,2009年,诺华研发的药物Ilaris获批用于冷吡啉相关周期性综合症(CAPS)的治疗。CAPS是一种罕见的、可能致命的自体发炎性疾病,可能导致发热、发冷、骨畸形和失明。

    For example , in 2009 , Novartis received approval for Ilaris , a drug that treats CAPS , a class of rare , potentially fatal autoinflammatory diseases that can cause fevers and chills , bone deformities , and loss of vision .

  12. 你最近有恶心,发冷及刺痛的症状,是吗?

    You 're experiencing nausea , chills and tingling , huh ?

  13. 那奇怪的响声叫我脊背一阵阵发冷。

    That strange noise sends shivers up and down my spine .

  14. “大概有一点阴湿,叫人发冷吧?”奎尔普说。

    " Perhaps a little damp and agueish ?" said quilp .

  15. 她徒步旅行时穿得有些薄弱,因此以为浑身发冷。

    She was underdressed for the hiking trip and suffered hypothermia .

  16. 我突然觉得后背一阵发冷。

    I suddenly feels the cold feeling crawling up my spine .

  17. 症状包括眩晕、高烧、发冷、呕吐。

    Symptoms include dizziness , fever , chills , and nausea .

  18. 我一直觉得发冷而且我还头疼。

    I keep feeling chilly and I 've got a headache .

  19. 查理身子动了一下,把她骇得浑身发冷。

    Charles stirred , and her blood ran cold in terror .

  20. 发冷发热感58例;

    58 cases with the sense of algidity and pyrexia ;

  21. 我头痛,还觉得有些发冷。

    I have got a headache and I feel chilly .

  22. 没什么大不了的&只是头脑发冷。

    It 's nothing serious & just a head cold .

  23. 他听了那个鬼故事后浑身发冷。

    He went cold all over when he heard the ghost story .

  24. 最常见的症状是发冷,颜面潮红。

    The most common symptoms were chills and facial flushing .

  25. 她刚来的时候说发冷、头疼。

    She came in complaining of chills and a headache .

  26. 你起病时发冷发烧吗?

    Did you have chills and fever at the onset ?

  27. 我觉得发冷,胃也痛。

    I feel shivery , and I 've got a pain my stomach .

  28. 祖父的鬼故事吓得我脊梁骨发冷。

    Grandfather 's ghost sent chills up my spine .

  29. 害怕怀孕的忧惧使她浑身发冷。

    The terror of pregnancy made her go cold all over with fear .

  30. 他因头部发冷而不停地喘粗气。

    He sniffled from a cold in the head .