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shuāng xiǎng
  • double-bang firecracker;a firecracker which goes off twice;a kind of cannon
双响 [shuāng xiǎng]
  • (1) [a firecracker which goes off twice; double-bang firecracker]∶一种爆竹,点燃后发一声,升到空中后完全爆裂,同时又发一声

  • (2) [a kind of cannon]∶一种火炮

  • 又复沿河施放双响,城内城外,遍地居民,几无立身之地。--《三元里人民抗英》

双响[shuāng xiǎng]
  1. 卟啉诱导pH和温度双响应嵌段聚合物胶束化

    TPPS induced pH and temperature double sensitive block polymeric micellization

  2. 本文以设计的新型P(ANIPS/NIPA)二元智能凝胶为机敏材料,将其应用于纺织品上,研发具有温度和pH值双响应能力的智能纺织品。

    In this paper , as a smart material , the P ( AMPS / NIPA ) dualistic hydrogel , which was new-style and intelligent , was applied to textiles to develop intelligent textiles which had both temperature and pH responsive capability .

  3. 针对非正态响应的稳健参数设计问题,在均值与散度的联合广义线性模型基础上构建了基于GLM的双响应曲面模型。

    As for the robust parameter design with non-normal responses , we propose a dual response surface model for GLM based on the jointed generalized linear models of mean and dispersion .

  4. 选择与工业应用接近的条件进行动力学实验,根据建立的动力学模型,用动力学试验数据采用双响应Marquardt法,以转化率、选择性为目标函数进行待定参数估值,确定待定参数,得到本征动力学方程。

    Intrinsic kinetics equations are obtained by estimating and confirming the required parameter values through using the kinetics experimental data and utilizing double-response Marquardt method based on conversion ratio and selectivity as objective functions .

  5. 此外,考虑因子效应原则所获得的最佳模型通常更加符合试验设计的基本思想,避免获得拟合结果很好但毫无实际意义的模型。(4)基于GLM的双响应曲面方法与稳健参数设计。

    Furthermore , The best model considering the factorial effect principles usually conforms to the basic idea of experimental design , so it can avoid gaining a good fitting but nonsensical model . ( 4 ) Dual response surface methodology and robust parameter design based on GLM .

  6. 基于双响应面法的行星齿轮机构稳健设计研究

    Robust Design of Planet Gear based on Dual Response Surface Methodology

  7. 双响爆竹插引线自动机械设计

    Automatic Mechanical Design on Inserting Fuse of Double-sound Firecracker

  8. 双响应曲面方法在改进产品设计中的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Dual Response Surface Methodology in Product Design Improvement

  9. 稳健性设计的双响应面法

    Dual Response Surface Method for Robust Design

  10. 基于双响应面法的公差设计研究

    Robust Tolerance Design by Response Surface Methodology

  11. 一种基于支持向量机的非参数双响应曲面法

    SVM-Based Nonparametric Dual Response Surface Methodology

  12. 提出一种替代静态田口方法进行稳健性设计的方法&双响应面法。

    Dual respone surface method which is an alternative to the static Taguchi Method is proposed in this paper .

  13. 从经济角度出发,分析和阐述替代参数设计的更优设计方法&双响应曲面法。

    From the economical angle , it has been proposed that the dual response surface methodology has more advantages than parameter design .

  14. 介绍了产品系统的稳健设计基本原理,重点介绍了基于双响应曲面法的稳健设计。

    We introduce the basic theory of robust design , and then put the emphasis on the robust design based on dual response surface model .

  15. 首先根据双响应曲面法的思想,利用满意度函数对多个响应的系统敏感度和系统波动进行度量。

    According to the idea of dual-response surface methodology , this paper uses the desirability function to measure both system sensitivity and system variation of each response .

  16. 双响应面法是通过试验设计分别构造响应均值和方差的近似模型,并通过该模型进行优化的一种稳健设计方法。

    Dual response surface methodology has been proposed for engineering robust design by constructing the response surface models of mean value as well as variance , through experimental design .

  17. 对稳健设计中常用的双响应曲面法进行了改进,使其能够更全面、灵活地分析不确定性因素,最终能获得一个更稳健的结果,弥补了原方法的一些不足。

    We improved the dual response surface method in robust design , which analysis uncertainty factors comprehensively and flexibly , and finally to obtain more robustness results , so this method makes up some shortcomings . 2 .

  18. 文章针对乘用车使用特点,以加速时间和混合工况油耗作为评价指标,应用双响应面鲁棒设计理论,对乘用车传动系统参数进行匹配优化,并用实例优化表明其有效性。

    Aiming at the characteristic of passenger vehicle and taking acceleration time and fuel consumption at mixed work condition as evaluation index , the article applies robust response surface method in power train parameters matching of passenger vehicle , its effectivity is further testified by optimization of practical example .