
lǎo lao
  • grandma;grandmother;(maternal)grandmother;old woman;nanny
姥姥 [lǎo lao]
  • (1) [(maternal)grandmother]∶北方俗称外祖母和接生婆为姥姥

  • (2) [old woman]∶对年老妇人的尊称

姥姥[lǎo lao]
  1. 我昨晚去拜访了我的姥姥。

    I visited my grandmother last night .

  2. 希德的姥姥(Sid'sgrandmother):她在不小心偷渡上船、与Manny一行人出海后,就成为整个冒险不可或缺的一部分。

    Sid 's grandmother becomes a lage part of the adventure after accidentallystowing away on the barge with Manny and the gang as they head out to sea .

  3. 我母亲娘家在爱尔兰,因此姥姥总是给我讲一些太姥爷在爱尔兰的故事。

    My mom 's side of the family is Irish . So my grandma would tell me stories about my great-grandpa who was from Ireland .

  4. 再说C也挺惦记姥姥、姥爷的呢。

    Besides , C misses Grandma and Grandpa quite a bit , too .

  5. 现在又有消息称这个小王室已经能说一些西班牙语了,这还得感谢她来自西班牙帕伦西亚的姥姥MariaTeresaTurrionBorrallo。

    And now sources claim that the young Royal is already speaking some Spanish , thanks to her Palencia-born nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo .

  6. 作为供应链软件中的姥姥级的东东,我们那古老的WMS系统,在去年的同级软件中名列榜首。

    The grandfather of the supply chain software sector , the venerable warehouse management system ( WMS ), held on to the top spot in its class last year .

  7. 我问姥姥盲人学校能收我上学吗?

    I asked Grandma could that school take students like me ?

  8. 爷爷(姥爷)奶奶(姥姥),给您们苹果。

    Grandma , grandma , I have an apple for you .

  9. 她和你姥姥去找医生了。

    She and your grandmother went back to find a doctor .

  10. 姥姥给通宵祷告的人们打点好便饭。

    Granny would prepare a lunch for the all-night praying session .

  11. 大灰狼吹倒了姥姥的房子。

    The big bad wolf blew down the grammy 's house .

  12. 刘姥姥与桑丘形象的异中之同

    The Same Places Between the Images of Grandma Liu and Sancho

  13. 你刚对姥姥说的那些话都去哪了?

    What happened to all that stuff you said to grandma ?

  14. 我们要坐火车去姥姥家。

    We 're gonna take the train to grandma 's house .

  15. 噢&你肯定让姥姥很受不了。

    Oh & you must have been terrible to grandma .

  16. ‘听着姥姥讲童话故事’

    " Are entertained by their grandmothers with fairy tales "

  17. 看来你和姥姥聊得很不错。

    You and grandma seemed to have a nice talk .

  18. 小儿子:祖国啊,你才是我最亲爱的姥姥!

    Little son : Motherland , you are right my dearest grandmother !

  19. 我告诉姥姥她不用管我的灵魂。

    I told Granny that she was not responsible for my soul .

  20. 明晚我们要和姥姥姥爷一起吃晚饭。

    We 're having dinner with the grandparents tomorrow night .

  21. 我的姨姥姥贝蒂一讲起她的故事来,总是用这样的话开头。

    That 's how my great-aunt Bettie began her story .

  22. 姥姥想再找个人来伤我的心。

    What grandma wants is for some guy to br .

  23. 姥姥说她只不过想让你找个人来爱。

    Grandma said she just wanted you to find someone to love .

  24. 姥姥,我也想放鞭炮。

    Granny , I want to set off firecrackers too !

  25. 我实际上是只孔雀&至少我姥姥家跟孔雀沾亲。

    I am really a peacock-at least on my mother 's side .

  26. 姥姥和姥爷有妈妈和她的姐姐。

    Grandma and Grandpa had Mommy and her sister .

  27. 你昨晚为什么跟姥姥吵?

    Why were you and grandma arguing last night ?

  28. 姥姥给我订了牛奶,还天天给我吃鸡蛋。

    She ordered milk for me and gave me eggs to eat everyday .

  29. 暑假时,我想去北京看姥姥。

    Summer vacation , I think that going to Peking see maternal grandmother .

  30. 在姥姥看来,我是创造了一项奇迹。

    To Granny , I had accomplished a miracle .
