- working couple;man and wife both at work;employed couple

[man and wife both at work; working couple] 指在一个家庭中,夫妻均为国家职工
Both one - and two-income households probably need more .
Convenience dishes are very welcome to the families of working couples .
One-earner married couples tend to gain relative to either two-earner couples or individuals .
Working parents report the least free time .
So what do working families eat ?
Two-career families are no longer unusual .
In 28 % of two-income U.S. households , she makes more money than he does .
It 's up to us to take the lead in providing child-care facilities for working parents .
Wholesome fast food with unique flavour gives a share of pleasure to families of working couples .
In others , both parents are working and there doesn 't seem to be time for it .
Working parents have to face the conundrum of who will take care of their children during school holidays .
Family : family size , working parents , negative effects on children , divorce , care for old people
In some families where both parents work , they organize their jobs so that one parent is always home .
Fifty-six percent of parents in dual-income households across the wage spectrum say they find the work-family balance to be difficult and stressful .
He cites Americans'greater reluctance to move home to find work , which may be partly due to the growing number of dual-career couples .
While dual employment raises a family 's income , parents must balance the demands of their workplaces with the responsibilities to their family .
P G understands the problems faced by dual-career couples and tried to help the spouses of new P C employees find jobs in Cincinnati .
The findings suggest that the prevalence of overwork may lead many dual-earner couples to return to a separate spheres arrangement & breadwinning men and homemaking women .
I think it 's partly because of the large number of two-career households now , where people are having to accommodate two demanding professional schedules instead of just one .
Those who gained the least less than an hour were working couples with pre-school children , perhaps reflecting the trend for parents to spend more time nurturing their offspring .
Once the typical European family relied on one salary , almost invariably the male one , but now most couples need two wage-packets to sustain their standard of living .
Too early vacation in primary shool really poses the difficulty for those families whose parents both work outside and that there are not the olds who could take care of their children .
While the study made few distinctions regarding gender , it did find that in dual career households , spouses have higher expectations for family presence from working mothers than from their male partners .
Instead , say analysts , the advent of two working parents , fewer and " spoiled " children , increased mobility , materialism and the loss of family and community authority have led to higher lawlessness .
An analysis of 8484 professional workers and 17648 nonprofessionals from dual-earner families showed that if women had a husband who worked 60 hours or more per week it increased the woman 's odds of quitting her paid job by 42 percent .
At the same time , there has been a big increase in the nation 's monthly rent of public housing in cities and townships , with some regions increasing to account for about 10 % of the income of dual income families .
An increasing number of prep schools have moved into lower age groups in recent years – prompted by the childcare needs of wealthy double-income parents and a move in starting ages at many senior schools from 13 to 11 , say heads .
According to the American Time Use Survey , women in dual-earner couples are three times more likely to report interrupted sleep if they have a child under the age of 1 , and stay-at-home mothers are six times as likely to get up with their children as are stay-at-home fathers .
" The government should encourage couples from one-child families to have a second child and should provide better welfare services . " two-career families are no longer unusual .