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yuán liàng
  • forgive;excuse;pardon;make allowances for
原谅 [yuán liàng]
  • [excuse;forgive;pardon] 对过失、错误等宽恕谅解

原谅[yuán liàng]
  1. 我来得这么晚,希望你能原谅。

    I hope you 'll excuse me for being so late .

  2. 年轻人精力旺盛,所以他的行为我们也能原谅。

    We can excuse his behaviour as youthful exuberance .

  3. 你要是道歉,我们就原谅你。

    If you say you 're sorry we 'll forgive you .

  4. 请琼斯教授原谅,证据表明…

    The evidence suggests , pace Professor Jones , that … .

  5. 请原谅我多问,那位是您的先生吗?

    Pardon my asking , but is that your husband ?

  6. 我绝不会原谅她做的事。

    I 'll never forgive her for what she did .

  7. 由于他说了那些话,我永远也不会原谅他。

    I 'll never forgive him after what he said .

  8. 请原谅我打岔,不过我确实不同意那一点。

    Forgive my interrupting but I really don 't agree with that .

  9. 你误认为是本在负责,这可以原谅。

    You might be excused for thinking that Ben is in charge .

  10. 请原谅我的无知,这家公司到底是干什么的?

    Forgive my ignorance , but what exactly does the company do ?

  11. 那位大臣被指责庇护不可原谅的行为。

    The minister was accused of defending the indefensible .

  12. 你一定要原谅我父亲——他并不总是那样粗暴无礼。

    You must excuse my father ─ he 's not always that rude .

  13. 她说了声“请原谅”就提前离开了会场。

    She excused herself and left the meeting early .

  14. 他欺骗了她,向她请求原谅。

    He asked her pardon for having deceived her .

  15. 如果她从别人那里听到了真相,我永远不会原谅自己。

    I 'd never forgive myself if she heard the truth from someone else .

  16. 这种事干一次也许还可以原谅,干两次就绝对不能了。

    Doing it once was just about excusable ─ doing it twice was certainly not .

  17. 你很快就会回来请求我原谅的。

    One of these days you 'll come back and ask me to forgive you .

  18. 今天航班误点,敬请原谅。

    We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today .

  19. 她无法原谅他的不忠行为。

    She could not forgive his infidelities .

  20. 请原谅我这么说,他是一个讨厌透顶的家伙。

    He 's a pain in the butt , if you 'll pardon the expression .

  21. 我必须恳求您原谅。

    I must crave your pardon .

  22. 如此粗暴无礼不能原谅。

    Nothing can excuse such rudeness .

  23. 她会原谅他的任何事。

    She 'd forgive him anything .

  24. 我永远不会原谅他。我鄙视他。

    I can never , ever forgive him . I despise him

  25. 原谅我,我不该草率地下结论。

    Forgive me . I shouldn 't be jumping to conclusions .

  26. 你得原谅我的发音。

    You 're going to have to forgive my pronunciation .

  27. 这些人是禽兽,他们所做的一切都是不可原谅的。

    These people are animals and what they did was unforgivable

  28. 请原谅,我并非有意侮辱你。

    Forgive me , I don 't mean to insult you

  29. 我不能原谅刘易斯夺走了我一块奥运会金牌。

    I can 't forgive Lewis for robbing me of an Olympic gold .

  30. 对他狭隘扭曲的心灵来说,他的行为当然是可以原谅的。

    His actions , to his small perverted mind , were surely forgivable .