
yuán chǎn dì mínɡ chēnɡ
  • appellation of origin
  1. 从与Trips协议相协调角度出发,认为我国现行的《商标法》等法律不能实现对原产地名称的法律保护;

    From the coordination with Trips Agreement , this paper states that the Trademark Law cannot protect appellation of origin .

  2. 在商品经济条件下,一个有信誉的原产地名称在市场竞争中具有相当重要的作用。

    Under the market economic circumstances , a famous appellation of origin plays an important part in market competition .

  3. 《里斯本协定》的主要特征是,原产地名称要在其原属国和WIPO获得承认和注册。

    The main feature of the Lisbon Agreement is that appellations of orgin are to be recognized and protected as such , both in the country of origin and registered at an agency of the WIPO .

  4. 地理标志外延比原产地名称要宽。

    Geographical indications are more broadly defined than appellations of origin .

  5. 试论加强中国原产地名称的保护

    Strengthen the Protection of the Names of Country of Origin in China

  6. 通过该国际制度,协定为原产地名称提供了严格保护。

    It provided for strict protection through an international system .

  7. 原产地名称法律保护刍议

    Humble Opinion of Legal Protect of Appellation of Origin

  8. 保护原产地名称及其国际注册里斯本协定

    Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Their International Registratio

  9. 地理标志及原产地名称等相关概念的探究

    The Relationship among Geographical Indications , Indications of Source and Appellations of Origin

  10. 地理标识,包括原产地名称

    Geographical indications , including appellations of origin 55

  11. 论我国原产地名称法之制定

    On Making Law of Appellation of Origin

  12. 论原产地名称的法律保护

    On Legal Protection of Appellations of Origin

  13. 通过与货源标志、原产地名称、商标等概念的对比,厘清了地理标志的内涵。

    It discussed the conception of geographical indication by comparing among indication of source , appellations of origin and trademark .

  14. 《里斯本协定》制定于1958年,试图为原产地名称提供有效的、可强制实施的保护。

    The Lisbon Agreement was enacted in 1958 as an attempt to achieve effective and enforceable protection for appellations of orgin .

  15. 作者在正文中首先介绍了有关原产地域产品、原产地名称和品牌的基本理论,本文的研究正是建立在这些基础理论之上的。

    First , the author introduces the basic theory about Application of Origin and Brand on which the research is based .

  16. 制定原产地名称法,赋予原产地名称以原产地名称权,乃最有效保护模式。

    Making Law of Appellation of Origin , and entrusting right to appellation of origin is the most effective model of protection .

  17. 换句话说,所有的原产地名称都是地理标志,但是,有些地理标志不是原产地名称。

    In other words , all appellations of origin are geographical indications , but some geographical indications are not appellations of origin .

  18. 其第1条规定,一旦某原产地名称获得了注册,在其他成员国应受到保护。

    Article 1 states that once an appellation of orgin is registered , it is to be protected in other member countries .

  19. 1951年《关于乳酪原产地名称和命名之使用的国际公约》在乳酪原产地名称保护中起到了重要作用。

    The 1951 Stresa International Convention plays an important role in the protection of the use of Appellations of Origin and Designations of Cheeses .

  20. 第一部分首先论述地理标志的概念及其与相关概念如原产地名称、产地标记、商标、商品通用名称的相互联系与区别,从而对地理标志有了更进一步的了解。

    The first part discusses the concept of geographical indication and the relationship and difference between origin names , trademarks and common names of commodities .

  21. 专门解决产地标志的保护问题于《保护原产地名称及其国际注册里斯本协定》首次引入了原产地名称的概念,并建立了原产地名称国际注册保护制度。

    The Lisbon agreements first introduced the concept of appellations of origin and the establishment of the International Registration of appellations of origin protection system .

  22. 与相关法律规定的保护原产地名称的方法相比较,证明商标是保护原产地名称的最有效手段。

    Regarding the way of protecting name of original sourcing location stipulated from relevant laws , certificate trademark is the most effective way for protecting original sourcing location .

  23. 农产品原产地名称保护中政府职能转变的思考&以普洱茶原产地名称保护为实例

    The Protection of Appellations of Origin of Agricultural Products in the Transformation of Government Functions Consider & To Pu'er Tea as an Example the Protection of Appellations of Origin

  24. 地理标志概念的发展、提出已经有一百多年的历史,它是由原产地名称逐步发展而来的,并逐步成为一项独立的知识产权。

    It is more than one hundred years since geographical indications was the first developed . With the development of ecnomics , geographical indications has become an independent intellectual property right .

  25. 原产地名称权是一种集体权利,属于知识产权保护的范围。研究表明:集体利益的基础是集团范围内共同的获利机会;

    Appellations of origin is a collective right within the extent of intellectual property protection . It shows that a mutual profit opportunity belonging to the group is the foundation of the collective interest .

  26. 应将原产地名称纳入商标法保护体系,并严格界定原产地名称的含义,加强原产地名称的使用管理。

    Name of origin should be taken into the protection system of trademark law , the meaning of the name of origin should be strictly defined , and the use management of it should be strengthened .

  27. 包括地理标志的概念、地理标志与来源标识、原产地名称、商标等相关概念的辨析、地理标志的法律性质及地理标志保护的法律价值。

    Including the concept of geographic indication , geographical indications and sources identification , origin name , trademark and other related concepts discrimination , geographic indications of the legal nature and geographical indication protection of legal values .

  28. 第2081/92号条例规定了对农产品和食品地理标志和原产地名称的保护。

    COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 2081 / 92 of 14 July 1992 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs lays down rules on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications of some agricultural products .

  29. 地理标志是一种商业性的区别标志,它与商标、原产地名称、货源标记有一定的联系和区别,本文对它们之间的关系作了比较,以便更好的说明地理标志概念。

    Geographical indications is the difference between a commercial logo , it has a certain link with trademark , appellations of origin , indication of source . In order to describe the concept of geographical indications , the paper compared on the relationship and difference between them .

  30. 当地理名称被广泛使用,公众开始把它理解为该类产品的一个种类名称时,而不是把它理解为某个原产地时,该名称可能成为通用词语。

    When the geographical name is so widely used that the public comes to understand it as the name for a category of all the products of the same type but not necessarily of a certain origin , the name can become generic .