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yuán jí
  • positive degree
原级[yuán jí]
  1. 当谈及一个人或事时,使用形容词的原级形式。

    When we speak of one person or thing , we use the positive degree .

  2. X射线荧光分析中X射线管原级能谱分布的测定

    Determination of Primary Energy Spectrum Distribution of X-Ray Tube in X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis

  3. 分析了原级X射线谱数据的误差及其对基本参数法等实际应用的影响。

    The errors of the spectral distribution data and its influence on the practical applications such as the fundamental parameter method are discussed .

  4. 本文提出了衍射或荧光分析用的X射线管原级X射线谱强度分布的定量测定方法。

    In this paper , a method for quantitative determination of spectral distributions of primary radiation from X-ray tubes for diffraction and X-ray fluorescent spectral analysis is presented .

  5. 通过调节反应温度和pH,可以控制原级粒子完全为具有锐钛矿晶型的钛酸,有利于生成颗粒细小均匀的纳米二氧化钛。

    By adjusting the reaction temperature and pH , the precursor can be controlled totally as H_2TiO_3 with anatase crystal form , which was good for forming homogeneous TiO_2 nanoparticles .

  6. 确切知道X射线管激发的原级能谱分布是X射线荧光分析中的一个重要前提,所用能谱分布函数的准确度大大影响了最终的测量结果。

    A premise of X-ray fluorescence analysis is the determined acquisition of the primary energy spectral distribution emitted by the X-ray tube , and the energy spectral distribution function affects the accuracy of the final measurement greatly .

  7. 对荧光X射线管还应测定几个射线束方向的原级谱加以平均求得有效原级谱。

    For the fluorescent X-ray tubes , several spectral distributions of different directions of primary X-ray beam must be determined and then the mean values of these data are calculated in order to obtain the effective spectral distributions .

  8. 3种散射效应对荧光强度的总贡献随X光管激发电位增大而增大,在Rh靶原级谱激发条件下比用Cr靶原级谱激发贡献大。

    The sum of the contribution of scattering effects to the intensity of fluorescence increased with increasing the voltage , and was larger when excited by the X-ray from Rh target than that from Cr target .

  9. 原级形容词或副词的非比较级。

    The uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb .

  10. 3个月的休假之后,你将返回原级。

    After a three-month leave of absence , you will return at your old grade .

  11. 三峡工程原级配砼单向拉压性能试验

    Tests of Unidirectional Compressive and Tensile Behavior of Fully-Graded Aggregate Concrete for Three Gorges Project

  12. 允许使用99个原级子结构,每个子结构的自由度数可达7000。

    The structural model may be composed of 99 substructures each with 7000 degrees of freedom .

  13. 基于现场大型承载试验的原级配筑坝堆石料力学参数反演研究

    Back analysis of mechanical parameters of naturally graded rockfill materials based on large-scale loading plate tests

  14. 湿筛法对原级配碾压混凝土抗冻性的影响

    The effect of Wet Sieve Analysis on frost resistance of original grain-size distributed roller compacted concrete

  15. 硫酸钛低温水解中对原级粒子的控制研究

    Study on the control of the precursor in low temperature hydrolysis of Ti ( SO_4 ) _2

  16. 这将首次在春天,售价低于以前的入门级苔原级模型。

    It 's slated to debut in the spring , priced below the formerly entry-level Tundra Grade model .

  17. 发现射流粉碎能够使大部分粉体保持原级颗粒的形状。

    It is found , as a result , that efflux pulverization can make most of the powder keep their original granule shapes .

  18. 为了满足涡轮增压机组压气机增容要求,在原级数前进行加零级改进设计。

    In order to meet the turbocharged unit capacity requirements of a compressor , zero-staging before an existing compressor is taken to improve the foregone design .

  19. 原级配和湿筛二级配混凝土的徐变比与相应的灰浆率比成正比;

    The creepage of the concrete of natural gradation and the creepage of the concrete of wet screened second gradation are proportional to related mortar rate .

  20. 前者表示某事物的特征在程度上比原级减弱,而后者则表示一事物与另一事物的对比。

    The former indicates that the character of a certain thing is inferior to the equal level while the latter stands for comparison between one thing and another .

  21. 与原级钢筋相比,新级热轧带肋钢筋具有工艺性能和力学性能优良、节约钢材15%以上等优点。

    New 3 grade hot rolled reinforced bar has the advantages of fine properties of technology and mechanics and saving on rolled products more than 15 % , etc.

  22. 要是你问我呀,我觉得班上笨人那么多,大概四分之一的人会留在原级,不过老师可是世上最捉摸不透的人啦,他们这次还是会一如既往地难以预料,不过也许他们会换换花样。

    If you ask me , there are so many dummies that about a quarter of the class should be kept back , but teachers are the most unpredictable creatures on earth . Maybe this time they 'll be unpredictable in the right direction for a change .