
yuán diàn chí
  • galvanic cell;primary battery;primary cell;primary element
原电池[yuán diàn chí]
  1. 其测量依据是离子选择电极和参比电极组成的原电池的电位与离子浓度满足Nernst方程,通过测量原电池的电位,进行相应的计算就可得到被测液的离子浓度。

    The basis of this method is that the voltage of primary battery which is composed by the ion selective electrode and the reference electrode satisfies the Nernst equation with the ion concentration .

  2. 原电池放电时间符合的概率

    Conformance probability in the service output test of primary battery

  3. 计算了反应过程中形成原电池的电动势E、反应吉布斯自由能ΔG等。

    The electro - motive force of electric cell produced by reaction and Δ G are calculated .

  4. 熔覆层中含Fe的相增多,增加了熔覆层各相之间的电位差,增加了原电池效应。

    With the increase of Fe phase in the clading layer , the potential difference between the phases increase , which result in the increase of galvanic interaction .

  5. 使用活性铜电极作为阳极、以金电极为阴极、以KOH溶液为电解液,制备了原电池型氧气传感器,并对活性铜电极的制备进行了细致的考察。

    The preparation of active copper electrode and its application as anode in a KOH electrolyte based galvanic cell oxygen sensor were discussed .

  6. 微电解法是根据原电池的原理,对废水中NO2&N和TN进行还原,最终实现脱氮。

    Mi - cro - electrolysis is to reduce NO2 & N and TN in waste water and finally to realize denitrification by means of galvanic battery principle .

  7. 介绍了有关原电池安全的IEC国际标准和国家标准的制定情况,就原电池使用和处理过程中的安全问题提出了笔者的看法和建议。

    The situation of preparation of IEC international and national safety standards for primary batteries was described and the viewpoints of writer on safety use and handling primary batteries were suggested .

  8. 土壤中铜的迁移效果同土壤pH具有很强的相关性,pH越低迁移效果越明显。多个原电池的串联可以扩展处理区域,每个电池中镉的电迁移效率比在单个电池中的小。

    The migration of copper in soil increased with the drop of soil pH. The series of multiple galvanic cells could expand the treatment area , but the migration of cadmium of each cell in the series was lower than that in separated cell .

  9. 采用铁屑和颗粒活性炭通过原电池反应产生的Fe2+离子取代FeSO4组成腐蚀电池Fenton工艺,采用该工艺对垃圾渗滤液进行预处理。

    Instead of using FeSO_ 4 for the traditional Fenton process , new state of Fe 2 + ions generated by corrosive cell process between iron scraps and granular activated carbon ( GAC ) were utilized to pretreat landfill leachate .

  10. 详细叙述了卷筒式铝板材生产PS版电解基本原理,提出电解铝板材形成砂目过程实际是一个交流电加速原电池腐蚀反应过程的观点。

    The electrolysis principle of coil aluminium for manufacturing PS plate is discussed in detail . The author puts forward the view that the process of electrolysis of coil aluminum to produce PS plate is actually that of the acceleration of aluminum acid cell corrosion actin by AC.

  11. 低速重载荷时,WC颗粒增强效果明显,且含30%WC喷熔层耐腐蚀磨损性能最好;高速轻载荷时,因WC原电池效应显著,WC颗粒增强效果减弱。

    At a low speed or heavy load , 30 % WC composite coating has the best wear resistance due to the remarkable reinforcing effect of WC particles , but at high speed or light load , the wear rate increases because of galvanicbattery effect of WC .

  12. 利用固态原电池和电化学测定方法研究了Li-Fe-S三元系在350&550℃的相图。

    A solid state galvanic cell has been employed to determine the phase diagram of the ternary system Li-Fe-S in the temperature range from 360 to 550 C.

  13. 流动介质对黄铁矿-黄铜矿原电池反应的影响

    Effect of Flowing Media on Galvanic Interaction Between Pyrite and Chalcopyrite

  14. 钨酸盐薄膜的原电池电化学制备技术及其发光性能

    Fabrication and Luminescence of Tungstate Thin Film by Cell Electrochemical Technique

  15. 作为标准移动电板的原电池。

    A primary cell used as a standard of electro-motive force .

  16. 采用原电池法制备纳米多孔硅

    Preparation of the Nanometer Porous Silicon Using Galvanic Element Method

  17. 原电池电动势测量仪的研制

    Development of the Apparatus for Measuring Potential of Chemical Cell

  18. 航海天文钟,原电池、石英或用交流电源驱动

    Chronometer , marine , battery , quartz or mains powered

  19. 有关原电池的研究性学习案例设计

    Design on teaching mode of study lessons by primary element

  20. 表机芯,既不是原电池也不是蓄电池驱动的,完整并已组装好的

    Watch movement , neither battery nor accumulator powered , complete and assembled

  21. 原电池是高中化学的一个重要内容。

    Galvanic Cell plays an important role in Senior Chemistry .

  22. 原电池滥用试验装置的研制

    Development of the misuse test equipment for primary batteries

  23. 流动体系下黄铁矿-方铅矿原电池反应实验研究

    Experimental study on galvanic interactions between pyrite and galena in a flowing system

  24. 原电池手工放电及计算方法

    The manual discharge and calculation method of primary batteries

  25. 黄铁矿和镍黄铁矿混合细菌浸出过程的原电池效应

    Galvanic effect on bio-leaching of pentlandite and pyrite mixture

  26. 钼酸钡薄膜的原电池及电解型电化学制备技术比较研究

    Comparative investigations on BaMoO_4 thin films prepared by cell and electrolysis electrochemical techniques

  27. 锂原电池长期贮存后的电性能

    Electrical performances of lithium primary battery after long-term storage

  28. 电极表面状态对原电池影响的热力学分析

    Thermodynamical analyses of effects of the surface states of electrods on galvanic cells

  29. 原电池的本质是氧化还原反应。

    The essence of primary battery is redox reaction .

  30. 开放体系下方铅矿和黄铁矿之间原电池反应的实验研究

    An experimental study on galvanic interaction between galena and pyrite in an open system