
  • 网络TAI;atomic time;IAT
  1. 记者GMT、UTC、GPS、原子时、太阳时,由你选择。

    CORRESPONDENT GMT , UTC , GPS , atomic time , solar time , you take your pick .

  2. GPSCV(共视)时间传递技术将在重建的我国的综合原子时(JATC)系统中起重要作用。

    GPS CV method will play an important role in JATC ( joint atomic time of China ) system which is being rebuilt .

  3. GPS共视比对技术在综合原子时中的应用

    Application of GPS CV Technology to JATC

  4. 但是当我们来看多电子原子时,可以看到实际上p轨道的能量,要高于s轨道。

    But when we get to the multi-electron atoms , we see that actually the p orbitals are higher in energy than the s orbitals .

  5. 综合原子时系统主要采用多通道GPS共视型时间接收机来组成远程时间比对网。

    In the system of JATC , we mainly use GPS Common View ( CV ) multi-channel time transfer receivers to establish a network of GPS CV time comparison .

  6. 该方法将表征CW信号无意调制信息的最佳Gabor原子时频参数以及相似度作为无意调制特征参数。

    The parameters of the optimal Gabor atoms and the similarity are considered as the unintentional modulation feature parameters .

  7. 这可归因为在粗糙的Al2O3表面投射式的沉积Ni原子时,在Al2O3Ni界面留下了空隙。

    This can be ascribed to the interstices at the Al_2O_3-Ni interface due to the projected deposition of Ni atoms on the Al_2O_3 rough surface .

  8. 1991年3月起,BIPM已正式用于国际原子时TAI的计算中。

    Since the beginning of 1991 , BIPM have been using our comparing results for the computation of TAI .

  9. 介绍了原子时的ALGOS算法、Kalman算法及小波分解算法的原理。

    The principles of ALGOS ( BIMP ) algorithm , Kalman algorithm and Wavelet Decomposition Algorithm ( WDA ) of atomic time are introduced .

  10. 对国际原子时(TAI),地球力学时(TDT)和质心力学时(TDB)的定义和概念作了回顾和阐述。对其中一些有争议的问题进行了介绍和讨论。

    This paper reviews the definition and conception of TAI , TDT and TDB , introduces and discusses some problems which are disputed recently among astronomers and physicists .

  11. 结合综合原子时项目的需求,研制了适用于单频GPS接收机的天线扼流圈,并用零基线比对方法进行了测试。

    An antenna choke ring suitable to the single frequency GPS receiver was developed , in which the demands of JATC ( joint atomic time of china ) were taken into consideration , and the choke ring has been tested with the method of zero-line comparison .

  12. 所以这里主要的观点是有效的z不同于,所以不要尝试将一个插入到另一个,当我们不在讨论1个电子的原子时,它们在任何情况下是绝对不同的量子数。

    Z So the main idea here is z effective is not z , so don 't try to plug one in for the other , they 're absolutely different quantities in any case when we 're not talking about a1 electron atom .

  13. 简要介绍了当前国家授时中心的守时钟组成,地方协调世界时UTC(NTSC)的产生和保持,以及原子时TA(NTSC)算法的研究等。

    The combination of frequency standards of NTSC 's time keeping system , the generation and maintenance of UTC ( NTSC ), and the development of the TA ( NTSC ) algorithm are presented briefly .

  14. 目前水平是:对原子时UTC(NIM)进行校准,能在两个月以上的时间内连续提供频率不确定度优于3×10~(-13)的标准频率信号。

    At present , when calibrated against atomic time UTC ( NIM ), this frequency standard can provide a standard frequency signal for successive two monthes above , uncertainty of which is better than 3 × 10 ~ ( - 13 ) .

  15. 当Cs~+接近P-OH、V-OH或Ti-OH的氧原子时,能极化氢氧基,提高了B酸强度。

    WhenCs ~ + ion comes close to the oxygen atom of Ti-OH , P-OH and V-OH , the Cs ~ + ion can polarize the hydroxyl group and thus enhance the intensity of B acid .

  16. 根据2.25年内(从1985年10月到1987年12月)的原子时数据,本文对综合原子时(JATC)和各国原子时的长期频率稳定度进行了比较。

    According to the , data of the atomic time within 2.25 years ( from October 1985 to December 1987 ), we compared the Joint Atomic Time of China ( JATC ) with the atomic time of various nations in the long term frequency stabilities .

  17. 我国综合原子时计算软件设计

    Development for the Software of Joint Atomic Time of China Computation

  18. 我国综合原子时的速率控制问题

    Problem of the rate steering of the Chinese joint atomic time scale

  19. 灰色-自回归动态模型用于原子时尺度计算

    Application of Dynamic Grey-Linear Auto-regressive Model in Time Scale Calculation

  20. 当光线冲击这些原子时,一些电子被冲击而松动出来。

    When light strikes these atoms , some electrons are knocked loose .

  21. 近年来上海天文台原子时尺度的改进提高

    Recent Improvement of Shanghai Observatory 's Atomic Time Scale

  22. 国际原子时进展中的原子钟

    Atomic clocks in the progress of International Atomic Time

  23. 综合原子时数据管理系统

    Data Management System of the Jointed Atomic Time Scale

  24. 原子时的小波分解算法

    An Atomic Time Scale Algorithm Using Wavelet Decomposition

  25. 综合原子时长波接收系统时延测量

    Measurement on Time Delay of the Longwave Reception System for the Synthetic Atomic Time

  26. 毫秒脉冲星计时和原子时

    The Timing of Millisecond Pulsars and Atomic Time

  27. 可当人们再分解开原子时,发现里面塞满了爆炸。

    But when they broke open atoms , they found them stuffed with explosions .

  28. 分析比较了原子时与脉冲星时的稳定特性。

    The stability of the atomic time and pulsar time is compared and analyzed .

  29. 原子时频技术进展

    Recent Progress in Atomic Time and Frequency

  30. 国家标准局原子时标

    NBS A time scale