
  • 网络History;historical origin
  1. 回顾了WTO与劳工标准问题的历史渊源后,进一步分析了发达国家与发展中国家对此问题持不同立场的原因。

    After looking back the history of the WTO and the labour standards , the author analyses the reason why the developed countries and the developing countries have the different standpoint .

  2. 为了给NBA球员起一个新的绰号,中国网民充分利用中文语言的丰富性和历史渊源,结果往往是一系列惊人复杂、层层叠叠的字面和发音双关梗。

    In crafting new nicknames for NBA players , Chinese netizens take full advantage of the the richness and history of Chinese characters and language , and the results are often a series of astonishingly complex and overlapping visual and verbal puns .

  3. 谢谢你,你的观点使这件事的历史渊源一清二楚了。

    Thank you , your view has helped to bring the historical side of the matter into focus .

  4. UWB是新一代的无线电通信技术,虽然它的历史渊源,可以追溯到一百年前波波夫和马可尼发明越洋无线电报的时代,现代意义上的超宽带UWB无线技术,出现于六十年代。

    UWB is the wireless communication technology of new generation , though its historical origin can be traced back to 100 years ago .

  5. 经验学习(experientiallearning)有很长的历史渊源,它在商业教育和培训以及在其它诸如地理等学科中已得到广泛的承认,成为学习的基本途径(approach)。

    Experiential learning , one of the oldest approaches to learning , has been widely recognized as an effective approach in business education and training and in some other subjects such as geography .

  6. 知识经济学的历史渊源与基本原理初探

    Historical Origin of Knowledge Economics and a Study on its Fundamentals

  7. 试析美国法治风尚的历史渊源

    The Historical Origin of the Rule of Law in American Society

  8. 中国建设银行与中国交通银行的历史渊源

    Historical Origins Between china Construction Bank and China bank of Communications

  9. 探索了阿拉伯民族与被征服民族的历史渊源、阿拉伯语与闪含语系及其他语言的亲属关系及其对传播阿拉伯语的影响。

    It explores historical origins of Arabic nations and conquered nations .

  10. 论日本私小说的历史渊源及成因

    On Historical Origin and Cause of Formation in Japanese Private Novel

  11. 山东青州满族的历史渊源

    The Historical Origins of the Man Nationality in Qingzhou of Shandong

  12. 之所以如此,既有其历史渊源,更是现实经济的需要。

    Its reasons included historical origin and practical demand of economy .

  13. 和谐及其和谐社会思想有着悠久的文化历史渊源。

    Harmony and harmonious society thoughts have long cultural and historical origin .

  14. 本土意识论的产生具有深刻的历史渊源和现实背景,其强弱与国家的政治环境有着密切关系。

    The theory has deep-rooted historical origins and realistic backgrounds .

  15. 大致分析对比两国地理环境和文化背景的差别,再从中日园林发展史分析两国园林历史渊源。

    Then it will analyze the development and historical origin .

  16. 我国户籍管理制度的历史渊源及国际比较

    Historical Origin of Household Registration System in China and Its International Comparison

  17. 阿以恐怖主义宗教历史渊源探

    On the Religions Historical Roots of Arab & Israeli Terrorism

  18. 简析英国对德绥靖政策的历史渊源

    Probe the Reason of British Appeasement Policy to Nazi Germany

  19. 我国的行政垄断的形成有着它特殊的原因和历史渊源。

    Administrative monopoly in China has special and historical reasons .

  20. 这种拨款模式有其深挚的历史渊源和悠长的文化背景。

    Moreover , the pattern has centuries-old history and deeply cultural background .

  21. 艺术教育和科学教育有着不可分割的历史渊源。

    There are indivisible historical origins between art education and science education .

  22. 哲学思维历史渊源是其形成的重要条件;

    Historical origin on philosophical thinking is its formative and important condition ;

  23. 给出每个词的历史渊源的词典。

    A dictionary giving the historical origins of each word .

  24. 中世纪西欧骑士浪漫爱情的历史渊源

    The Historical Origin of Medieval Knights ' Romantic Love in Western Europe

  25. 执行难问题具有长期的历史渊源。

    The problem of the difficulty in implement has a long history .

  26. 探讨欧洲文化认同的可能性和现实性的历史渊源和前景发展。

    The origins of the common culture of Europe .

  27. 并分析取得这些成就的历史渊源和社会背景。

    And analyzes the historical origin and social background .

  28. 它极大地影响了欧洲教育的风格,是后世西方和谐教育理论的历史渊源。

    It influenced the style of European education greatly .

  29. 外来语的历史渊源及对日语及日本文化的影响

    The History of Loan Words and Its Influence on Japanese and Japanese Culture

  30. 关于舞龙运动历史渊源的探究

    Exploration about the History Origin of Dragon Dancing Movement