- 名historicism

Heavily influenced by historicism , he applies it mechanically to the development course of literature .
Confucian view of history is a kind of degradation , mohism is utilitarianism under the drive of " king ", Taoism is a kind of " retro " and " historical nihilism ", while the yin-yang school is a kind of " historicism " .
This is also the fundamental reason for his cyclical theory of history .
The deconstruction of the theory of historical circulation and relativism for the theory of decision of history and the theory of progress of machine have gone to the nihilistic abysm at last ;
Its positive influences are : it roused the spirit of the Chinese nation , it destroyed the doctrine of " Nature dose not change , nor dose Tao ", and it broke the cycle of the cyclical theory .
Sima followed a circulatory methodology in his historical studies .