
  • 网络HISTORY;Historical Story
  1. 他熟悉历史故事,它们对他来说都是活生生的事情。

    History he knew well , for it was a living thing with him .

  2. 佳鹿酒庄曾是古老的羊毛剪理捆装场,一座较中归中矩的房子有着非常重要的历史故事。

    The old woolshed at Katnook Estate is a rather modest building with a very important history .

  3. 这个场馆描述了泰国的历史故事,他们最初傍水而居,生生不息,逐渐繁荣发展起来。

    It portrays the story of Thais , who prospered waterside .

  4. 还有伴随着传奇故事合半历史故事的棍子舞蹈。

    There are also stick dances which accompany legends and semi-historical stories .

  5. 好多都是咱们很熟悉的历史故事呢。

    About historical stories , which we are familiar with .

  6. 但这家博物馆会给我们还原一个完整的历史故事。

    But this museum chooses to tell a fuller story .

  7. 我们会怎样来讲述非裔美国科学家和工程师的历史故事?

    How can we tell historical stories of African American scientists and engineers ?

  8. 最后提出了历史故事在初中历史教学中的运用策略。

    Finally , the teaching strategies about historical stories in secondary schools are prompted .

  9. 题材特点是对历史故事和神话传说进行加工再造;

    The feature of subjects is reworking on the historical stories and fairy tales ;

  10. 第二章分析了《豆棚闲话》对历史故事的改编。

    Chapter two analysed the adaptation to the historical story of " Doupeng Xianhua " .

  11. 中国神话传说和历史故事

    Legends and Tales From History

  12. 我喜欢阅读历史故事,因为可以了解到早期人们的生活情况。

    I like reading historical stories because I learn about the lives that people led long ago .

  13. 对于那些喜欢历史故事的人来说,这部动画提供了学习中国历史的另一种方式。

    To those who fancy historical stories , the animation provides another way to learn Chinese history .

  14. 好比,从我所收集的邮票中我熟悉了良多胜景事业,体味了良多闻名的历史故事。

    For example , I knew many famous places and many interesting historical stories from the stamps I collected .

  15. 指出白先勇的历史故事创作冲动,来源于其赴美留学后所遭遇的认同危机和文化焦虑。

    His creative impulses , derived from its identity crisis and cultural anxiety after he went to the United States .

  16. 沈从文描写了一个有关丈夫身份澄明的非常特殊的历史故事。

    Shen Congwen has described a very unusual history about the exposure of the husband 's identity through this story .

  17. 某个历史故事曾说,万帕诺亚格人一出现,新移民就拿枪一通扫射,

    One historical narrative says that the Pilgrims were off firing their guns when the Wampanoag tribe just showed up ,

  18. 《新序》是西汉著名学者刘向编撰的一部以讽谏为政治目的的历史故事类编,是现存刘向所编撰的最早的一部作品。

    As a compilation of historical stories , the extant work Xin Xu is the first of Liu Xiang 's works .

  19. 中篇书段按内容可分为历史故事和民间传说、劝家书、还愿书。

    The book section of content can be divided into historical stories and folk tales , a book , they advise .

  20. 主要有佛教故事?灵验故事?动物故事?历史故事?世俗故事等等。

    Mainly about Buddhist story , animal story , efficacious story , story of history , secular story and so on .

  21. 其内容主要有社会生活、历史故事、神仙异灵、图案纹样四个方面。

    The main contents are social life , historical stories , different fairy spirit , design patterns , and so on .

  22. 不仅如此,谈歌对于历史故事或典故的巧妙运用更是妙趣横生。

    Not only that , make a for the using of the historical story or allusions is more enjoyable to read .

  23. 这个也是,主角不是苏格兰人,但配角是。这是一个史诗般的历史故事。

    Again the lead 's not Scottish , but the fine supporting cast are , and it 's an epic historical tale .

  24. 如果麦金泰尔的金融伦理学提出的问题比解决的问题多,他仍然以历史故事引起人们的兴趣。

    If MacIntyre 's ethics of finance raises more questions than it settles , he still beguiles with his illustrations from history .

  25. 在我们复杂的生活中,几乎我们所使用的每件东西背后,都有着类似的历史故事。

    Almost everything we make use of in our complex existence has the same sort of story at the back of it .

  26. 作为历史故事总集的《说苑》,其文体结构的生成经历了一个长期演变过程。

    Shuo yuan as a historical story collection , its structure turn into and experience each develop the course for a long time .

  27. 传统肚兜图案的文化内涵非常丰富,它记载了中国千年的历史故事和神话传说。

    The cultural connotation of traditional abdomen wraps up design are very abundant , It contains China millennium history stories and myths and legends .

  28. 昭君出塞,留给后世的不仅仅是一个简单的历史故事。

    Wang Zhaojun is firstly a historical figure and her story of " ChuSai ", leaving future generations is not just a simple story .

  29. 曼特尔习惯于运用现在时来描述历史故事,在这一点上她做得十分出色。

    Stylistically , her fly-on-the-wall approach is achieved through the sustained use of the historic present tense , of which she is a master .

  30. 有的画像石合计长11米之多,描绘了车骑出行、杂技、宴乐观舞、农作、庖厨及历史故事等。

    Some reliefs in Sichuan are about 11 meters long portraying vehicles , acrobatics , dancing performances , farming practices , cooking scenes and historical stories .