
  1. 印刷业ERP:管理利器,利润之源

    ERP of Printing Industry is the Edged Tool and the Source of Profit

  2. 随着政府职能的转变,宏观调控已成为印刷业行政管理部门的重要职责,总量控制又是宏观调控的重要内容。

    With the transition of government function , macro regulation has been an important function of the department of administration in print and gross control has been also an important content of macro-regulation .

  3. 引进塑胶业与印刷业权威技术管理,竭诚为广大客户服务。

    We have imported advance technical management systems in plastic and printing .

  4. 书商公会对印刷出版业的管理得到了星室法院的支持。

    Since then , the Star Chamber had been supported the management over the printing and publishing industry by the Stationers ' Company .