
  • 网络Southern India;SOUTH INDIA
  1. 印度南部的小城镇是周围村庄的经济文化中心。

    Small towns in South India serve as economic and cultural centres for the surrounding villages .

  2. 他出身贱民,生于印度南部一个非常贫困的村子。

    He was born an untouchable in a very poor village in south India .

  3. 前往东方的人似乎有半数到了印度南部。

    Half of those who went east seem to have landed up in southern India

  4. 秩序和效率是印度南部班加罗尔附近TVS摩托车厂的标志。

    Order and efficiency are hallmarks of the TVS motorbike factory near Bangalore in southern India .

  5. 相同的顾虑在印度南部的班加罗尔也得到了回应,在那里,由西门子(Siemens)牵头的一个国际财团投资兴建的一座亟需的新机场刚刚建成开业。

    The same concerns are echoed in Bangalore in India 's south , where a Siemens-led consortium has just opened a much-needed new airport .

  6. 印度南部农村人口眼外伤发生的AndhraPradesh眼病研究

    Ocular Trauma in a Rural Population of Southern India . The Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study

  7. 这些由TIDE设计的炉灶使印度南部估计约800万从事小产业的人民受益&比如,印染、香料烘干以及街头食品摊贩。

    These TIDE stoves are a boon for an estimated eight million people working in small industries in southern India & for example , in textile dying , spice drying and street food vendors .

  8. 新德里——B·K·S·艾扬格于周三在印度南部城市浦那逝世,享年95岁,在西方世界开始了解“内在生活”概念期间,他曾出力将瑜伽引入西方。

    NEW DELHI - B. K. S. Iyengar , who helped introduce the practice of yoga to a Western world awakening to the notion of an inner life , died on Wednesday in the southern Indian city of Pune . He was 95 .

  9. 新德里&B·K·S·艾扬格于周三在印度南部城市浦那逝世,享年95岁,在西方世界开始了解内在生活概念期间,他曾出力将瑜伽引入西方。

    NEW DELHI & B. K. S. Iyengar , who helped introduce the practice of yoga to a Western world awakening to the notion of an inner life , died on Wednesday in the southern Indian city of Pune . He was 95 .

  10. 但是印度南部AndhraPradesh州却正在调查,债务累积是否与借款人的一系列自杀事件有关。

    But officials in Andhra Pradesh , in southern India , are investigating if debt collections are linked to a series of suicides among borrowers .

  11. 在印度南部,椰子油和Gingelly石油是共同的。

    In South India , coconut oil and Gingelly Oil is common .

  12. 该公司发现,几乎所有订单都来自靠近Ola办事处的地方:两个在大德里地区,还有一个在印度南部。

    The company found that nearly all the bookings had come from close to Ola offices - two in the greater Delhi area and one in south India .

  13. 来自印度南部的软件工人SantoshReddy和SureshNaidu在都柏林的亨利街上闲逛,手里没有提着购物袋。

    Software workers Santosh Reddy and Suresh Naidu , from southern India , were strolling , without shopping bags , on Henry Street , Dublin .

  14. 阿拉伯朝觐者伊本白图泰(IbnBattuta)做了更伟大的类似航行&从摩洛哥到远东,见识了印度南部与苏门答腊岛兴旺发展的文明。

    Arab pilgrim Ibn Battuta made an even greater parallel voyage from Morocco to the Far East , visiting the thriving civilisations of southern India and Sumatra along the way .

  15. 在印度南部,这种远程网络无线保真技术网络把贫困乡村眼科保健中心与Theni市的一个眼科医院连接起来。

    In southern India , a WiLDNet connects eye-care centers in poor villages to an eye hospital in the city of Theni .

  16. 马汗萨里亚在位于印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦(TamilNadu)开办了第一家工厂,两年前,他还在抱怨,因为这个邦常年电力供应不足,自己不得不进入电力行业。

    Mr Mahansaria opened his first plant in Tamil Nadu and , two years ago , he was bemoaning the fact that he had to be in the power business as well - because of the perennial deficit of power in that southern state .

  17. 苦力一词来源于印度南部泰米尔(Tamil)语,指以体力负重为生的人,传到中国因音义相通,已成为通用汉语。

    The word " coolie " originated from Tamil ( language used in southern India ) . It refers to those who live on heavy labor . When it was introduced to China , it was absorbed by Mandarin for it had similar sound and meaning with Chinese words .

  18. 印度南部小村庄突然下起小鱼雨。

    Small fish rained down on a village in southern India .

  19. 这个小屋位于印度南部

    A little hut in a little area of India in the south

  20. 印度南部的IT中心班加罗尔也因此变成了一座充满活力、欣欣向荣的城市。

    It gives the southern IT hub of Bangalore a boomtown feel .

  21. 印度南部地区的农村工业化及其经济发展特点评述

    Analysis of Rural Industrialization and Economic Development of Southern Area in India

  22. 印度南部农村地区闭角型青光眼的患病率

    Prevalence of angle-closure disease in a rural southern Indian population

  23. 于是,他们把目光转向了印度南部的古典音乐。

    So they turned to classical music from southern India .

  24. 印度南部的圣人都是女性

    All the saints in the south of India are female

  25. 我来自印度南部在孟加拉长大。

    I was a South Indian brought up in Bengal .

  26. 产于印度南部和斯里兰卡的一种身体瘦长的狐猴。

    Slim-bodied lemur of southern India and Sri Lanka .

  27. 我们都知道这是去往印度南部的关卡。

    Also known as the gateway to South india .

  28. 印度南部并未发生针对英语短文的抗议活动。

    In South India , there have been no protests against the English passages .

  29. 如果你在印度南部,那么就不能不品尝一下新鲜的椰子。

    If you 're in the south , don 't leave without trying fresh coconut .

  30. 而干旱过后,印度南部遭遇洪水袭击,使农作物遭到进一步损害。

    The drought was followed by flash floods in southern India , further damaging crops .