
  1. 日历[提供关于公共或民间活动的信息,作为广告宣传品]

    Calendar [ giving information concerning public or private events , as publicity ]

  2. 低层次广告宣传品有成本低廉,编写容易的优点。

    Below-the-line advertising has the advantages of being cheap and very easy to produce .

  3. 展示任何标志、告示、海报、条幅或广告宣传品的许可证

    " Permit to display any sign , notice , poster , banner or advertisement "

  4. 虽然礼品带有标识给人的意外也只是正面的,但需要让收礼人感到他们得到的是一件高质量的礼品,而不是一种免费的广告宣传品。

    Through it 's a positive side effect , the recipient needs to feel they are getting a gift of quality and not just a bit of free advertising .

  5. 本产品适用于各种泡沫的保护和装饰。水性环保泡沫漆被广泛应用于模型飞机、模型轮船、广告宣传品、塑料模具、儿童玩具、工艺品等产品上。

    Application : mainly used in protection and ornament of the foam products like plane models , ship models , advertisement products , plastic models , and children 's playing toys and other art wares .

  6. 提供统一高效的促销广告策略及宣传品。

    Unified and efficient advertising strategy and publicity for promoting .

  7. 酒广告及促销宣传品不应当涉及宗教或宗教话题。

    Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not employ religion or religious themes .

  8. 在校内张贴告示、通知、广告、散发宣传品、印刷品等,应当征得国际交流处同意。

    To get the permission from the International Office for any action of notifying , advertising , pasting the puff and distributing the publications .

  9. 酒广告及促销宣传品不应当含有羞辱男性、女性、或涉及种族、性取向、少数民族、宗教或特殊团体的形象、外形或身份。

    Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not degrade the image , form , or status of women , men , or of any ethnic , sexually-oriented , minority , religious , or other group .