
  1. 1911年,几支探险队为了验证自己的能力出发去南极洲,希望能成为站在南极极点的先锋。

    Testing their abilities , several teams of explorers set out in1911 to be the first men to stand at the South Pole .

  2. 南极四个极点的比较研究

    Comparison and Research on Four Apogees off the South Pole

  3. 但南极也有个极点,我们没有技术支持,走最困难的路线,共计900英里而且负重超过史上任何一位考察队员。

    But there is also a pole at the South Pole , and we got there on foot , unassisted , unsupported , by the hardest route , 900 miles in record time , dragging more weight than anyone in history .