
  • 网络ANTARCTICA PENINSULA;the antarctic peninsula
  1. 用GPS技术监测南极半岛地区形变的结果初步分析

    The result analysis for the deformation monitoring by using GPS technology in Antarctic Peninsula

  2. 南极半岛西部海域沉积物中粘土矿物研究

    Clay minerals in the northwestern sea area of the Antarctic Peninsula

  3. 南极半岛海洋气候区的土壤I.风化作用

    Soils in maritime Antarctic I. weathering processes

  4. 还有一些证据显示,与守护神B冰架隔南极半岛相望的西南极洲大冰原已经停止了后退。

    There is also some evidence that the retreat of the West Antarctic ice sheet , on the other side of the peninsula to the Larsen B shelf , has halted .

  5. 使用南极半岛Orcadas等台站的气温多年观测资料,分析了南极半岛气温和周围海冰以及ENSO的初步联系。

    The Relationship between air temperature at Antarctic Peninsular , Antarctic sea ice oscillation and ENSO is analysed by using the 6 weather stations observation data on Antarctic Peninsular .

  6. 事实上,要是仔细观察南极半岛。

    And actually , if you look at the peninsula up close .

  7. 南极半岛近百年气温的年代际振荡

    Interdecadal Oscillation of Temperature in the Antarctic Peninsula in the Last 100 Years

  8. 大多数游客是从阿根廷南部搭船出发登上的南极半岛。

    Most visitors land at the Antarctic Peninsula on vessels departing from southern Argentina .

  9. 南极半岛地区地震勒夫波群速度与岩石圈结构

    A group velocity of seismic love surface wave and lithosphere structure in Antarctic Peninsula

  10. 南极半岛西北海域表层沉积物中微植物有机质分布特征及其意义

    Palynomorph analysis of the surface sediments off northwest Antarctic Peninsula and its significance in Sedimentology

  11. 南极半岛西部海域表层沉积中有孔虫的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the surface sediment foraminifera from the Western sea area of Antarctic Peninsula

  12. 南极半岛地质特征及其西北边缘的油气资源潜能

    The geological structural characteristics of Antarctic Peninsula and the oil gas potential in its northwestern margin

  13. 亮晶内碎屑砂屑灰岩南极半岛西北部海域表层沉积物碎屑矿物研究

    A study on clastic minerals of surface sediments in the sea area northwest of the Antarctic Peninsula

  14. 南极半岛西北部海区重矿物及其中稀土、微量元素的统计分析

    Mathematical statistics of heavy minerals and their REE and trce elements in the northwestern sea area of Antarctic Peninsula

  15. 南极半岛西部海域沉积粘土的氢、氧同位素组成及其物质来源探讨

    Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of clays on the offshore of the western Antarctic Peninsula and their material source

  16. 过去的五十年间,南极半岛是地球上气温升高最快的地区之一。

    The Antarctic Peninsula has seen some of the fastest temperature rises on Earth in the last five decades .

  17. 西格尼岛位于南极半岛附近,是一片富有野生物种栖息地的冰川大陆。

    Signy Island , off the Antarctic Peninsula , is one of the richest wildlife habitats on the frozen continent .

  18. 美国研究者表示,卫星传回的新数据显示,南极半岛的气候变化带来了显著的影响。

    The impact of climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula is evident in new satellite data , US researchers say .

  19. 南极半岛冰架大面积崩塌,补给冰川加速,冰川出现了跃动;

    Vast areas of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Shelves have collapsed , resulting in the acceleration and surge of tributary glaciers .

  20. 利用通量计算模式,估算了南极半岛海域生物源输入大气的硫通量为0.065gS/m~2·a。

    The sea to air flux of sulfur was calculated as a value f 0.065 gS / m2-a in the Antarctic Peninsula waters .

  21. 但这些风并没有孤立在其路径中间的南极半岛和南极冰盖西部的部分地区。

    But they are not isolating the Antarctic Peninsula and parts of the Western Antarctic ice sheet that lie directly in their path .

  22. 然而西风并未在南极半岛和部分西部南极冰盖造成相同影响。

    However , the westerly winds are not having the same effect on the Antarctic Peninsula and parts of the Western Antarctic ice sheet .

  23. 过去三十年中南极半岛上温度每升高一度就会分裂掉七个主要的冰架

    On the Antarctic Peninsula , a one-degree sea temperature rise has helped to break apart seven major ice shelves in the last 30 years .

  24. 南极半岛海冰减少是太平洋环流速度减慢的原因,德雷克海峡的海冰起重要作用。

    The velocity in Pacific circumfluence becoming slower is caused by sea ice decrease around the South Pole continent and sea ices in Drake Passage play more important role than others .

  25. 在过去五十年里海风的变化使南极半岛的气温上升了近三摄氏度这是地球其他地区平均水平的十倍

    Here , on the Antarctic Peninsula , the changing wind patterns have driven temperatures up by nearly three degrees Centigrade over the last 50 years . Ten times the average rate of the rest of the planet .

  26. 区域性变化差别大,东南极海冰偏多,西南极海冰即南极半岛两侧特别是威德尔海(WeddellSea)区和别林斯高晋海(BellingshausenSea)的冰明显偏少。

    There was a large regional variation difference in the 1990s , more ice in the eastern Antarctica and obviously less ice in the west Antarctica , both sides of the Antarctic Peninsula , especially in Weddell Sea and Bellingshausen Sea .

  27. 每年,剑桥的UKAHT英国团队都在寻找志愿者组建一个4人小队伍,在他们的基地(位于南极半岛的Goudier岛的拉可罗港)工作5个月。

    Each year , the UKAHT 's U.K. team -- based in Cambridge -- searches for committed individuals to make up a small team of four to spend five months at its flagship site , Port Lockroy , situated on Goudier Island in the Antarctic Peninsula .

  28. 南极法尔兹半岛植被土壤CH4通量特征

    Characteristics of CH_ 4 flux from vegetal soils on Fildes peninsula , Antarctica

  29. 南极菲尔德斯半岛植被土壤N2O排放特征

    Characteristics of N_2O Emissions from Vegetal Soils on Fildes Peninsula , Antarctica

  30. 1999年和2000年夏季南极菲尔德斯半岛N2O浓度对比

    Contrast between nitrous oxide concentrations in Antarctic Fildes Peninsula in 1999 and 2000 summers