
  • Single men and women;【电影】Don't Go Breaking My Heart
  1. 该研究报告的主要作者伊莱J芬克尔解释说:网上约会是单身男女相遇的一个极佳的辅助渠道。

    Lead author Eli J Finkel explained : Online dating is a terrific addition for singles to meet .

  2. 记者BellaDePaulo为我们提供了专业的建议:单身男女怎样避免孤独?

    Bella DePaulo ( Author , " Singled Out " ) gives expert video advice on : How can a single person avoid loneliness ?

  3. 作家BellaDePaulo在视频中为我们提供了专业的建议:单身男女怎样度过假期?

    Bella DePaulo ( Author , " Singled Out " ) gives expert video advice on : How can a single person survive the holidays ?

  4. VideoJug为你提出非常宝贵的建议,让你在对于单身男女来说非常苦恼的一天的最后关头得到约会的机会。

    VideoJug shows you the invaluable skill of getting a last minute date for this most dreaded of dates for singletons .

  5. 《月满轩尼诗》讲述的是两个孤独单身男女被双方家庭撮合到一起的故事,由汤唯和张学友(JackyCheung)主演,张学友未出席周日的首映。

    ' Crossing Hennessy ' is the story of a pair of lonely singles - Ms. Tang and Jacky Cheung , a no-show at the premiere - pushed together by their families .

  6. 此项调查计入了5000名单身男女,年龄从21到70多不等。

    The survey included more than 5,000 singles ages 21 to 70-plus .

  7. 曾有2万名单身男女参加了五月举办的婚博会。

    One in May attracted 20000 single men and women .

  8. 一些公共的餐饮场所为单身男女安排约会提供帮助。

    Some public eating and drinking places help plan dates for single people .

  9. 单身男女怎样度过假期?

    How can a single person survive the holidays ?

  10. 单身男女看重未来伴侣的哪些方面呢?

    What do singles seek in their prospective partners ?

  11. 这家速配机构给志同道合的单身男女创造社交的机会。

    The speed dating agency brings like-minded single people together for social events .

  12. 单身男女怎样避免孤独?

    How can a single person avoid loneliness ?

  13. 大部分人认为单身男女很孤独,没有另一半。

    Most people think singles are lonely and that they don 't have anyone .

  14. 独处的空间通常被低估了,而单身男女通常都有独处的空间。

    The place of solitude is greatly undervalued , and single people often have that .

  15. 我认为单身男女在假期可以做自己喜欢的事情。

    I think single people can do what they prefer to do on the holidays .

  16. 感谢收看“单身男女怎样建立充实的社交生活”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching How To Create A Fulfilling Social Life As A Single Person .

  17. 单身男女的社交关系网更加广泛。

    It 's the single people more so than the married people who are creating connections in society .

  18. 目前日本20岁到34岁的单身男女中,有将近一半的人和父母共住。

    Nearly half of Japan 's single men and women between the age of20 and34 live at home .

  19. 该调查是由婚恋网站Match.com进行的,共采访了5199位在美国的单身男女。

    The study of 5199 single men and women in the US was conducted for dating website Match.com .

  20. 这项研究结果是约会网站WhatsYourPrice.com根据4.1万单身男女投票后编写的。

    The results were compiled by the dating website WhatsYourPrice.com , which polled 41000 single men and women .

  21. 到了五月,很多准夫妇开始筹备婚礼,所以那些单身男女们继续情绪低落。

    Also in May , many couple getting married * so those who are still single will feel down .

  22. 在情人节这个重要节日的最后恐慌前,你会发现许多单身男女在网络上寻找约会机会。

    In the final panic before the big day you will find many singletons online scrounging for a date .

  23. 据美联社报道,现如今单身男女并不排除嗅觉吸引力,开始参加一种名为费洛蒙派对的聚会活动。

    Singles who have attended so-called pheromone parties haven 't ruled out the merits of olfactory attraction , AP reported .

  24. 这推翻了单身男女很孤独,很寂寞的陈规。

    It 's exactly the opposite of the stereotype of the single person as isolated , and alone and lonely .

  25. 一份悠长的午餐对于单身男女也是大有裨益,因为他们可以有更充足时间去约会。

    A long lunch also benefits single people , as it frees up time for them to go on a date .

  26. 闪电约会是在1998年由洛杉矶法师发明的,是为了让年轻的犹太单身男女结识。

    Speed dating was invented by a Los Angeles rabbi in 1998 as a way for young Jewish singles to meet .

  27. 现代的单身男女……是否需要现代神话好帮助我们度过偶然而且有时痛苦的恋情?

    Do modern day singles need modern day myths ...... just to help us get through our random and sometimes miserable relationships ?

  28. 因此,有一大批单身男女没有时间去结识新人。

    Consequently , there are a lot of single men and women who don 't have the time to meet new people .

  29. 在注册信息时会要求填写性别,这样一来,组织者便可以对那些成功预订的单身男女进行详细安排。

    while registering , gender should also be marked so the numbers of successfully reserved male and female passengers can be organized .

  30. 据美联社报道,现如今单身男女并不排除嗅觉吸引力,开始参加一种名为“费洛蒙派对”的聚会活动。

    Singles who have attended so-called " pheromone parties " haven 't ruled out the merits of olfactory attraction , AP reported .